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'What Will Win' Games
Lol, you can take down a imperial knight easy if list tailoring, you could even take it down with troops. 5 man Tac squad with melta, combi-melta,melta bombs and drop pod x 3 = Less than cost of a knight. Use right tactics and easily down a knight. Go assault marines and you can 2 melta in per squad and still cost less.

A bike squad with double melta, combi melta and melta bombs is 125, so x 3 is cost of a knight.

Point being that if you are doing it so you can go unbound (which i assume you are) I'd bank on the list tailored side every time if it is a comp built list. Tongue

My broadsides and Riptides look forward to ripping your Harridan open. Tongue
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
(17-03-2015, 10:34 AM)manrogue Wrote: Lol, you can take down a imperial knight easy if list tailoring, you could even take it down with troops. 5 man Tac squad with melta, combi-melta,melta bombs and drop pod x 3 = Less than cost of a knight. Use right tactics and easily down a knight. Go assault marines and you can 2 melta in per squad and still cost less.

A bike squad with double melta, combi melta and melta bombs is 125, so x 3 is cost of a knight.

Point being that if you are doing it so you can go unbound (which i assume you are) I'd bank on the list tailored side every time if it is a comp built list. Tongue

My broadsides and Riptides look forward to ripping your Harridan open. Tongue

That will be a laugh, it's an excuse to get it on the table even if it does get torn apart :-P
40K - Tyranids (4500 Points) & Chaos - The Purge and the Brazen Host (8500 Points)
30K - Death Guard (2000ish Points), Sons of Horus (175 Points because Loken) + World Eaters, soon.
Project Log
"Only a fool takes Khârn for a mindless brute or rabid dog. Under that blood-soaked helm lurks an intelligence and cunning that makes him a masterful killer - trust me when I say that there is a dark purpose in his madness."
I dont have the model for him but would anyone want to run a 1v1 HQ slot against a pimped out 30k praetor

+++ Praetor (210pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (210pts) ++

+ HQ (210pts) +

Legion Praetor (210pts) [Archaeotech Pistol (20pts), Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers (15pts), Iron Halo (25pts), Master of the Legion, Mastercraft a Single Weapon (15pts), Paragon Blade (25pts), Power Dagger (5pts), Venom Spheres (5pts)]
····Rules: Independent Character, Legiones Astartes, Master of the Legion, Murderous Strike, Venom Spheres
········Legion Praetor: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:6|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:3|I:5|A:4|LD:10|Save:2+|HH:LACAL p14
········Digital Lasers: DescriptionTonguerovides +1 Attack in close combat|HH:LACAL p87
········Iron Halo: Description:Confers 4++ Invulnerable Save
········Archaeotech Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:6|AP:3|TypeTongueistol, Master-crafted|HH:LACAL p82
········Paragon Blade: Range:-|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type:Melee, Murderous Strike, Specialist Weapon|HH1: Betrayal p235
········Power Dagger: Range:-|Strength:-1|AP:3|Type:Melee, Specialist Weapon, Rending|HH:LAICL p89

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XX: Alpha Legion]

++ Selection Rules ++

Independent Character
Legiones Astartes: - Units with this special rules may always attempt to regroup regardless of casualties.
- Additional rules conferred by Legiones Astartes (____) (HH:LACAL p80)
Master of the Legion: (HH:LACAL p15)
Murderous Strike: Causes Instant Death on a To Wound roll of 6
Venom Spheres: Replacees Frag grenades. Assault grenade that grants Hammer of Wrath to user. (HH:LAICL p89)

Created with BattleScribe (
(17-03-2015, 12:24 PM)Alpharius Wrote: I dont have the model for him but would anyone want to run a 1v1 HQ slot against a pimped out 30k praetor

+++ Praetor (210pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (210pts) ++

+ HQ (210pts) +

Legion Praetor (210pts) [Archaeotech Pistol (20pts), Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers (15pts), Iron Halo (25pts), Master of the Legion, Mastercraft a Single Weapon (15pts), Paragon Blade (25pts), Power Dagger (5pts), Venom Spheres (5pts)]
····Rules: Independent Character, Legiones Astartes, Master of the Legion, Murderous Strike, Venom Spheres
········Legion Praetor: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:6|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:3|I:5|A:4|LD:10|Save:2+|HH:LACAL p14
········Digital Lasers: DescriptionTonguerovides +1 Attack in close combat|HH:LACAL p87
········Iron Halo: Description:Confers 4++ Invulnerable Save
········Archaeotech Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:6|AP:3|TypeTongueistol, Master-crafted|HH:LACAL p82
········Paragon Blade: Range:-|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type:Melee, Murderous Strike, Specialist Weapon|HH1: Betrayal p235
········Power Dagger: Range:-|Strength:-1|AP:3|Type:Melee, Specialist Weapon, Rending|HH:LAICL p89

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XX: Alpha Legion]

++ Selection Rules ++

Independent Character
Legiones Astartes: - Units with this special rules may always attempt to regroup regardless of casualties.
- Additional rules conferred by Legiones Astartes (____) (HH:LACAL p80)
Master of the Legion: (HH:LACAL p15)
Murderous Strike: Causes Instant Death on a To Wound roll of 6
Venom Spheres: Replacees Frag grenades. Assault grenade that grants Hammer of Wrath to user. (HH:LAICL p89)

Created with BattleScribe (

I'm up for that. Tyranid Dimachaeron @ 200 points? Will add a profile at lunch
40K - Tyranids (4500 Points) & Chaos - The Purge and the Brazen Host (8500 Points)
30K - Death Guard (2000ish Points), Sons of Horus (175 Points because Loken) + World Eaters, soon.
Project Log
"Only a fool takes Khârn for a mindless brute or rabid dog. Under that blood-soaked helm lurks an intelligence and cunning that makes him a masterful killer - trust me when I say that there is a dark purpose in his madness."
(17-03-2015, 12:28 PM)Dedwoods42 Wrote:
(17-03-2015, 12:24 PM)Alpharius Wrote: I dont have the model for him but would anyone want to run a 1v1 HQ slot against a pimped out 30k praetor

+++ Praetor (210pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (210pts) ++

+ HQ (210pts) +

Legion Praetor (210pts) [Archaeotech Pistol (20pts), Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers (15pts), Iron Halo (25pts), Master of the Legion, Mastercraft a Single Weapon (15pts), Paragon Blade (25pts), Power Dagger (5pts), Venom Spheres (5pts)]
····Rules: Independent Character, Legiones Astartes, Master of the Legion, Murderous Strike, Venom Spheres
········Legion Praetor: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:6|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:3|I:5|A:4|LD:10|Save:2+|HH:LACAL p14
········Digital Lasers: DescriptionTonguerovides +1 Attack in close combat|HH:LACAL p87
········Iron Halo: Description:Confers 4++ Invulnerable Save
········Archaeotech Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:6|AP:3|TypeTongueistol, Master-crafted|HH:LACAL p82
········Paragon Blade: Range:-|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type:Melee, Murderous Strike, Specialist Weapon|HH1: Betrayal p235
········Power Dagger: Range:-|Strength:-1|AP:3|Type:Melee, Specialist Weapon, Rending|HH:LAICL p89

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XX: Alpha Legion]

++ Selection Rules ++

Independent Character
Legiones Astartes: - Units with this special rules may always attempt to regroup regardless of casualties.
- Additional rules conferred by Legiones Astartes (____) (HH:LACAL p80)
Master of the Legion: (HH:LACAL p15)
Murderous Strike: Causes Instant Death on a To Wound roll of 6
Venom Spheres: Replacees Frag grenades. Assault grenade that grants Hammer of Wrath to user. (HH:LAICL p89)

Created with BattleScribe (

I'm up for that. Tyranid Dimachaeron @ 200 points? Will add a profile at lunch

If you want to do this tonight i may struggle to get the model assembled and based unless you want to bring a generic chaos lord for me to proxy. Just remebered i only have bits painted silver and nothing actually assembled. Can understand if you dont want to do it. If you do, let me know and i will bring my 30k books. Could always try a timetravelling kharn vs kharn?
I already have a game or two tonight I'm afraid - can do next week though, run a few scenarios?
40K - Tyranids (4500 Points) & Chaos - The Purge and the Brazen Host (8500 Points)
30K - Death Guard (2000ish Points), Sons of Horus (175 Points because Loken) + World Eaters, soon.
Project Log
"Only a fool takes Khârn for a mindless brute or rabid dog. Under that blood-soaked helm lurks an intelligence and cunning that makes him a masterful killer - trust me when I say that there is a dark purpose in his madness."
Here's the profile:

+++ The Dima (200pts) +++

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Unbound Army (Faction)) (200pts) ++

+ No Battle Role (Fast Attack) (200pts) +

Dimachaeron (200pts) [Grasping Talons, Sickle Claws]
····Rules: Digestion Spine, Instinctive Behaviour - Feed, Leaper, Rampage, Spine-maw Strike
········Dimachaeron: Unit Type:Monsterous Creature (Leaper)|WS:8|BS:3|S:6|T:6|W:6|I:6|A:5|Ld:10|Save:3+
········Adrenal Glands: Description:A model with the adrenal glands biomorph has the Fleet and Furious Charge special rules.|Codex: Tyranids p67
········Sickle Strike: Description:On a To Wound roll of 4+ this attack has Instant Death
········Grasping Talons: Range:-|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type:Melee, Spine-maw Strike
········Sickle Claws: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:2|Type:Melee, Sickle Strike
········Thorax Spine-maw: Range:-|Strength:+4|AP:1|Type:Instant Death, Digestion Spine, Melee

++ Selection Rules ++

Digestion Spine: When spine-maw removes a model, the Dimachaeron gains Plasm tokens equal to the number of profile-Wounds from the removed model. At end of each turn, remove one of these tokens.
Having at least one token gives the model a 4+ Feel No Pain.
Instinctive Behaviour - Feed: 1-3 - Cannibalistic Hunger: The unit immediately suffers a number of hits equal to
the number of models in that unit. These hits are resolved using the unit’s majority
Strength (if drawn, use the highest) and AP-. Wounds are allocated by the owning player
and armour saves (but not cover saves) may be taken. After resolving casualties (if any)
the unit can do nothing else until the end of its turn. Units consisting of only a single
model treat this result as Devour (below), instead.

4-5 - Devour: In the Shooting phase, the unit cannot shoot or Run. In the Assault phase,
if the unit is able to declare a charge, it must do so against the closest viable enemy unit.
If the unit cannot declare a charge, it does nothing in the Assault phase.

6 - Kill: This follows all the rules for Devour (above). In addition, the unit gains the Rage
special rule. (Codex: Tyranids p33)
Leaper: May Leap in Movement or Assault.
Move-distance is per unit-type and the model may move over all models and terrain but takes a Dangerous Terrain-test if it begins or ends in Difficult Terrain.

Movement: Move up to 6"
Assault: Gains HoW with +1S and Strikedown-USR.
Spine-maw Strike: If at least one hit rolled a 6, you may make a single Spine-maw attack at Initiative 1.
This attack automatically hits and may only be used to non-Extremely Bulky Infantry-models.

Created with BattleScribe (
40K - Tyranids (4500 Points) & Chaos - The Purge and the Brazen Host (8500 Points)
30K - Death Guard (2000ish Points), Sons of Horus (175 Points because Loken) + World Eaters, soon.
Project Log
"Only a fool takes Khârn for a mindless brute or rabid dog. Under that blood-soaked helm lurks an intelligence and cunning that makes him a masterful killer - trust me when I say that there is a dark purpose in his madness."
(17-03-2015, 02:06 PM)Dedwoods42 Wrote: Here's the profile:

+++ The Dima (200pts) +++

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Unbound Army (Faction)) (200pts) ++

+ No Battle Role (Fast Attack) (200pts) +

Dimachaeron (200pts) [Grasping Talons, Sickle Claws]
····Rules: Digestion Spine, Instinctive Behaviour - Feed, Leaper, Rampage, Spine-maw Strike
········Dimachaeron: Unit Type:Monsterous Creature (Leaper)|WS:8|BS:3|S:6|T:6|W:6|I:6|A:5|Ld:10|Save:3+
········Adrenal Glands: Description:A model with the adrenal glands biomorph has the Fleet and Furious Charge special rules.|Codex: Tyranids p67
········Sickle Strike: Description:On a To Wound roll of 4+ this attack has Instant Death
········Grasping Talons: Range:-|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type:Melee, Spine-maw Strike
········Sickle Claws: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:2|Type:Melee, Sickle Strike
········Thorax Spine-maw: Range:-|Strength:+4|AP:1|Type:Instant Death, Digestion Spine, Melee

++ Selection Rules ++

Digestion Spine: When spine-maw removes a model, the Dimachaeron gains Plasm tokens equal to the number of profile-Wounds from the removed model. At end of each turn, remove one of these tokens.
Having at least one token gives the model a 4+ Feel No Pain.
Instinctive Behaviour - Feed: 1-3 - Cannibalistic Hunger: The unit immediately suffers a number of hits equal to
the number of models in that unit. These hits are resolved using the unit’s majority
Strength (if drawn, use the highest) and AP-. Wounds are allocated by the owning player
and armour saves (but not cover saves) may be taken. After resolving casualties (if any)
the unit can do nothing else until the end of its turn. Units consisting of only a single
model treat this result as Devour (below), instead.

4-5 - Devour: In the Shooting phase, the unit cannot shoot or Run. In the Assault phase,
if the unit is able to declare a charge, it must do so against the closest viable enemy unit.
If the unit cannot declare a charge, it does nothing in the Assault phase.

6 - Kill: This follows all the rules for Devour (above). In addition, the unit gains the Rage
special rule. (Codex: Tyranids p33)
Leaper: May Leap in Movement or Assault.
Move-distance is per unit-type and the model may move over all models and terrain but takes a Dangerous Terrain-test if it begins or ends in Difficult Terrain.

Movement: Move up to 6"
Assault: Gains HoW with +1S and Strikedown-USR.
Spine-maw Strike: If at least one hit rolled a 6, you may make a single Spine-maw attack at Initiative 1.
This attack automatically hits and may only be used to non-Extremely Bulky Infantry-models.

Created with BattleScribe (

Yeah next week would better. ***** thats a nasty bug.
Excellent. I'll get some other scenarios up and maybe get a few people involved.
That she is. My advice? Shoot it. Lots.
40K - Tyranids (4500 Points) & Chaos - The Purge and the Brazen Host (8500 Points)
30K - Death Guard (2000ish Points), Sons of Horus (175 Points because Loken) + World Eaters, soon.
Project Log
"Only a fool takes Khârn for a mindless brute or rabid dog. Under that blood-soaked helm lurks an intelligence and cunning that makes him a masterful killer - trust me when I say that there is a dark purpose in his madness."
(17-03-2015, 03:18 PM)Dedwoods42 Wrote: Excellent. I'll get some other scenarios up and maybe get a few people involved.
That she is. My advice? Shoot it. Lots.

Seein as your bug is so god damn nasty (but doesnt have eternal warrior) i am going to wheel out my master of the forge who, in true Alpha legion style, is dressed as a salamander. Which coincidently means this guy has a 2++ invuln. Mwuhahahahah

+++ Centurion (200pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (200pts) ++

+ HQ (200pts) +

Legion Centurion (200pts) [Artificer Weapons (5pts), Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon (35pts), Combat Augment Array (35pts), Cyber-familiar (15pts), Dragonscale Storm Shield (5pts), Rad Grenades (10pts), Thunderhammer (10pts)]
····Rules: Artificer Weapons, Consul, Independent Character, Legiones Astartes
····Consul (35pts) [Forge Lord (35pts)]
········Rules: Battlesmith
········Forge Lord: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:5|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:5|A:3|LD:9|Save:2+|HH:LACAL p17
········Cataphractii Terminator Armour: Description:Affords a 2+ armour save and 4++ Invulnerable save, Slow and Purposeful, Bulky, may not perform sweeping advance. Models in a unit joined by a model in Cataphractii Terminator Armour do not have the Slow and Purposeful rule conferred on them, contrary to the usual application of the rule, but must remain in coherency with the joined character while they stay with the unit (which may limit their distance moved overall, consolidation moves, etc.)|HH:LACAL p91
········Cyber-familiar: Description:A Cyber-familiar adds +1 to its owners Invulnerable save (to a maximum of 3++) or provides an Invulnerable save of a 6++. In addition they allow the owner to re-roll failed characteristic tests other than Leadership tests and failed Dangerous Terrain tests. |HH:LACAL p89
········Dragonscale Storm Shield: Description:Confers a 5++ invulnerable save or increases existing invulnerable save by +1. May never claim the extra attack for having two close combat weapons. |HH:LAICL p65
········Rad Grenades: DescriptionBig Grinuring a turn in which a unit equipped with Rad Grenades assaults or is assaulted, the enemy unit(s) suffer a -1 penalty to the Toughness until the end of the Assault Phase. This does affect the victim's Instant Death thresholds. |HH:LACAL p84

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XVIII: Salamanders]

++ Selection Rules ++

Artificer Weapons: Character with this upgrade may give a single weapon Master-crafted. (HH:LAICL p65)
Battlesmith: If a Battlesmith is embarked on or in base contact with one or more damaged vehicles during the shooting phase, they may attempt to repair one of them instead of firing a weapon. To attempt, roll a D6. On a result of 5+ the Battlesmith may do one of the following:

- Restore a lost Hull Point
- Repair a Weapon Destroyed result
- Repair an Immobilised result

If a Weapon Destroyed result is repaired, that weapon may be fired in the following shooting phase. The Battlesmith cannot use this ability if he has gone to ground or is falling back. (HH:LACAL p81)
Consul: (HH:LACAL p16)
Independent Character
Legiones Astartes: - Units with this special rules may always attempt to regroup regardless of casualties.
- Additional rules conferred by Legiones Astartes (____) (HH:LACAL p80)

Created with BattleScribe (

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