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Interest in Lord of the Rings Campaign?
Not sure if we will start with 500pt armies yet - but if not you'll be able to field armies of between 300 and 600pts depending on reinforcements. You will have more than one army a side, so depending on moves on the campaign map my guess is you will usually be fighting one or two battles per turn. If there's one battle that campaign turn then split the pts between the two of you. If two battles then you can do the same or fight one battle each, separately - up to you.

Paul - yes, bringing a full list in case your partner can't make it is a good idea. I'd love to see a Mumak on the table. However for the sake of variety I will try and incorporate a limit into how many times it can be fielded - eg maybe people will have to write separate lists for each army and you can't have a Mumak in each one. This is true for the named characters as well - there will be some sort of rules limiting their use so Aragorn doesn't fight in every single battle - maybe limited to one army and don't forget if named characters die they are dead and can't come back.

JJ - The campaign is set in the Third Age, probably just before the goings-on of The Hobbit. You can field Elrond but Gil-galad is dead, slain by the hand of Sauron himself on the slopes of Mount Doom at the end of the Second Age. However, you may use his rules to represent a High Lord of the Elves (whose name you can come up with, Fil-Falad maybe?!), from Rivendell or the Grey Havens etc who is not mentioned by name in Tolkeins books and is accompanying Elrond on his campaign. Alternatively you can use the model as an Elven Captain with a cool looking spear. I think you are the only one taking Elves so a mix of the two is fine.

Stu - Yeah you're right I think Legions of Middle Earth may be a bit outdated. Lets go with those sourcebooks you mentioned. On your other point, that's what you get for taking such an uber-powerful badass, I look forward to drowning him in uruk hai, maybe with a little immobilise on the side Smile
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari

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RE: Interest in Lord of the Rings Campaign? - by jaqenhgar - 22-02-2016, 12:12 AM

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