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Interest in Lord of the Rings Campaign?
Guys just had a thought - anybody got any objections/ ammendments to the following additional rule:

Sustained victories will bring more troops to your banners:
3 victories = +50pts
5 Victories = +100pts
7 Victories = +150 pts
10 Victories = +200pts

As with reinforcements for controlling nodes, these points can be split between your two forces in chunks of 50pts and they are cumulative with the no. of nodes reinforcements. Max force sizes of 750pts.

Also I'm umming and ahhing about fixed defence forces of 500pts for each of the starting regions that can't move but fight if attacked and retreat if they lose. What do you think? Otherwise I can envisage someone winning lots of battles but having very few nodes as someone just chases behind their advance.

Also, I can forsee a few problems with the campaign map and set-up which I won't go into here cos they might not happen so just wanted to let you guys know that I may do a bit of 'GM'ing to keep the campaign flowing (for example, expanding the number of nodes on the map or unlocking some of the characters not yet seen such as gandalf, radagast for the good teams or the balrog, gulavhar the terror of arnor or spectres for the bad guys....).
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari

Messages In This Thread
RE: Interest in Lord of the Rings Campaign? - by jaqenhgar - 16-03-2016, 04:19 PM

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