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Interest in Lord of the Rings Campaign?
A new thought for the campaign. Talking to Chris about the rules last night (Great to see some of the rules last night BTW) In particular about the Mumak possibly having a 2 turn suspension if killed - In theory I have no problem with this. The downer would be that it would only apply to the Mumak. Booooo!! Smile I completely understand why you would impose these rules. IT"S A MUMAK!!!!

However as we found out last night a Cave Troll (not even a beastly troll like Isengard or Mordor) Stomped all over Suladan 3-attacks 3-wounds, Quite a beast of a hero in hero terms, in 1 or 2 turns with power attacks.

My suggestion would be to imposes the 2 turn suspension to all Monsters rather than just the Mumak. (Felbeast, Trolls, Mumak.... etc)
What do you think?

The other option would not to have the 2 game suspension. Maybe just one? There is a reason why the Mumak is 275point basic - because it's killable (I won't out line the reasons here as I don't want to give away it's weaknesses) I would say it would be just as difficult to kill a troll chieftain.

My ultimate point being if it's classed as a monster, infantry, cavalry, hero etc... I think there needs to be rule for the categories/types of model rather than just the one type. Hope this all makes sense! Let me know your thoughts Smile
LOTR/Hobbit SBG: Rohan, Minas Tirith, Numenor, Mordor, Moria & Angmar, Isengard, Harad & Umbar, Eregion & Rivendel, Durins Folk, Fellowship, White Council

Messages In This Thread
RE: Interest in Lord of the Rings Campaign? - by Rob Lainchbury - 09-03-2016, 04:27 PM

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