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Interest in Lord of the Rings Campaign?
Hi Chris,

Just an idea on army building, and possible ways to limit 'appearances' etc. And enable/add variety.

The game revolves around Warbands - defined as a Hero or Captain and upto 12 followers.

With this in mind, maybe we could build a set of Warbands each rather than an army as such.

They are going to have different point values, as Stu says Aragorn is 260 points, so he and 12 followers will be a 'Strong' Warband, compared to say an Easterling Captain and 12 men total of around 134 points the lot.

I don't know how we will move around on the map, but maybe smaller point bands can move more quickly (more hexes) than big point bands, or more than one small band can occupy a hex, but only one big-point band can, or max 1 big + 1 small, etc.

Imagine an expensive Mumak/Aragorn warband can only move slowly (for whatever reason), so in 10 turns can maybe only cover enough of the map for one or two battles.

While small-point warbands can cover ground more easily and fight/reinforce 5-6 battles.

This also poses chance for small bands ganging together v a big one, and maybe it doesn't matter if sides have different point totals. You can see on the map what's moving where...

Though maybe all you see is a flag, until its been scouted/engaged by one of your small-point bands, then you know whether to run or fight...

As I say just thinking out loud and throwing you some ideas while you think it all through...Cool
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RE: Interest in Lord of the Rings Campaign? - by Agincourt - 23-02-2016, 03:22 PM

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