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Out with the Nids and in with this insane list!
And the "meta" continues..I think I'm going to just stick with a metric f**k-ton of melta in my armies and take the bare minimum of flamers. I don't care about anything else but taking down 2 wound terminators and AV13 / 14 vehicles with my infantry special weapons I've decided. There appears to be a bigger and bigger prevalence of "rock" armies out there and taking balanced lists is becoming harder and harder in my opinion since you simply don't have the tools to reliably take the rock down.

Facing rock armies with no-scatter DS on turn 1 is almost certainly giving up First Blood and this is so important that people are designing their armies round that single concept (Not blaming those doing it, it's the game that almost forces you to do it right now)

Matts army might be a different faction but it's built around the same concept, drop a unit that's pretty unkillable anywhere in your opponents backfield, kill something and then play for the extra VP you get in tight games. If your opponents army isn't designed to dish out a massive amount of shooting in turn 1 then your rock unit survives and you go again wiping another unit out...6th Edition is turning into a disaster for both my army choice and also my personal playstyle it would appear. I guess it's adapt or die but I personally don't see much in the way of tactical acumen where the game revolves around DS'ing 700 points of stuff in with no scatter and just butchering anything that's at point blank range.
40k: Bloodimps (Custom Blood Angels chapter )

"Cake for the cake god!"
Hey listen I can take the criticism of this army but actually my Nids couldnt have been more different.

Deploy two tervigons and hide until turn 2 and then unleash hell.

Now I unleash hell turn 1 - see, a huge difference!Blush

Anyway I cant agree with your sentiments, apart from the bit about first blood - I think any competition gamer must accept that first blood is important now, but I think you CAN adapt your gaming style to 6th.

What [undefined=undefined]is[/undefined] your gaming style? Start a new topic and we will help you with a few suggestions. This forum is great (as is the club by the way) - its like a gamers anonymous group!

'Lets talk through those issues and come up with some solutions' (on how to crush your foe - OK the analogy only works so far!)
It's not a criticism mate, I think for 6th it's a great army and excellently conceived and is going to be very difficult to beat, and it's not just your army or faction here that's following the trend (hence I'm not having a pop at you, more about the way 6th is going). Seen the chaos demon army that's apparently taking on all comers? Same thing, drop more 2 wound eternal warrior flamers with AP3 than you can shake a stick at and away you go...
40k: Bloodimps (Custom Blood Angels chapter )

"Cake for the cake god!"
You missed the emphasis of my message above - wasnt taking it as a criticism. merely that the trick is to find an army that works in 6th AND meets your style. Sure you will need to make some sacrifices perhaps - but there is an army out there.

Dont sell out your gaming style - establish what it is then pick an army that suites both it AND 6th.
Seems fair, and im not sure a mass block of turn one Deep strikers does work in every situation. with a lot of armies its easy to bubble wrap your key units or tank wrap them. i do think a balanced army works best. a mix of Deep strikers that can be backd up with ranged fire along with objective grabbers will work best (IMO) but you need to work out what each unit needs to do and try not to forget that when the opening shots are fired (and this is where i struggle).

for my Dark angels i've found that deep striking one unit is a waste of that unit, part of that is because you can only have 5 terminators (bring on the new 10 man in the new codex) its better to drop them in an advanced position rather than behind the lines so that they're not isolated. or drop virtually everything so that they can support.
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Yeah I agree about dropping 1 unit of termies - they are then dead. I have had good times dropping two units together though, supported by the third later on. Sorry this is a bit off topic.

Regarding playstyle, the most fun games I have are ones where i am playing my playstyle - a mix of durability, speed and aggressiveness - ie dualwing Smile. I find playing gunline armies boring (playing against them is fine, just I don't want to play them myself), the more movement that I get to do the better, and I prefer assault to shooting. The latter has been a bit of an issue this edition due to shooty armies becoming even more powerful, but nothing beats the crunch of assault!

I agree you shouldn't abandon your playstyle as you will find it less fun, I guess try and think of ways to adapt it.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
"Seems fair, and im not sure a mass block of turn one Deep strikers does work in every situation. with a lot of armies its easy to bubble wrap your key units or tank wrap them."
If the purpose is to DS to get 1st blood (and it surely is?) then it doesn't matter what you kill, as long as you kill something...
40k: Bloodimps (Custom Blood Angels chapter )

"Cake for the cake god!"
very true
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Hey you lot - I still have 60pts to spend on the contents of that Razorback!

I understand the power armour thoughts but 4 just doesnt seem great, especially at BS3. For the same I can get 4 x meltas (BS3 again) of that psyker squad, or just keep it cheap and put a T/L assault cannon St7 on the razor.
It depends on what you want from the Razorback, if you're planning on hiding it and not really pushing into MF with it, I'd grab cheep Acolytes or you could go with a Rhino, stick coteaz in there and go for MM Servitors and as many Acolytes you can (swap out Coteaz's codex powers for Prescience and 1 more random power), this will keep the Rhino pretty safe as it doesn't have to move up that much and will pack quite a punch with 2 4+ to hit with a re-roll multimeltas, or you could just go for 6 Acolytes (24pts) leaving 36pts for Landraider/Paladin upgrades.


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