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New Rulse set

I am a new member and primarily a figure gamer, but am also part of a veteran RPG group. We have designed our own rules set and plan to put them on line for sharing, but want to play test them with new groups. I would rather not run RPG on a club night but if anyone was willing and interested in forming a ginuea-pig group for a play test at a different time, I would be very grateful. Coffee and buscuits provided!

Please PM me or reply here if interested



PS - The rules can be used for any time period/genre etc and are primarily player led.
Note how I cant even spell rules - sorry about that!
Sounds good, I dont have the time to join another rpg group at the moment I'm afraid but I'll happily look over your system if you want an opinion.
No you are right I dont need any more models......but it's so shiney

40K & WFB - Chaos daemons, BFG - Imperial, Warmachine - Cygnar,Retribution and Skorne. Blood Bowl - Chaos,dwarves,humans.
Ok so would anyone be interested in play testing these rules for us? The writers have 100 years gaming experience between them and I think they are pretty good. I can run any setting, any genre. I just need the players? I can do it at the club or on a different night?
I would be happy to give them a go, either on a club night or at another time.
Cheers. Any more takers?[/font]
Matt I would try them, but I have a grand total of Zero RP experience. As such feedback would be very limited, as I have no comparison point. Up to you guys is a n00b is of use to you.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Sure that's cool, but two or three more would be good. Any more?
No more interest then?

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