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CheZZoR's Caledonian list
So with caledonian revolution over I am now looking to my next army lists. Although I think the ravenwing list did reasonably well despite my final placing I felt like it needed a bit more punch..

With that in mind, this is a variation of a list I've wanted to try for ages..

+++ Da/sw (1843pts) +++

++ Dark Angels: Codex (2015) (Combined Arms Detachment) (525pts) ++

+ HQ (200pts) +

Sammael (200pts) [Corvex (Jetbike)]
········Sammael on Corvex: Unit Type:Unique, Jetbike (Character)|WS:6|BS:5|S:4|T:5|W:3|I:5|A:3|Ld:10|Save:3+/4++
········Iron Halo: Description:Confers a 4++
········Teleport Homer: Description:Friendly Terminators do not scatter when placed within 6", model must have started the turn on the board
········Bolt Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:4|AP:5|TypeTongueistol
········Frag Grenades: Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, Blast, Don't suffer Initiative penalty for charging through cover
········Krak Grenades: Range:8" (thrown)/-(Melee)|Strength:6|AP:4|Type:Assault 1(Thrown)/Only on Vehicles and MCs (Melee)
········Plasma Cannon: Range:36"|Strength:7|AP:2|Type:Heavy 1, Blast, Gets Hot
········Raven Sword: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:2|Type:Melee, Master Crafted
········Storm Bolter: Range:24"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Assault 2

+ Troops (110pts) +

Scout Squad (55pts) [4x Boltguns, 4x Scouts (44pts)]
····Scout Sergeant (11pts) [Boltgun, Chainsword]
········Scout: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:4+
········Scout Sergeant: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:4+
········Bolt Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:4|AP:5|TypeTongueistol
········Boltgun: Range:24"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Rapid Fire
········Chainsword: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:-|Type:Melee
········Frag Grenades: Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, Blast, Don't suffer Initiative penalty for charging through cover
········Krak Grenades: Range:8" (thrown)/-(Melee)|Strength:6|AP:4|Type:Assault 1(Thrown)/Only on Vehicles and MCs (Melee)

Scout Squad (55pts) [4x Boltguns, 4x Scouts (44pts)]
····Scout Sergeant (11pts) [Boltgun, Chainsword]
········Scout: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:4+
········Scout Sergeant: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:1|Ld:8|Save:4+
········Bolt Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:4|AP:5|TypeTongueistol
········Boltgun: Range:24"|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Rapid Fire
········Chainsword: Range:-|Strength:User|AP:-|Type:Melee
········Frag Grenades: Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, Blast, Don't suffer Initiative penalty for charging through cover
········Krak Grenades: Range:8" (thrown)/-(Melee)|Strength:6|AP:4|Type:Assault 1(Thrown)/Only on Vehicles and MCs (Melee)

+ Lord of War (215pts) +

Azrael (215pts)
········Azrael: Unit Type:Unique Infantry (Character)|WS:6|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:4|I:5|A:4|Ld:10|Save:2+/4++
········Lion Helm: Description:4++ to Azrael and his unit and/or vehicle he is embarked upon.
········Bolt Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:4|AP:5|TypeTongueistol
········Combi-Plasma: Range:24"|Strength:4 (Bolter)/ 7 (Plasma)|AP:5 (Bolter)/ 2 (Plasma)|Type:Rapid Fire (Both) / Gets Hot, One Shot (Plasma)
········Frag Grenades: Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, Blast, Don't suffer Initiative penalty for charging through cover
········Krak Grenades: Range:8" (thrown)/-(Melee)|Strength:6|AP:4|Type:Assault 1(Thrown)/Only on Vehicles and MCs (Melee)
········Sword of Secrets: Range:-|Strength:+2|AP:3|Type:Melee, Master Crafted

++ Space Wolves: Codex (2014) (SW Company of the Great Wolf Detachment) (775pts) ++

+ HQ (340pts) +

Rune Priest (100pts) [Jump Pack (15pts), Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25pts), Rune Axe]
····Power Armour [Bolt Pistol]
········Rune Priest (Jump Pack): Unit Type:Jump Infantry (Character)|WS:5|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:4|A:2|Ld:10|Save:3+
········Jump Pack: Description:Models so equipped are Jump Infantry.
········Power Armour: Description:3+ Armour Sv
········Bolt Pistol: Range:12|Strength:4|AP:5|TypeTongueistol
········Grenades (Frag): Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, 3" Blast
········Grenades (Krak): Range:8"|Strength:6|AP:4|Type:Assault 1
········Runic Axe: Range:-|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type:Melee, Force, Unwieldy, Ward

Rune Priest (100pts) [Jump Pack (15pts), Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25pts), Rune Axe]
····Power Armour [Bolt Pistol]
········Rune Priest (Jump Pack): Unit Type:Jump Infantry (Character)|WS:5|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:4|A:2|Ld:10|Save:3+
········Jump Pack: Description:Models so equipped are Jump Infantry.
········Power Armour: Description:3+ Armour Sv
········Bolt Pistol: Range:12|Strength:4|AP:5|TypeTongueistol
········Grenades (Frag): Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, 3" Blast
········Grenades (Krak): Range:8"|Strength:6|AP:4|Type:Assault 1
········Runic Axe: Range:-|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type:Melee, Force, Unwieldy, Ward

Wolf Guard Battle Leader (140pts) [Thunderwolf (50pts)]
····Power Armour (40pts) [Power Fist (25pts), Storm Shield (15pts)]
········Battle Leader (Thunderwolf): Unit Type:Cavalry (Character)|WS:5|BS:5|S:5|T:5|W:3|I:5|A:4|Ld:9|Save:3+
········Power Armour: Description:3+ Armour Sv
········Storm Shield: Description:Energy field generator. 3+ Invul Sv. Cannot claim +1 A for having two close combat weapons in Assault.
········Thunderwolf Mount: Description:Unit type Cavalry, +1S, +1T, +1A, Rending in close combat. (Bonuses are already included in stats of models that have a Thunderwolf mount as part of their standard wargear)
········Grenades (Frag): Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, 3" Blast
········Grenades (Krak): Range:8"|Strength:6|AP:4|Type:Assault 1
········Power Fist: Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:2|Type:Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy

+ Elites (435pts) +

Iron Priest (old) (135pts) [Bolter, 2x Cyberwolf (30pts), Thunderwolf (50pts)]
········Cyberwolf: Unit Type:Beast (Character)|WS:4|BS:0|S:4|T:5|W:1|I:4|A:3|Ld:6|Save:4+
········Iron Priest old (Thunderwolf): Unit Type:Cavalry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:5|T:5|W:2|I:4|A:3|Ld:8|Save:2+/6++
········Runic Armour: Description:2+ Armour Sv, 6+ Invul Sv
········Thunderwolf Mount: Description:Unit type Cavalry, +1S, +1T, +1A, Rending in close combat. (Bonuses are already included in stats of models that have a Thunderwolf mount as part of their standard wargear)
········Bolter: Range:24|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Rapid Fire
········Grenades (Frag): Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, 3" Blast
········Grenades (Krak): Range:8"|Strength:6|AP:4|Type:Assault 1
········Servo-arm: Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:1|Type:Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy
········Thunder Hammer: Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:2|Type:Melee, Concussive, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy

Iron Priest (old) (150pts) [Bolter, 3x Cyberwolf (45pts), Thunderwolf (50pts)]
········Cyberwolf: Unit Type:Beast (Character)|WS:4|BS:0|S:4|T:5|W:1|I:4|A:3|Ld:6|Save:4+
········Iron Priest old (Thunderwolf): Unit Type:Cavalry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:5|T:5|W:2|I:4|A:3|Ld:8|Save:2+/6++
········Runic Armour: Description:2+ Armour Sv, 6+ Invul Sv
········Thunderwolf Mount: Description:Unit type Cavalry, +1S, +1T, +1A, Rending in close combat. (Bonuses are already included in stats of models that have a Thunderwolf mount as part of their standard wargear)
········Bolter: Range:24|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Rapid Fire
········Grenades (Frag): Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, 3" Blast
········Grenades (Krak): Range:8"|Strength:6|AP:4|Type:Assault 1
········Servo-arm: Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:1|Type:Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy
········Thunder Hammer: Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:2|Type:Melee, Concussive, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy

Iron Priest (old) (150pts) [Bolter, 3x Cyberwolf (45pts), Thunderwolf (50pts)]
········Cyberwolf: Unit Type:Beast (Character)|WS:4|BS:0|S:4|T:5|W:1|I:4|A:3|Ld:6|Save:4+
········Iron Priest old (Thunderwolf): Unit Type:Cavalry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:5|T:5|W:2|I:4|A:3|Ld:8|Save:2+/6++
········Runic Armour: Description:2+ Armour Sv, 6+ Invul Sv
········Thunderwolf Mount: Description:Unit type Cavalry, +1S, +1T, +1A, Rending in close combat. (Bonuses are already included in stats of models that have a Thunderwolf mount as part of their standard wargear)
········Bolter: Range:24|Strength:4|AP:5|Type:Rapid Fire
········Grenades (Frag): Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, 3" Blast
········Grenades (Krak): Range:8"|Strength:6|AP:4|Type:Assault 1
········Servo-arm: Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:1|Type:Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy
········Thunder Hammer: Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:2|Type:Melee, Concussive, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy

++ Space Wolves: Codex (2014) (Formation Detachment) (168pts) ++

+ Formation (168pts) +

Wolfkin (168pts)
····Fenrisian Wolves (56pts) [7x Fenrisian Wolf (56pts)]
····Fenrisian Wolves (56pts) [7x Fenrisian Wolf (56pts)]
····Fenrisian Wolves (56pts) [7x Fenrisian Wolf (56pts)]
········Fenrisian Wolf: Unit Type:Beast|WS:4|BS:0|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:2|Ld:5|Save:6+

++ Space Marines: Codex (2015) (Formation Detachment) (375pts) ++

+ (No Category) +

Chapter Tactics [Ultramarines]

+ Formation (375pts) +

'Librarius Conclave * (375pts) [Chief Librarian Tigurius (165pts)]
····Librarian (105pts) [Mastery Level 2 (25pts)]
········Power Armour (15pts) [Bolt Pistol, Force Axe, Jump Pack (15pts)]
····Librarian (105pts) [Mastery Level 2 (25pts)]
········Power Armour (15pts) [Bolt Pistol, Force Axe, Jump Pack (15pts)]
········Chief Librarian Tigurius: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:5|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:3|I:4|A:2|Ld:10|Save:3+
········Librarian: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:5|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:4|A:2|Ld:10|Save:3+
········Hood of Hellfire: Description:The Hood of Hellfire is a psychic hood. Furthermore, it enables Tigurius to re-roll failed Psychic tests.
········Jump Pack *: Description:Follows the rules for Jump Infantry in Warhammer 40,00: The Rules page 65
········Psychic Hood: Description:Each Time a unit (or model) is targeted by an enemy psychic power and is within 12" of a frieldly model with a psychic hood, the wearer may attempt to deny the witch as if he were in the unit. If the Deny The Witch attempt is failed, the psychic power is resolved as normal, but effects only the initial target, not the wearer of the hood. If a model with a psychic hood is embarked in a vehicle or building, he can only use the hood to nullify powers targeting the vehicle or building he is embarked within.
········Bolt Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:4|AP:5|TypeTongueistol
········Force Axe: Range:-|Strength:+1|AP:2|Type:Melee, Unwieldy, Force
········Frag Grenades: Range:8"|Strength:3|AP:-|Type:Assault 1, Blast, Don't suffer Initiative penalty for charging through difficult terrain
········Krak Grenades: Range:8" (thrown) / - (Melee)|Strength:6|AP:4|Type:Assault 1 (Thrown) / Only on Vehicles, gun emplacements or Monstrous Creatures (Melee)
········Rod of Tigurius: Range:-|Strength:+2|AP:4|Type:Melee, Concussive, Force, Master-crafted, Soul Blaze

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