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Super heavies or super lame? - Printable Version

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RE: Super heavies or super lame? - manrogue - 27-08-2015

Video is worked blocked so can't comment on it, but i think a lot of the hang up on S-D is with regards to how it was in 6th.

On a 2+ you did remove most models without any save allowed, ignoring eternal warrior etc. Which obviously made it dreaded by everyone, especially deathstars.

7th toned it down so that only happens on a 6 now, making it far easier to play against. And there are normal codex units that are getting the D now as well. I fully expect the Tau codex to add D to rail weapons in some capacity, whether through a formation or just adjusting the current Rail strengths from S6/8/10 to S7/9/D.

RE: Super heavies or super lame? - Sonofthelion - 29-08-2015

Manrogue drop pods sound ace. Orange the only thing stopping my battle company transport spam is monies atm. I started my da this year and don't really have the heart to repaint my wolves as they were a massive part of my childhood. I think my main problem playing at home is I have no Terrain as of yet. So I'll be glad when I come off holiday and can attend the club. Need to start a melta command squad build.the plas gun command squad is built thanks to Worcester wargames for 50p a model with an apoth saved me buying a new command squad.