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Super heavies or super lame? - Printable Version

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RE: Super heavies or super lame? - aprilmanha - 25-08-2015

(25-08-2015, 09:55 PM)Embolden Wrote: LoW and super heavies are part of the game now, people better get used to them.

Imperial Knights are tough, Wraithknights are tougher and they are becoming more and more popular with more Imperial Knight variants, last I heard, Tau rumoured to get one of as well.

LoW are here to stay.

Tongue why do you think I started trying to play all the other wargames Big Grin
I saw the new Tau Titan, it looks like a slightly riptide but the put 3 Ion cannons on each arm and 3 twin linked Heavy rail cannons on its back.

It looks like someone gave their 4 year old a stack of parts and some super glue Big Grin
3-5 times more guns does not equal 3-5 times better looking Big Grin

Plus if I stick to the 6th Ed Eldar codex my Wraithknight is still fun to use on the table Smile, its tough but rarely game changing.

RE: Super heavies or super lame? - Embolden - 25-08-2015

(25-08-2015, 10:10 PM)aprilmanha Wrote: Plus if I stick to the 6th Ed Eldar codex my Wraithknight is still fun to use on the table Smile, its tough but rarely game changing.

People moaned about them all the time back then... angel:

RE: Super heavies or super lame? - manrogue - 25-08-2015

Unless i'm mistaken as dropped out at start of 3rd and came back for couple of years of 5th, but haven't there always been lists like that in 40K?
Leafblower guard(mech guard) was all the rage when i started back up in 5th, anyone remember Draigowing? Certain lists/armies have always had there time in the sun. I'm sure i remember 2nd edition Eldar and Space wolfs were much better than other armies.
Every edition has had a list dominate it for periods of time.
Its just more apparent now more than ever as people net list and 40k blogs go on about the next killer unbeatable list.
Knights aren't even that bad a LoW, i'd field a Lynx over one any day.

RE: Super heavies or super lame? - Embolden - 25-08-2015

Its all about the Warp Hunters lol!! Barrage D! on a Serpent platform for 140pts! Gotta love Forgeworld Big Grin

Talking of FW, I remember Sabre Defence Platforms where considered OP.. haha Autocannon what?

I remember Draigowing! It was MSU Grey Knights that was the top tier army of the day, Guard Blobs, Farsight Bombs, Beastpacks, then Cent Bombs, Seer Councils, I think every codex has a had a Deathstar of some kind :p

RE: Super heavies or super lame? - manrogue - 25-08-2015

(25-08-2015, 10:10 PM)aprilmanha Wrote: Tongue why do you think I started trying to play all the other wargames Big Grin
I saw the new Tau Titan, it looks like a slightly riptide but the put 3 Ion cannons on each arm and 3 twin linked Heavy rail cannons on its back.

It looks like someone gave their 4 year old a stack of parts and some super glue Big Grin
3-5 times more guns does not equal 3-5 times better looking Big Grin

Plus if I stick to the 6th Ed Eldar codex my Wraithknight is still fun to use on the table Smile, its tough but rarely game changing.

I like it to be honest, they have used the destroid monster from Macross for inspiration i think-
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTcdTgQ_ai44aa83zpCUDz...X3RhHMC_NC]
But i'm a big mecha fanboy lol :p

But 6th edition Wraithknights i'd have to disagree on, poeple moaned about my riptides and they are easily better in my opinion.....
S10 Ap2 cannons with ID on 6's and beasts in hand to hand. Rob's brought many a tear to my eye! lol

RE: Super heavies or super lame? - aprilmanha - 26-08-2015

(25-08-2015, 10:37 PM)manrogue Wrote: I like it to be honest, they have used the destroid monster from Macross for inspiration i think-
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTcdTgQ_ai44aa83zpCUDz...X3RhHMC_NC]
But i'm a big mecha fanboy lol :p

But 6th edition Wraithknights i'd have to disagree on, poeple moaned about my riptides and they are easily better in my opinion.....
S10 Ap2 cannons with ID on 6's and beasts in hand to hand. Rob's brought many a tear to my eye! lol

Yup, it looks like that but with riptide legs and larger tau guns.

For the Wraithknight, I've had it killed in combat by a Chaos marine Tongue though it did once manage to kill most of a Space wolf squad and their commander. wrecked by a pair of wolf claws though Tongue
5 attacks with reroll hits and wounds Tongue it had to get enough 6's to wound eventually Big Grin

RE: Super heavies or super lame? - Embolden - 26-08-2015

Str4 vs t8 you cannot wound ???

RE: Super heavies or super lame? - aprilmanha - 26-08-2015

(26-08-2015, 02:39 PM)Embolden Wrote: Str4 vs t8 you cannot wound ???

I think his wolves were Str5 maybe?
Didn't pay much attention to the stats Tongue I was more worried about my wraithlords getting wrecked by his Venerable Dreadnoughts! Big Grin

RE: Super heavies or super lame? - Agent0range - 26-08-2015

I feel this video is relevant to the discussion........

Some good advice here when facing very strong lists. Minimise your losses, play the mission and aim for a tie. I feel like the biggest beef most people have with LOW is probably around StrD, in that it creates a feel bad experience by not having any two way interaction in the fight. The player with a lot of D essentially just rolls dice and you remove stuff from the table. There isn't much interaction/fun there to be had when you're on the receiving end, unlike a hard fought CC melee where both sides get bloodied, and there's challenges and what not going on. You're literally just boxing your stuff up again without being able to do anything. However, Rob is right in that LOW are clearly here to stay, so those that don't use them have to adapt their mindset and prepare as much as they can.

And not all LoW are created equal....look at poor old Gabriel Seth with his eviscerator. Hardly a bad mamma jamma Sad

RE: Super heavies or super lame? - aprilmanha - 26-08-2015

(26-08-2015, 09:52 PM)Agent0range Wrote: Some good advice here when facing very strong lists. Minimise your losses, play the mission and aim for a tie.

I dunno, I've played a couple of games where I do nothing but go for objectives by running away, never attacking, and blocking LOS at every turn, and it seemed a bit pointless Tongue