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ya that model looks cool and if you take the doors off add a little bit more to back looks proper warhog like
Started to have a little play around with my warthog, should be quite easy to "40k" it up, just got find the appropriate bits off the relevant sites now.
Think i will fix it to a base as well as the wheels are loose and tend to wobble.
Just got to wait for my corporation troops to turn up in march and should be able to make a bit of progress.
Also found two old leman russ and a Chimera in loft that may be able to salvage.
I have got an actual warthog of a similar scale, that i plan to use as that model. Wink
Its just converting the back so i have an imp guard guy there instead of a spartan and same with driver, then changing the chain gun to a heavy flamer or multi laser.
Saw it when i was looking at IG stuff, think i might get some Elysian Drop Troopers to use as my hardened veterans. The armour looks a bit heavier, and they look more like specialist troops, which is how i wanted them to look, so they stand out from the rest of my infantry i'll almost always be sticking them in a valkyrie, so it's only fair they look the part Tongue
Waiting for This to be released, as want a couple of those for my army as well.
Very nice models and adds a bit of Halo style flavouring to the army.
The elysian stuff does look very nice, save pennies and get when we do warhammer world!
Been having a little play around and think my tank heavy imp guard list(2000 pts) may look a little like this-
Command squad w/ +1 vet, Mortar, 2xsniper, camo, master of ordance= 225
Enginseer + 3 serv= 90

6xratlings= 60

Command w/ vox, mortar= 40
Infantry squad w/ auto,Snip= 65
infantry squad w/ melta = 60
Veteran w/ 3xmelta + chimera = 155

troop 2
Command w/ vox, mortar= 40
Infantry squad w/ auto,Snip= 65
infantry squad w/ melta = 60
Veteran w/ 3xmelta + chimera = 155

Valkyrie W/ heavy bolt sponsons = 110
Banewolf =130
Tauros w/ heavy flamer(aka warthog)= 40
Tauros w/ multi laser(aka warthog)= 60

Heavy(ie the fun stuff)
Leman russ w/las, heavy bolter sponsons = 185
Exectutioner w/heavy bolter sponson = 210
2x basilisk = 250

Total = 2000
May not be massively competive, but think it would be fun to play!
Looks good enough, my list wasn't really tailored to fight anything specific really, just threw alot of things in as place holders really. For example, vs Spehss Mahreens i'd swap out the Leman Russ for an executioner variant, with extra plasmary goodness, along with a collossus siege mortar. Str 6 AP 3 large blasts, with no cover saves allowed.....lovely ^^
Same with the Banewolf, Ap 3 and no cover saves and poisons(2+to wound)! Would be a nice surprise for anyone not familar with them!
Only problem with imp guard is gonna cost me boat loads to buy all the bits i want!
Plus side is have 3 leman russ variants(4 with one i won on ebay off Rob) + basilisk to start with(hopefully more bits when i go through loft)
Think i'm gonna have good look through loft and sell alot of my old stuff off on ebay, or see if can sell on here.
Have so much lying around that will probably never use (fantasy orcs and goblins, lizardmen 40k eldar, tyranids plus lots of other bits)
Think 2 of these will probably do for all my troops, giving them a distictiveness-
then just get some command bits and mortars of ebay.
Thought i would look into getting some Griffons for my 40k army, didn't realise GW don't do thm anymore and you have to buy from forge world(at £41!).
May have to convert some i think!
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