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Battle Companies Campaign - Rosters and Results
Zog's battle company results (week 2)

Game 1
Vs Russel and his gondorans

Mash 'Ere boss you sure we'd going the right way we've been wondering around this place for ages and not sin no-one"
Zog"Shuddup maggot, you smell that. Man flesh!"

So I was a bit out influenced in this game something like 50 influence behind! Not concerned Zog and his gang marched straight up the middle. It was find the relic so Russel had a bit of an advantage with a horse. However it was to be his archers that did most of the damage killing 3 orcs in short succssion the rider killing another two leaving just urg hiding behind a hill waiting for all the nasty men to go away.

Result: Loss

Unfortunately the arrow to Gnarg turned out to be fatal. However Zog appeared to be blessed by the dark lord gaining an extra fate!
I rolled on the influence table and gained a Beserker! I also bought the Beserker a two handed weapon.

Game 2
Vs luke and his durins folk

Zog"Okay boys that didn' go so well. Where's Gnarg?"
Mash"He wernt breathin' boss so we left im"
Sprig"Ere boss the new guy says he saw some dwarves before e met up with us"
Urag"Dwarves have always got good beer with them i ent had a drink in ages! Lets get em"

Once again out influenced, this time by 75 points!
We played kill the messenger. I chose urg to be my messager, as Mash was recovering from an injury sustained last game and it would be pretty silly to give the message to my Beserker.
Things started out pretty well. With a couple of dwarves falling beneath the swords of the orcs(burnt all my rerolls early). However the numbers of the dwarves warband started to show later in the game and many orcs where felled. Leaving just urg running away at the end (again)

Result: Draw

Only the Beserker had any lasting injury having to miss a game. I rolled on the influence table twice gaining a fell warg (growl) and a new gundabad with sword and sheild(Flib)

Game 3
Vs JJ and his elves

Zog "Well done Urg you got the message through. What reinforcements did we get ?"

Urg "We got Fib here. I also found this warg I can we keep him boss?"
Growl "Growl, elf blood, this way"
Zog "Seems the warg knows where to go. Let's off boyz"

So this was an even battle. Yay
JJ had to rescue one of his heroes so we played that scenario.
I decided I didn't care about winning and just wanted to kill some elves Smile this worked out well losing just two orcs (both sergents) and killing many elves. Game was a loss but pretty close came down to loosing a combat and being pushed away from  the middle.


Both sergeants ended up with leg wounds Sad
I decided to save my influence.
Zog earned Bane of Kings. Which just sounds cool.

Game 4
Vs Hectors iron hills mob

Zog "that bleeding pointy eared might have got away but we have them elves a pretty good kicking. Well done boyz"
Growl "Growl, Dwarf, blood, this way"
Zog "you got a good nose Growl. Boyz follow the warg"
Mash "Do we have to boss I'm tired"

This time I was out influenced by 15ish points
I decided on the same orcy tactic as last time. Lol all the dwarves. Worry about the objective if I want to later. I got lucky with the deployment rolls and was able to isolate and kill four dwarves pretty quickly at the beginning of the game. It was then a race to the middle as the dwarves where broken the game might end any turn. The game ended one turn too early and victory went the dwarves. With only one orc lost and many dwarves slain it felt like a good loss though.

Result: Loss

Unforutaly Urag was left behind. So now I need to go and rescue him.
Both Urag and Sprig got an experience roll. Sprig got +1wnd and Sprig (if he survives the next game) got +1 might.
Having a need to rescue a hero next time I blew all my influnce on rolls. Getting another warg (sniff) and a fell bat (bruce)

Thanks for the games everyone was great fun. Looking forward to the next one!

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RE: Battle Companies Campaign - Rosters and Results - by will - 14-03-2018, 01:20 PM

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