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Escalation campaign? And possible new 40K campaign for the summer
(08-07-2015, 09:19 PM)scoundrel13 Wrote: Hi all,

I was wondering if the Escalation campaign that started back in the spring is still going? I've not been down for a few weeks now due to finishing my teacher training (qualified, grade 1), but I haven't been hearing much about it.

With the summer school holiday stretching ahead, my thoughts have turned to possibly coordinating a summer/ autumn campaign/ league for RedWarSoc 40k players. I've always wanted to do one, but never quite had the time or local player base.

Anyway, given the initial interest I saw in Vince's escalation, campaign, I think this could work nicely. My initial rough sketch is for the campaign to be league based, beginning at a compact 750pts, with a heavily restricted FOC (1 HQ, 1 Elite, 1 Heavy, 1 Fast Attack, min 2 Troop, no AV14, some kind of limit on psychic, no flyers, no super-heavies, no named characters) . Victory and booty will lead to an unlocking of points and the FOC, in a measured way. I'm thinking of running an artificial money system too, with each victory giving you x imperial credits (monopoly money), which you can use to buy an extra 25 points to your army list, an additional Elites slot, and army-wide special rule, unlocking AV14 etc. To prevent leading armies running away with it, there would be an "underdog" booster payout for low ranking armies that take on and draw or beat the top tiered players. I would update the league weekly, and possibly even have a prize at the end of a fixed time scale, like eight weeks.

What are people's initial thoughts? I would look to start this campaign around the middle of August.

Stay nerdy,


Would you let me use my 30k Alphas? (see this thread for how people feel about that

I know vince has just popped back onto the radar after some time away so he may still be running the escalation campaign.

Regardless i am so game for this. Have you seen the Mini wargaming warzone apothis campaign rules... Might be something to look at for the monopoly money idea.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Escalation campaign? And possible new 40K campaign for the summer - by Alpharius - 08-07-2015, 09:46 PM

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