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2014 Hobby Pledges.
Right seeing as we are into a new year, and it's that resolution time again, how about some pledges for the coming twelve months. I'm thinking 5 per member, and they should be somewhat attainable but also challenging. I'll start things off to give you the kind of things I'm looking for.

1) Run 4 WFB 500 events. Seeing as I intended it to be a quarterly event, and I messed up a little, 2014 gives me a means to fix it.

2) Play in a WFB 2 day event and finish with 50% or better battle points. Seeing as I languish near the bottom end getting above that number, would be a great improvement. That said any stupid non-20/0 scoring systems such as Midlands with a 30/10/1 are going to need a slight adjustment, to bring it in line. Maybe in that case 70+ (2w 1d 2l) would do. I'll have to see at each event, what it would count as success in this.

3) Paint 2 models for each one I buy, of a comparable scale. 2 Stegadons gets me 1 dragon etc, but should help curb spending and clear back log.

4) Paint and play with a fully painted force, at least one game of Relic Knights, Relics, Bushido and Kings of War. Means game systems I have invested money in, are not terribly wasted, and again gives me impetus to clear a back log of models.

5) Build up 3 sets of terrain for the club. Most likely all will be Fantasy based (sorry safety basers) but it would give me personally more options on a Tuesday evening. Probably getting something for each mysterious terrain piece sorted.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
1) stick with one army for the 40k tournament calender and thats a Beastpack!

2) run another club knock out tournament

3) win a 40k tournament

4) run another league

5) get into the top 20 ranked 40k gamers in the UK.

For me:

1. I am going to steal Gareth's idea of painting two models for each one I buy since it sounds good. 2013 was a fairly good but not amazing year for painting so this will enable me to still buy some stuff but not go mad.

2. Assemble and fully paint my SAGA force, and play at least one game of it before April.

3. Finish painting my Ravenwing - I have lots of bikes painted to tabletop standard but only a handful are fully finished.

4. Attend a minimum of three 40K tournaments this year and get in the top half for at least two of them.

5. Play a 40k game with one of the Dark Angels fliers, just for a laugh...I will have to win this game, hence the challenge.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Run WFB Campaign.
> Update 28/01/14 - Campaign kicked off with 12 players

Paint 1000 points Bolt Action army
> Update 12/01/14 - 1 x Fallschirmjager painted.
> Update 26/01/14 - purchased Panzer IV and Half-Track takes Germans near up to 1000 points. (Also bought 500 points of USA infantry.)
> Update 13/07/14 - now 10 x Fallschirmjager painted, 1st Squad on 9.

Paint 6 point SAGA band
> Update 26/01/14 - 6 point Anglo-Danes purchased.
> Update 07/02/14 - 12 x Levies painted.
> Update 11/02/14 - 12 x Huscarls painted
> Update 21/02/14 - 16 x Warriors + 1 Warlord
DONE... Big Grin

Have 2400 points of High Elves painted

Create 24 x 12" square terrain boards with terrain.
> Update 18/01/14 - Cut my 24 x base boards...
> Update 13/07/14 - Painted a 24" x 24" square base. Decided I'll do 6 of these first as base set.

Attend some events...
> Update 26/01/14 - Attended and ran Warhammer multi-player scenario at Gloucester mini-con.
> Update 22/01/14 - Attended wyvern war gamers SAGA tournament, wooden spoon!

History is written by the victors - Sir Winston Churchill
Seeing as I won't be able to buy any models this year (or at least, very few) my first resolution will be to get most, if not all of my warriors of chaos army painted.

I'd like to attend a tournament later in the year.

Play an apocalypse 40k game.

Can't think of any other goals atm, but these are hopefully realistic goals.. Depending on how the 2nd half of my year goes..
40k - Dark Eldar /// Fantasy - Warriors of Chaos
1: finish painting the models i have! Dans dark eldar being the priority.

2: stick to one army and paint it to the best of my ability (most likely marines as there a loaf of different ways to play them so i dont get bored!)

3: rank higher than Rob E in the 40k rankings :p haha only joking mate! Would love to get in the top 30ish though!

4: win something at a tournament other than a spot prize!!
1) to paint more than 60 models this year (ideally finish off my orks but that's a long shot)

2) do well at any and all tournaments I enter this year

3) get a new laptop (not hobby related but I do like to plan my armies out, including the rough paint scheme so it'll help)

4) learn to drive (so I can drive myself to the club every Tuesday)

5) have fun!
40K: Orks and Chaos Space Marines

standard deffwing tactic: rush fast and hit like a runaway freight train with a rocket booster on the last carriage...
remember kids, never trust an ork who shows his teeth
1. Finish painting my Sisters of Battle.

2. Finish painting my Bloodbowl team.

3. Win a Bloodbowl game.

4. Build my 1:24 scale De Havilland Mosquito.
Tyranids - They are coming! I feel then scratching inside my mind, scratching, screaming, running, so many - so, so many voices.

40k Adepta Sororitas, Imperial Knights & Tyranids
Blood Bowl Norse - Valhalla Vengeance
Flames of War US 101st Airborne
EPIC AMTL & Black Legion
Warmaster Skaven
Bolt Action US 101st Screaming Eagles
DropZone Resistance
1. Paint the whole of my Guild Malifaux Crew (this shouldn't be an issue as i've managed 9 of the 20ish models already in the last 6 days)

2. Paint my dwarf army (2.4k ish)

3. try a couple of new games out that i have at least got the rules for, Dredd, Deadzone, IHMN

4. dont buy any more miniatures till ive cleaned my backlog down to less than 30 models.... (i have an entire nurgle army glaring at me still in boxes.)
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss

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