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Chris' Necron Fleet [Campaign]
Game 3 vs JJ's Eldar, battle, planetary assault, JJ was the attacker in the Mezoa system - we were unsure if anyone already owned this? Will? Don't think he can cos not attached to Thanet. 1500 pt battle.

My forces were the Tombship black hole (rolled Ld and got a 6...), the scythes despair and sorrow, and both jackal class escort squadrons with phi squad being only 3 strong. Plus my reroll and 2 defence ships 60pts each. These were all deployed around the planet, with the defence ships in front as meat shields Smile

I rolled meteor storm subplot and the despair lost 3 pts of damage and 1pt Ld before the game started with a power surge, while sorrow lost a pt in Ld.

JJ deployed two nightshade squads of 3 on my left, the void stalker battleship in the centre with a cruiser (eclipse class?) and three shadow class cruisers on the right with 6 transports also on the right. He stormed forward, releasing ordnance T1. In reply my phi squadron did full speed ahead and took out two escorts on my left (total move of 90cm!) the other ships headed in the same direction.

JJ T2 he moved to intercept my escorts and his void stalker took one out even though they braced. His lone nightshade disengaged. My scythes were getting in range now and Sorrow locked on, annihilating an escort at the edge of her range with lightning arcs, followed by the other two of the squad with gauss particle whips. Black Hole scored 4 hits on a shadow class with 3 criticals, crippling her, and phi squad put two pts of damage on the void stalker and shredding her sails. Delta squad also poured fire into the void stalker, who braced but took two more damage.

T3 JJ moved towards the planet again, his void stalker bravely getting close to the three necron capital ships, and crippling the already damaged despair. By this point I think both defence monitors had been destroyed by torpedoes (?). The void stalker repaired her damaged sails. In reply sorrow fired upon the eclipse cruiser (silent wave?) leaving it a drifting hulk. the necrons circled the void stalker, unleashing a storm of fire, the Tombship successfully locking on. The Eldar ship was engulfed in an incandescent fireball, like unto a miniature sun as she exploded. The despair was also caught in the explosion which ripped through the necron ship, causing a chain reaction as it exploded in turn, engulfing the rest of phi squadron! As the explosive wave passed over them, the Tombship and the sorrow both took a point of damage each. Wow! Meanwhile delta squadron did all ahead full and took out an Eldar transport.

In the last turn as we were running out of time, JJ's 3 remaining capital ships all moved into low orbit, followed by the black hole under come to a new heading orders, who crippled one of them. Two or three more transports were also taken out, but they were easy pickings now and still a long way from the planet. The remaining Eldar retreated....

Brutal game JJ and that explosion was epic!

You destroyed a scythe class (550VP), and 3 jackals (150VPs) plus the defence monitors(120VP) - if you get points for these?

I think I destroyed a void stalker, an eclipse cruiser, and a nightshade squad,, plus 4 transports. I also crippled two shadow cruisers and the second nightshade squad. Let me know how many VP this is so I can work out my renown.

The despair is replaced with a Ld 6 scythe 'the nameless', and phi squad is replaced with squad theta who are also Ld 6.

Still need to do ld rolls and work out repairs and renown.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari

Messages In This Thread
Chris' Necron Fleet [Campaign] - by jaqenhgar - 12-11-2013, 03:12 PM
RE: Chris' Necron Fleet [Campaign] - by jaqenhgar - 04-12-2013, 01:42 PM
RE: Chris' Necron Fleet [Campaign] - by jaqenhgar - 13-05-2014, 04:44 PM
RE: Chris' Necron Fleet [Campaign] - by jaqenhgar - 14-05-2014, 10:28 AM
RE: Chris' Necron Fleet [Campaign] - by jaqenhgar - 20-06-2014, 12:57 PM
RE: Chris' Necron Fleet [Campaign] - by jaqenhgar - 20-06-2014, 03:08 PM
RE: Chris' Necron Fleet [Campaign] - by jaqenhgar - 21-06-2014, 12:09 AM
RE: Chris' Necron Fleet [Campaign] - by jaqenhgar - 22-06-2014, 01:41 PM

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