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battlefield Birmingham 5 40k tournament
i could probably get some jetbikes (2 units if i could get the models), and boost my scorpions to a ten man unit. and one big guardian squad with the farseer could be fun, i mainly use the farseer with the reapers at the moment.
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
after the practise game with Dave against his sisters I think I don't need the lifta wagon between the lootas and deffrollas I had killed most of his tanks by turn 3, while the lifta wagon helped a lot, even killing one of his tanks turn 1 with 4 glances, I wonder whether a regular battle wagon with a super-kannon will be more useful.

a super-kannon stats is:
range 60" str 9 Ap 3 ordance 1 5" blast

so a super-kannon is still awesome against tanks, but it also useful against hordes of infantry and ensures that I don't have a 350 point unit doing nothing when there's no tanks on the board.

not only that but a super-kannon battle wagon is 40 points cheaper allowing me to get another grot mob in for another troops choice.

so 2 possible lists I can run

list 1: lifta wagon

warboss - mega armour, cybork body, bosspole, attack squig. pts = 130
big mek - heavy armour, kustom force field. pts = 90
6 mega nobs. pts = 240
battle wagon - 3 big shootas, grot riggers, deff rolla, red paint job, armour plates. pts = 145 (transport)

20 shoota boys - 2 big shootas. pts = 130
battle wagon - 3 big shootas, grot riggers, deff rolla, red paint job, armour plates. pts = 145

20 shoota boys - 2 big shootas. pts = 130
battle wagon - 3 big shootas, grot riggers, deff rolla, red paint job. pts = 135

10 grots + slaver. pts = 40
10 grots + slaver. pts = 40

5 burna boys - 3 meks. pts = 75
lifta wagon - 2 big shootas, grot riggers, armour plates. pts = 250

15 lootas. pts = 225
sky shield. pts = 75

list 2: super-kannon battlewagon

warboss - mega armour, cybork body, bosspole, attack squig. pts = 130
big mek - heavy armour, kustom force field. pts = 90
6 mega nobs. pts = 240
battle wagon - 3 big shootas, grot riggers, deff rolla, red paint job, armour plates. pts = 145 (transport)

20 shoota boys - 2 big shootas. pts = 130
battle wagon - 3 big shootas, grot riggers, deff rolla, red paint job, armour plates. pts = 145

20 shoota boys - 2 big shootas. pts = 130
battle wagon - 3 big shootas, grot riggers, deff rolla, red paint job. pts = 135

10 grots + slaver. pts = 40
10 grots + slaver. pts = 40
10 grots + slaver. pts = 40

5 burna boys - 3 meks. pts = 75
battle wagon - 4 big shootas, grot riggers, armour plates, 'ard case, super-kannon. pts = 210 (can carry 6 models so the burna boys still ride in this)

15 lootas. pts = 225
sky shield. pts = 75

which list do you guys think will be better and why?
any other improvement you guys can think off?
40K: Orks and Chaos Space Marines

standard deffwing tactic: rush fast and hit like a runaway freight train with a rocket booster on the last carriage...
remember kids, never trust an ork who shows his teeth
List2 for me!

I didn't see the need for the Lifta Wagon before, but didn't like to say...

List 2, but I'm not keen on all those grots... 3 units seems a bit excessive 2 units are enough imo, as you're only ever likely to get 1 objectives on your side of the table, 3 makes sure you should be contesting/capturing that objective, as you can literally surround it and prevent any contest/capture, even if the Grots are shot off the table.

I also like the additional threat of another Wagon being thrown into your opponents face, I would be tempted to drop a squad of Grots for more Burna Boys.

I would go with another list:

warboss - mega armour, cybork body, bosspole, attack squig. pts = 130
big mek - heavy armour, kustom force field. pts = 90
5 mega nobs. pts = 200
battle wagon - grot riggers, deff rolla, red paint job, armour plates. pts = 130 (transport)
20 shoota boys - 2 big shootas. pts = 130
battle wagon - grot riggers, deff rolla, red paint job, armour plates. pts = 130
20 shoota boys - 2 big shootas. pts = 130
battle wagon - grot riggers, deff rolla, red paint job, armour plates. pts = 130
10 grots + slaver. pts = 40
10 grots + slaver. pts = 40
10 burna boys - 3 meks. pts = 150
battle wagon - grot riggers, deff rolla, red paint job, armour plates. pts = 130
10 Lootas. pts = 150
10 Lootas. Pts = 150
sky shield. pts = 75

Leaves you 45pts, to spend on what you want, maybe another 2 lootaz and 3 big shootaz for the Wagons

Will be trying to play more 1850pt games as I have just paid for my slot at Battlefield Birmingham just waiting for confirmation but time to burn some heretics.
Salamanders 6000pts
Grey knights 1000pts
Into the fires of battle unto the anvil of war!
Nice one Peachy! Quite a lot of us going to this now.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
I am thinking of something along the lines of this list now (needs play testing though, might be a crazy idea):

HQ (630)
Azrael 215
Int chaplain on bike 130
Ravenwing command - FNP banner (12" range), 5 strong 285
Troops (455)
10 tacticals - drop pod, mg, combi - melta 195
5 tacticals - Rhino 105
Ravenwing squad - 3 bikes, 2mg's, attack bike - mm 155
Fast attack (420)
10 ravenwing black knights - 2 grenade launchers 420
Allied Black Templars (?) (345)
Chapter master - artificer armour, relic blade, bike 200
5 man bike squad - 2 grav guns, combi grav 145
Total 1850

Up to 6 scoring units, all characters start in the black knight unit and scout forward, azrael near the back giving them 4++, FNP in range of banner, with the 2+armour chapter master in front. Adamantium will gives 5+ deny the witch. Doubt they would get to charge intact but the black knights alone will dish out hammer of wrath attacks plus 40 S5 rending attacks, re rolling misses with the chaplain.

Not sure about the allied bike squad, might be better just with some tacticals in a rhino with some heavy weapon. Could also save 70 pts somewhere and throw a 2+ tech marine on a bike in there as well! Also I'm wondering whether iron hands chapter tactics would be better?
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Right guys..... After my unexpected success this weekend i cant wait for this! The scoring system at caledonian was in my favour massivly with kill points taken into account in every game! BB is much more about scoring objectives so i need to boost my troop choices and i think bikes are the only way to go! Also scouts in storms could be good if i kept them in reserve till turn 4 (with tiggy i can re roll so i get a good chance of keeping them off) so they dont die, flat out to an objective then jump out turn 5. To do this im afraid its bye bye stormraven and tac squads. Will probably be adding more bikes, 1 unit of scouts in a storm and a skyray so i can still deal with flyers. What u reckon?
Is a single skyray enough to deal with flyers?

Would you be better off just split firing some of the Bomb into them?

Not sure if one would be enough to deal with flyers before being popped.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
i regret not going to this now, but with the house move etc things have been too up in the air!
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
(20-01-2014, 04:04 PM)manrogue Wrote: Is a single skyray enough to deal with flyers?

Would you be better off just split firing some of the Bomb into them?

Not sure if one would be enough to deal with flyers before being popped.

Thinking about it my centurions killed every flyer I played against apart from the silly av13 blood angels one. Could probably use the 115pts for something else. The only issues have is that my centurions can only kill 2 units per turn unless I'm in multi assault range. 2 per turn is a max of 10 units realistically so if I play an army with a lot of different stuff I might struggle.

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