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Campaign Rules/gang rosters
the War zone brawlers and the Jokers went at it again last night, and boy was the conflict bloody once more.

we started off with the War zone brawlers trying to rescue Alex crumper, who the Jokers had captured last time but only having 5 guys to rescue him i was out numbered pretty badly, with 5 of the Jokers watching Alex it was all or nothing. Ronald, harry and bobby got below the Jokers ready to strike them while heavies moved into a armored watch tower to provide covering fire and to cover any reinforcements the Jokers got.

I sounded the alarm when Ronald used his new plasma gun on max charge to remove the Jokers heavy from the following gun fight by downing him, though the heavy did not fall the 6 feet to the ground this time (he was 6 1/2 inches up on a walkway). bobby having no one else to shoot at fired his auto pistol at the heavy as well but missed.

harry charged right into melee with one of the Jokers lasgun wielding gangers, Dan then informed me that that ganger has WS4, while harry only had WS3 though harry did have 2 attacks and 2 parry's. after some poor dice rolling the combat was a draw.

in the Jokers turn they brought in thier 3 missing fighters in, and rolled for his broad edge, ending up with the board edge that my heavies were covering. and charged his T4 lasgun ganger into the melee between Harry and the WS4 lasgun ganger, his other lasgun ganger pinned my leader and his leader used his plasma gun to down bobby.

in the ensuring melee harry managed to draw with the T4 ganger, but lost a wound to the WS4 ganger. Dan's heavy came back into the game with a flesh wound.

my turn i moved john down from the tower and over to the bottom of the walkway to make his way over to Alex (who was still tied up), Ronald failed his pinning test and so crawled into cover alongside Bobby, who would fall unconscious in the following recover phase.

Reggie opened up on dan's heavy, hitting him 3 times and wounding him twice, Dan rolled up a flesh wound and a down, forcing his heavy to take a falling test, this time the heavy did fall the 6 feet to the ground, taking 5 wounds and going out of action.

surged on by Reggie's success Harry proceeded to deal a lot of damage this turn, downing the T4 lasgun ganger who proceeded to roll off the walkway and take a 6 foot dive to the floor, remaining down and within charge range of Ronald.

the Jokers moved up, their leader backing into cover to recharge his plasma gun and the final lasgun ganger moving up to join the melee against harry, the rest of the gang moved up to offer support in future turns, but didn't want to walk into the open and face the wrath of my heavies, so stayed in cover and out of sight.

Harry also won the fight against the WS4 lasgun ganger this turn, downing him and then finishing him off, Harry proceeded to move into charge range of the final lasgun ganger who had moved up to support the fight.

my turn Ronald charge the downed lasgun ganger and remove him from the field, while harry charges the last lasgun ganger on the walkway, John runs up to the walkway and climbs up to the top of it.

Reggie over watches the approach that reinforcing Jokers need to take would remain on over watch for the rest of the game. with no one shooting we went straight to harry's fight, Harry, who was pumped up by this point, easily took out the ganger he was facing and move to a position were he would be able to fire on the Jokers leader next turn.

the jokers weren't giving up just yet, the 3 gangers who were trying to help continued to move around the buildings to stay out of line of sight from Reggie, but were cut off by a narrow open area between buildings, which was were Reggie was over watching. the jokers leader poked his head round the corner with a fully recharged plasma gun and proceeded to use max charge again to blast harry, hitting harry 3 time and taking him out of the game.

with only 3 guys left i was taking bottle tests, but i passed on a 9 (thank god for Ronald having leadership 9) Ronald ran up onto the walkway and headed for Alex, John over watched the position where the Jokers leader was taking cover ready to pump him full of lead if he came round the corner.

the Jokers played smart this turn, the reinforcing ganger moving to where they could cover Alex and not be seen by Reggie and their leader moving down and around the building he was on to also cover Alex.

my turn i passed my bottle test again and ran Ronald over to Alex and John into a covering position, Reggie remained over watch to make sure the reinforcing Jokers couldn't close the range and get into melee.

the jokers responded by having their Leader pull off a trick shot that blasted Ronald off the walkway he and Alex was on, but ran out of ammo for the plasma gun. and their gangers blasting at John but failing to hit him.

my turn i was down to 2 heavies, John decided to fire one last volley before grabbing his friends and running for it, John managed to down one the jokers gangers and pinned the rest, before he and Reggie grabbed their wounded and ran for it, leaving Alex in the jokers hands still.

so after a long and bloody battle we rolled for our serious injuries, with my guys walking away mostly unharmed, though Bobby ended up with a old battle wound and Ronald injured his left arm.

The jokers heavy wasn't so lucky, turn out that fall broke both his legs, and john and Reggie grabbed him on the way out and took him captive
(his heavy rolled multiple injuries, which resulted in both legs being injured hated against my gang and him being captured), the rest of the jokers got away with full recoveries. after and exchange of captive (including an extra 20 credits for their heavy). things were finally looking up for the war zone brawlers.
40K: Orks and Chaos Space Marines

standard deffwing tactic: rush fast and hit like a runaway freight train with a rocket booster on the last carriage...
remember kids, never trust an ork who shows his teeth

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