Poll: How many pages would you expect and publication frequency
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Single sided, weekly
0 0%
Double sided, weekly
1 9.09%
4 pages, weekly or fortnightly
3 27.27%
More than four, but more likely once a month
7 63.64%
Total 11 vote(s) 100%
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battle reports
reviews/opions on game systems
review/opions on units in the game systems
idea's section (for secrenio game bord etc)
tips and tricks
would be happy to help (did some help on a school mag a few years ago which was esseintally a review mag of flims/music/events)
Does anyone else have any feedback, as so far it seems the consensus is more of a PDF mini-mag. Which with enough contribution would be easy enough to put together. If people are willing to put the time in, creating their on articles, on whatever they fancy, then it looks like we could have a decent thing soon going into production.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
I really think a mini-mag/fanzine/whatever, would defo be the way to start, maybe with the aim of heading towards a podcast?

I would like to be involved in both if possible, as you're probably aware I run a blog so have experience in article writing, I play solely 40k, so will be more than happy to contribute articles, battle reports, hobby stuff for 40k. But will happily lend a hand to whatever is required.

Just let me know what you want Smile

PS I voted for more content and monthly, if we're gonna do it, we may as well make it something special, Warseer did/does a few things like this, but their server blew up, so I'm not sure if they're still available.

Sounds like a great idea! I'll help out if I can, but that's only if help is needed.
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets.

Warhammer Fantasy (Orcs and Goblins)
Warhammer 40,000 (Orks)
Warmachine (Protectorate of Menoth)
Bushido (Prefecture of Ryu)
Infinity (Yu-Jing)
Warpath (ForgeFathers)
Cutlass! (Undead)
Feedback is being taken. I will finalise the idea next week, but if anyone else has any input, with regards to opinions and ideas, please feel free to provide them.

And here is a preview of my first article, to get your juices flowing.

Attached Files
.pdf   Dwarfs of Karaz-a-gaz 1.pdf (Size: 1.07 MB / Downloads: 453)
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Looking good! I can see a refight of the epic High Elf/Dwarf conflict of old on the horizon...
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Nice write up Gaz, hopefully the first of many. I had great plans to build upon my little Dwarf force from the Battle for Skull Pass when we kicked off RedWarSoc, but still haven't opened the Dwarf Batallion I got to expand them. The ones I have so far have seen action as Warmachine proxies though Smile
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Great starting article, I think everyone writing an article should have an opening gambit, explaining who they are etc as not all the readers will be attending the gaming club.

Are there any plans for a submission date so we can get this off the ground. My first piece is probably going to be a report on mine and vinces game on Tuesday.

Stuart I am having some difficulties getting the Mac to accept this email. No idea if I am doing it right. I'll have to chat with you on Tuesday.

Everyone else, here are the details.

I am thinking 4-8 pages, in PDF format, seeing as I have now worked out how to sort it out, once a month. Again Stuart I will have to speak to you about how I then distribute it. I didn't see Paul at TWG much today, as I want to see if he wanted to keep us informed on their goings on.

The first page or two will contain any upcoming news, with regards to the club, or the local community. With regards to contributions, once I get the email up and running, feel free to send things through.

Battle reports - I will try to fit these in, but if there are a deluge of them, I will have to pick and choose, which to publish. No offence if yours gets subbed, but there will only be so much room.

Articles - If you fancy committing to a series, let me know in advance, because if several people are wanting to write the same sort of articles, then I will have to rotate these. Unlike Battle Reports though, the shelf life on these, are a bit longer, they can be kept for a later issue. I will try to let people know, if there are clashes, so at least you will know whats going on. Other than that any one off articles, such as tournament reports, event reviews etc, would be great. Alan gave a good few ideas, on what you could possibly contribute. I am also thinking, it would be nice to branch out from the Wargaming world a little. Read a great book, you think the geeks would love, write a book report. Found a super TV series, you think some of us may have missed out on, review it. Played a great new board game, let us know. However remember that we have quite a young membership at the club, so remember that when writing your reviews, not only when selecting your topic (although I know Rach may well be tempted to review Proteus,) but any language used.

Submissions - Once the email is working for me, I will publish it, so you can contribute. If you can finalise the article how you want it, great. If not, supply me any text you want, and any pictures you want included with captions, and I will try and manufacture it into an article. Bare in mind that the article I attached above comes in just shy of 600 words. I want to aim for a late May publication, so feel free to start writing now.

Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Okay cool, thanks for the clarification on what you're looking for, I'm feeling a White dwarf style battle report coming on. Then I'm attending a tournament so maybe a tournament report.

Do you want articles in PDF format ready to go or are you wanting to do your own editting etc? Smile


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