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(03-03-2012, 11:45 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: If you were going to go for a big unit of Nobz I probbaly wouldn't go for more than 3 power klaws, on the charge that's something like 12 pk attacks with a load of ablative wounds from the others, going to make a mess of most things.

I know, I was just saying that they are cheaper for more wargear. Yes, though, I probably would go for just around 3 Power Klaws in a squad of Nobz.
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My Orks arrived, and I've got my knife, clippers, glue and files...
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Been doing quite a bit of research for my Orks recently, and I've come up with this list:

Warboss – 60pts
Power Klaw – 25pts
Twin-Linked Shoota – 5pts
Cybork Body – 10pts
‘Eavy Armour – 5pts

Old Zogwort – 145pts

10 Kommandos -100pts
2 Burnas – 30pts
Boss Snikrot – 85pts

10 Nobz – 200pts
Painboy – 30pts
Cybork Bodies – 50pts

30 Boyz – 180pts
Nob – 10pts

20 Boyz – 120pts
Nob – 10pts
Power Klaw – 25pts

10 Boyz – 60pts
Nob – 10pts
Power Klaw – 25pts

10 Boyz – 60pts
Nob – 10pts
Power Klaw – 25pts

Trukk – 35pts
Red Paint Job – 5pts
Armour Plates – 10pts
Reinforced Ram – 5pts

Trukk – 35pts
Red Paint Job – 5pts
Armour Plates – 10pts
Reinforced Ram – 5pts

Trukk – 35pts
Red Paint Job – 5pts
Armour Plates – 10pts
Reinforced Ram – 5pts

Fast Attack
6 Warbikers – 150pts
Nob – 10pts

Dakkajet – 110pts
Red Paint Job – 5pts
Extra Supa Shoota – 10pts

Dakkajet – 110pts
Red Paint Job – 5pts
Extra Supa Shoota – 10pts

Heavy Support
Battlewagon – 90pts
Red Paint Job – 5pts
‘Ard Case – 15pts
Armour Plates – 10pts
Deff Rolla – 20pts

Army Total – 1995pts

The 2 units of 10 Boyz would go in 2 trukks, then my Warboos would go with the Nobz (they are Troops instead of Elites because of a special rule that the warboss has) and they would go in the 3rd trukk. Then the unit of 20 Boyz would go in the Wagon, and then Old Zogwort (a Character Psyker with some nice rules) would go in the footslogging unit of 30 Boyz.

I'm not 100% sure on this list yet, but feedback would be greatly appreciated, as I'm trying to make a decent list before I start buying a whole army!
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Looks pretty good Luke. I would drop the armour plates on the trukks, I don't think they are worth it since the trukks are not going to survive very long. I would give the kommandos a nob with a power klaw, then they can come on the opponents edge and threaten anything.

Are your boyz shoota boyz or slugga? I would go shoota since they put out a massive amount of firepower, and if you shoot enuff yer bound to it somefink!

The boyz in the battlewagon should definitely be shoota and I would drop the ard case and leave it open-topped so all 20 can still shoot out. Your warbikers also need a power klaw, so that they can take out tanks. Don't have my white dwarf around but I'm guessing the dakkajets can take out armour? because otherwise the only thing that can is the deffrolla and the klaws.

Really liking the kommandos although they are pricey, would be interesting to see how they do, bearing in mind they can't charge in the turn they arrive from reserve in 6th edition, unless it's in the FAQ (haven't checked).
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(06-07-2012, 11:25 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: Looks pretty good Luke. I would drop the armour plates on the trukks, I don't think they are worth it since the trukks are not going to survive very long. I would give the kommandos a nob with a power klaw, then they can come on the opponents edge and threaten anything.

Are your boyz shoota boyz or slugga? I would go shoota since they put out a massive amount of firepower, and if you shoot enuff yer bound to it somefink!

The boyz in the battlewagon should definitely be shoota and I would drop the ard case and leave it open-topped so all 20 can still shoot out. Your warbikers also need a power klaw, so that they can take out tanks. Don't have my white dwarf around but I'm guessing the dakkajets can take out armour? because otherwise the only thing that can is the deffrolla and the klaws.

Really liking the kommandos although they are pricey, would be interesting to see how they do, bearing in mind they can't charge in the turn they arrive from reserve in 6th edition, unless it's in the FAQ (haven't checked).

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I'll probably have some shootas and some sluggas. I can't give the Kommandos a Nob with Power Klaw, as they're being lead by Boss Snikrot, who allows them to arrive from any table edge I want when they arrive from reserve, and then he's also got 4 Strength 5 Attacks (5 on the charge) that re-roll misses to hit.

I've taken off the 'Ard Case and Armour plates, as I think that you're right in having them free to shoot, and alos the fact that the trukks will probably go very early on, so it's a waste of points. Gives me more room for more Power Klaws!

I've given the Warbikers a Power Klaw now aswell. The Dakkajet have got 2 Supa Shootas (3 with the upgrade) Which put out 3 Strength 6 Pinning shots (each) with a BS of 3. That's 9 altogether and when I call a Waaagh!, they double their shots. 18 Strength 6 Pinning shots each, which is 36 altogether. They're useful for taking out Heavy infantry and they are Supersonic which gives them 36" movement flat out. I'll probably drop one of them, but the other is just in case there's a nasty unit that needs taking out. It'd start in reserve, then I'd bring it in when needed.
OK didn't realise you couldn't have snikrot and a nob. The Dakkajets will also be good at taking out enemy flyers. If you get into combat with a vehicle you have better chance of wrecking it this edition cos you'll hit any moving vehicle on a 3+ (except flyers that you can't assault), so the power klaws are great and I'd say a must. If you need points to keep both dakkajets and extra power klaws you could consider dropping one unit of boyz and replacing them with a gretchin mob to hold a backfield objective (I've got some old 2nd edition gretchin you could have if you haven't got the models - they have been painted by a 3 and 5 year old though so might need a repaint...). Having lots of troops is good and you've got 5.

Best thing obviously is to playtest it and see how it does! I'd be happy to give you a game in a few weeks!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
(07-07-2012, 10:00 AM)jaqenhgar Wrote: OK didn't realise you couldn't have snikrot and a nob. The Dakkajets will also be good at taking out enemy flyers. If you get into combat with a vehicle you have better chance of wrecking it this edition cos you'll hit any moving vehicle on a 3+ (except flyers that you can't assault), so the power klaws are great and I'd say a must. If you need points to keep both dakkajets and extra power klaws you could consider dropping one unit of boyz and replacing them with a gretchin mob to hold a backfield objective (I've got some old 2nd edition gretchin you could have if you haven't got the models - they have been painted by a 3 and 5 year old though so might need a repaint...). Having lots of troops is good and you've got 5.

Best thing obviously is to playtest it and see how it does! I'd be happy to give you a game in a few weeks!

Yeah, I was reading up somewhere actually (Librarium Online I belive) that having just a small squad of Gretchin to hold objectives close to deployment is a good thing to do. Anyway, I think you're right as the only way to find out where to go next is by having a serious playtest! Thanks for all the feedback.
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Do people think that it is worth having 3 squads of 9 bikers? They'd each have a Nob with a Bosspole and Power Klaw, so they could not only take out troops with their twin-linked dakkaguns, but also take out armour. Just wondering, as they could be taken as Troop Choices because of Wazdakka Gutsmek's ability. I was just wondering, as they have an automatic 4+ cover save (beacause of the Exhaust Cloud rule) and a 4+ armour save. Then they've got twin-linked assault 3 str. 5 ap 5 guns each. They can also Trubo-boost 24" as normal, so they are very fast and very hard-hitting. Just wondering what people think and how many would be a good number.
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Im not sure if they are good with the new rules. But before they where extremely useful if used tactically. I would suggest maybe more squads with less bikers in each.
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(22-07-2012, 07:59 PM)seanbate Wrote: Im not sure if they are good with the new rules. But before they where extremely useful if used tactically. I would suggest maybe more squads with less bikers in each.

Thanks Sean.
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