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Salute 2012 Cutlass! Table
I'll layout the Cutlass! boards tomorrow and try to transfer (draw) the first half of my map onto it.
(09-10-2011, 12:30 AM)Simon Wrote: I'll layout the Cutlass! boards tomorrow and try to transfer (draw) the first half of my map onto it.

Good stuff. If we can position some paper buildings on it that might help to get a feel for the final thing, then we can make tweaks to the layout if necessary. It might be handy to have a couple of foot bridges spanning the river island in the bottom right hand corner (through a small woodland perhaps) bringing that area into play.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
I've sculpted the initial base for the coastline and stuck all the foam to the boards.

I'll start on the next stage next week, putting some hills on and refining the coastline and will need to start ordering the buildings before the end of the weekend, so I can place them on the board and get some idea of how the roads, courtyards and fields will fit.

Photos to come.

Got some bits for this board from Ainsty and Fantascene.

Next the buildings...

So we're looking at Colonial Architecture in the Caribbean from around 1695 to 1720.

It could either be true to historical where the buildings are brick built, most likely with some whitewashed walls and terracotta type roofing., or more stylised where the buildings look Tudor, even possibly medieval (as per the pictures in the Cutlass! rulebook).

Hovels do a good range of spanish buildings that could be used, here, and are quite reasonably priced.

These would probably mix well with the models from Games of War, here.



Going to throw this one open to the forum..

I need to get on and order the rest of the buildings, so some views would be appreciated.

This is whats on the way so far:
[Image: GOW-PB001-T.jpg]

[Image: GOW-PB002-T.jpg]

There is also a tower on the way from somewhere.

The above are all unpainted.

I think some buildings from The Wargames Command Post would go well, they are all painted and we're being offered a discount if we put thewcp details on our flyers at the shows.

[Image: MBA-10614.jpg] [Image: MBA-10615.jpg] [Image: MBA-10616.jpg] [Image: MBA-10617.jpg] [Image: MBA-10618.jpg]

However, this is a pretty good deal, we'd have to add a governors residence, there is some discount available, and none of the buildings would be painted.

Any thoughts ?

Finally, I shall probably get the Sea Prince just to round it all off.

[Image: GOW-PS003-T.jpg]

[edit]Which will also need painting, and some sales made ![/edit]

I think I prefer the buildings from The Wargames Command Post, and they'll be a good match for the first couple you've ordered.

Where are you getting the ship from? I'm sure I can ask my better half to sew us some sails Smile
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Doing you need someone with some "cough" drybrush "cough" painting of ships or buildings give me a shout. I most likely have a little more disposable time than most.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
(17-11-2011, 01:34 PM)Stuart Wrote: I think I prefer the buildings from The Wargames Command Post, and they'll be a good match for the first couple you've ordered.

Where are you getting the ship from? I'm sure I can ask my better half to sew us some sails Smile

Sea Prince is from Games of War.

Sales would be furled as its in the harbour so not a major job.
Picking the buildings up tomorrow (Saturday 19th).

Tried to convince the mrs that we could carry on from Cheltenham to Reading for warfare, but that was a "Request to Far"! Luckily the Christmas Market is on so we're going to merge the day.

Paul, we can sort the distribution of buildings out on Tuesday, but I'm thinking the customs house might also be used next to the governors residence. Maybe as the barracks for the marines ?

I've also ordered some Jungle terrain from here


Coolio... Ship is awesome.

I was well impressed with your boards Simon.

Will be doing my utmost to finish mine this weekend - structures. Get it undercoated and flocked ready for painting next weekend-ish.

History is written by the victors - Sir Winston Churchill

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