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LOTR Latest Figures
Finished these last Thursday.

Troll Chieftan
[Image: DPP_0004.jpg]

[Image: DPP_0005.jpg]

[Image: DPP_0007.jpg]

[Image: DPP_0008.jpg]

Banner Bearer - Putting him on a black horse was a relatively easy choice
[Image: DPP_0012.jpg]

[Image: DPP_0013.jpg]


Looking great those Si, I've got lots of catching up to do.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Ta. Did manage to knock some paint off one of them whilst tidying up last night which was a bit annoying. The adage more haste less speed ringing true again. Some quick remedial work was required to sort out the damage. But they look good enough to play with which is the aim for me.

The trolls are painted using the old dry brush method. I'm not good enough to do the floppy skin type stuff which is all the rage now.


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