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Robs tournament diary
Hey all,

So I thought rather than creating multiple threads I'd start 1 and just keep this updated with various events I'm going to and what lists I'm running etc.

Tournaments I'm considering:

20th of August 2016: - Skorched Summer Skies, Finished 3rd! - Bat Rep Page2
1 Day event @ Sanctuary 1850pts, GW FAQs. (Rulepack pending) - Rulespack now live.

24th & 25Th of September 2016: - 40k GT Heat 3
2 Day event @ Sanctuary, GT, ETC FAQs. 1850pts (rules pack pending) - Rulespack now live, ETC missions, FAQ and scoring.

19th of November 2016: Rolling Thunder 3
1 Day event @ Sanctuary, Rulespack Pending. - I expect, 1850pts, similar rulespack to Skorched Summer Skies.

10th of December 2016 Hall of Fame
1 Day invite only event @ Sanctuary, Rulespack Pending.

21st & 22nd of January 2017: Caledonian Uprising,
2 Day Event @ EGNWGC, ETC FAQs, Missions and Scoring. 1850pts

I'm sure there will more! Sanctuary tend to run an event the 3rd Saturday of every month!

Looking at my cally list, I cannot really think of much to change, everything did pretty well.

Craftworld Eldar Combined Arms Detachment:

Farseer (100) Skyrunner (15) [115]

Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81] .
Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]

Vauls Weapon Battery (30) D-Cannon (25) [55]
Vauls Weapon Battery (30) D-Cannon (25) [55]

Wraithknight (295) Heavy Wraithcannons (0) 2 Scatter Lasers (30) [325]

Imperial Bastion (75) Escape Hatch (25) Comms Relays (20) [120]

Aspect Host:
Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]

Aspect Host:
Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
Swooping Hawks (80) Exarch (10) 1 Additional Hawk (16) [106]

Officio Assassinorum Detachment
Culexus Assassin [140]

Total: 1846

If I was to change 1 think it would be to drop the Hawks and moving 2 units of Warp Spiders from a Aspect Host (+1 BS) to regular Fast Attack choices and freeing up 110pts, which I'd spend on a unit of 4 Windriders with Scatter Lasers 108pts. Gives me another Objective Secured unit and more str6 shooting. But I lose high BS shooting on 2 units of Warp Spiders. So not sure the trade is worth it, what do you guys think?

Another potential list:

Craftworld Eldar Combined Arms Detachment:

Farseer (100) Skyrunner (15) [115]

Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81] .
Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Windriders (51) 2 Scatter Lasers (20) [71]

Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]

Vauls Weapon Battery (30) D-Cannon (25) [55]
Vauls Weapon Battery (30) D-Cannon (25) [55]

Wraithknight (295) Heavy Wraithcannons (0) 2 Scatter Lasers (30) [325]

Imperial Bastion (75) Escape Hatch (25) Comms Relays (20) [120]

Aspect Host:
Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]

Officio Assassinorum Detachment:
Culexus Assassin [140]

Inquisitorial Detachment:
Xenos Inquisitor (25) 3 Servo Skulls (9) [34]

Total: 1845 - gives me 5 pts for something cool!

(21-07-2016, 12:45 PM)Embolden Wrote: Hey all,

So I thought rather than creating multiple threads I'd start 1 and just keep this updated with various events I'm going to and what lists I'm running etc.

Tournaments I'm considering:

20th of August 2016:
1 Day event @ Sanctuary 1850pts, GW FAQs. (Rulepack pending)

24th & 25Th of September 2016:
2 Day event @ Sanctuary, GT, ETC FAQs. 1850pts (rules pack pending)

21st & 22nd of January 2017:
Caledonian Uprising, 2 Day Event @ EGNWGC, ETC FAQs. 1850pts (Rulespack pending)

I'm sure there will more! Sanctuary tend to run an event the 3rd Saturday of every month!

What are the 1 day sanctuary events like Rob? Might pop up for that one Smile
Warhammer 40K (Astra Militarum & CSM/1KSons/Daemons) | AoS (Daemons of Chaos) | Dropfleet Commander (UCM) 
Models painted in 2017: 74
Models painted in 2018: 45
Models painted in 2019: 55
They're good, super chilled, but some tough lists, missions are super simple, usually just, Purge the Alien, Scouring, Big Buns and Crusade etc. Have Firststrike (both players can score this by killing an enemy unit during turn1), Warlord and Linebreaker as the secondaries.

10-pts for a win and thats about it. VPs are used as a tiebreaker.

They're currently using unmodified draft GW FAQs

I would certainly recommend them as they're just a fun way to get tournament experience.

I'm sure the simple lists are the best:

Alliance Level: Allies of Convenience

Primary Detachment: Craftworld Eldar Combined Arms Detachment:

HQ1: Farseer (100) Skyrunner (15) Singing Spear (5) [120]

Troop1: Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Troop2: Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Troop3: Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Troop4: Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Troop5: Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]

HS1: Vauls Weapon Battery (30) D-Cannon upgrade (25) [55]
HS2: Vauls Weapon Battery (30) D-Cannon upgrade (25) [55]

LoW1: Wraithknight (295) Heavy Wraithcannons (0) 2 Scatter Lasers (30) [325]

Fort1: Imperial Bastion (75) Escape Hatch (25) Comms Relay (20) [120]

Secondary Detachment: Craftworld Eldar Aspect Host:
FA1: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA2: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA3: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]

Tertiary Detachment: Craftworld Eldar Aspect Host:
FA4: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA5: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA6: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]

Quaternary: Officio Assassinurum Detachment:
Elite1: Culexus Assassin [140]

Total: 1850

My list for Skorched Summer Skies

Missions are super simple, with limited objectives (4 at most), with battle forged lists being the only limitation on what you can take.

I've chosen 2 Wraithknights, 1 because I can and 2 because Imperial Knights seem to be super popular round here, so 4 ranged D-shots will be super handy.

Craftworld Eldar Combined Arms Detachment:
HQ1: Farseer (100) Skyrunner (15) [115]

Troop1: Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Troop2: Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]

HS1: Vauls Weapon Battery (30) Shadow Weaver (0) [30]
HS2: Vauls Weapon Battery (30) Shadow Weaver (0) [30]

LoW1: Wraithknight (295) Heavy Wraithcannons (0) 1 Scatter Laser (15) [310]

Craftworld Eldar Combined Arms Detachment:
HQ2: Autarch (70) Skyrunner (15) [85]

Troop3: Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]
Troop4: Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81]

LoW2: Wraithknight (295) Heavy Wraithcannons (0) 2 Scatter Lasers (30) [325]

Craftworld Eldar Aspect Host:
FA1: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA2: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA3: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]

Craftworld Eldar Aspect Host:
FA4: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA5: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA6: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]

Total: 1849

Thoughts/comments appreciated as always. Heart

Looks good Rob, but you won't be able to run that list at Cally in Jan as you can't run multiples of the same detachment
40k - Dark Eldar /// Fantasy - Warriors of Chaos
Hey guys,

So I played in a 600pt event last night at Sanctuary.

My list:

Spiritseer: 70

Windriders: 3 Scatter Lasers 81
Windriders: 3 Scatter Lasers 81
Windriders: 3 Scatter Lasers 81
Windriders: 3 Scatter Lasers 81
Windriders: 3 Scatter Lasers 81

Warp Spiders: 95

Vauls Weapon Battery: Shadow Weaver 30

It was a pure Maelstrom missions, so I went with plenty of obsec units. Tables were 4' by 4'

GAME1: Spoils of War, Dawn of War

My opponents list:
Vs Blood Angels (Unbound)
Librarian, lvl2, Jump Pack, relic pistol, poison 2+?
Sanguinary Priest, Jump Pack
5 Sanguinary Guard, 1 Power Fist
Assault Squad with 2 Meltaguns and Segeant with 2 Inferno Pistols

My opponent won the roll off and chose to go first, dropping the Assault squad next to the Vauls Weapon battery (which had my Spiritseer in), put a wound on the Shadow Weaver and killed a crew member. While his Deathstar shot at a unit of Windriders, killing1.

My turn1 and I remove the Assault squad and 2 Sanguinary guard, with pure volume of dice.

my opponent moves up and shoots at the Warp Spiders with his Deathstar, the Warp Spiders Flickerjump out of sight and now out of charge range.

My Turn2 I remove the rest of the Sanguinary Guard and characters leaving just the pod, so my opponent calls it quits.

Tabling win!

GAME2: Tactical Escalation, Vanguard Strike

My Opponents list:
Vs Tau (Fire Support Cadre)
Riptide with Sms, Ion Accelerator and FnP
3 Broadsides with SMS and High Yield Missile Pods
2 Broadsides with SMS and High Yield Missile Pods (1 dude as a 1 use missile)

I won the roll to go first, which was huge.

I shot almost everything into the unit of 2 Broadsides, killing them, with one unit of Windriders left to shoot, they go into the other Broadside unit, causing a single wound.

My opponents turn and he wipes out a Windrider unit with the SMS from the Broadsides and a make another unit jink with by the Riptide, killing 1 dude.

I shoot almost everything into the Broadside unit, killing them with the Warp Spiders to spare, so they shoot the Riptide causing 3 wounds! They get a nice 12" jump behind LoS blocking terrain with there assault move.

My opponent shoots at a unit of Windriders with the Riptide, but they jink and it does no damage.

the Warp Spiders kill the Riptide as my opponent rolls a double1 to the 2 wounds caused.

Tabling win!

GAME3: Cleanse and Control, Dawn of War

Vs Eldar (Unbound)
Wraithlord (Warlord) 2 Bright Lances, 2 Flamers, Sword
Windriders: 3 Scatter Lasers
Windriders: 3 Scatter Lasers
Windriders: 3 Scatter Lasers
2 Hornets: 4 Pulse Lasers

I thought whoever went first would win, especially as I only had about 6" in total to hide my army behind, with 2 LoS blocking thin towers, 1 was just enough to fit the Shadow Weaver and the other was enough for the Warp Spiders to fully hide and 2 unit of Windriders to wrap around, the other 3 Windrider units where in the open, but on the other side of the table.

My opponent won the roll and went first....

My opponent shot into Windrider units killing 1 unit outright and reduced 2 units to 1 Windrider. (I was able to hide single members of these squads)

I was able to remove the Hornets with the Warp Spiders (moving 15" in the movement phase and 6 with Battle focus to get into range) and support from a Windrider, I was able to get shots off at 2 different Windrider units through a window and help from the Shadow Weaver, killing a single dude in each squad, 1 unit running off the table with a failed moral check!

My opponent made a bit of a mistake, trying to shoot a unit of 3 Windriders in the open, killing 2 that he could see, and finishing off single Windrider who couldn't hide. He should have gone for the Warp Spiders who were pretty exposed.

The Warp Spiders killed a unit of 3 Windriders, the Shadow Weaver killing a Windrider from the squad of 2, the lone dude was then killed by a Windrider, leaving just the Wraithlord which was 14" away from the Warp Spiders.

The Wraithlord moved to charge the Warp Spiders, but rolled a 7 on the charge (needed a 8).

My turn3 and the Wraithlord was killed by the Warp Spiders with a triple 6! To rend him to death!

Tabling win!

I walked away with the tournament win! and a pretty sweet trophy!

[Image: WP_20160804_23_03_58_Pro_zpsaypjvbc3.jpg]


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