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Agent0range's Caledonia List
Chaos Space Marines CAD

Sorcerer, Mastery Level 3, bike, bolt pistol, force axe, spell familiar, Sigil of Corruption (Warlord) (170 pts)
Sorcerer, Mastery Level 3, bike, bolt pistol, force stave, spell familiar, Sigil of Corruption (170 pts)

Chaos Cultists (50 pts)
Chaos Cultists (50 pts)

Fast Attack
4x Chaos Spawn with Mark of Nurgle (144 pts)
4x Chaos Spawn with Mark of Nurgle (144 pts)
Heldrake with Baleflamer (170 pts)

Heavy Support
Maulerfiend with Magma cutters (125 pts)
Maulerfiend with Lasher Tendrils (135 pts)

Imperial Bunker with Void Shield (80 pts)

Chaos Daemons Allied Detachment

Be'Lakor (350 pts)

11x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch

Fast Attack
10x Flesh Hounds of Khorne


So basic plan is to be quite aggressive with the list, it's fast and can move around the board quite quickly. I'll usually throw Be'Lakor up front with the hounds, Invis the hounds, and the sorcerers will each go with a unit of spawn. The pink horrors will chill out in the bunker, which I'll try to deploy on or near an objective. They're mostly there as a warp charge battery, but might do a little summoning if they get the chance. The sorcerers will fish for invisibility and shrouding to protect my army and aim for having two invis up most of the time on my units. C&C welcome. I do worry about my lack of "punch" in CC, relying on invis to essentially just tie up the enemy with things like spawn and flesh hounds. I was thinking of maybe subbing out Be'Lakor with the D' Thirster possibly. Cultists will hide in reserve.
Warhammer 40K (Astra Militarum & CSM/1KSons/Daemons) | AoS (Daemons of Chaos) | Dropfleet Commander (UCM) 
Models painted in 2017: 74
Models painted in 2018: 45
Models painted in 2019: 55
Sounds scary, no idea what most of it does!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
(10-04-2016, 07:36 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: Sounds scary, no idea what most of it does!

Dropfleet Commander: UCM
Dropzone Commander: UCM
Star Wars X-Wing: Rebel Alliance
Magic the Gathering
LotR SBG: High Elves
Warhammer 40,000 7th ed.: Astra Militarum & Eldar
Halo Fleet Battles: Covenant
BFG: Imperial Navy & Eldar Corsairs
Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed.: Warriors of Chaos

Element Games referral code JAS173.
(10-04-2016, 07:02 PM)Agent0range Wrote: Chaos Space Marines CAD

Sorcerer, Mastery Level 3, bike, bolt pistol, force axe, spell familiar, Sigil of Corruption (Warlord) (170 pts)
Sorcerer, Mastery Level 3, bike, bolt pistol, force stave, spell familiar, Sigil of Corruption (170 pts)

Chaos Cultists (50 pts)
Chaos Cultists (50 pts)

Fast Attack
4x Chaos Spawn with Mark of Nurgle (144 pts)
4x Chaos Spawn with Mark of Nurgle (144 pts)
Heldrake with Baleflamer (170 pts)

Heavy Support
Maulerfiend with Magma cutters (125 pts)
Maulerfiend with Lasher Tendrils (135 pts)

Imperial Bunker with Void Shield (80 pts)

Chaos Daemons Allied Detachment

Be'Lakor (350 pts)

11x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch

Fast Attack
10x Flesh Hounds of Khorne


the spawn units are good for killing weak infantry, and the mauler fiends can chew though tanks and tough units, not sure about the hounds but they are a khrone unit, so they should be solid damage dealers.
With 3 casters going for invisibility, you should be able to get it off, hopefully drawing people's dice away to summon more daemons with your pink horrors.

Alas you have almost no shooting with this list, so just hope there's enough terrain to cover your advance to weather the shooty lists.
40K: Orks and Chaos Space Marines

standard deffwing tactic: rush fast and hit like a runaway freight train with a rocket booster on the last carriage...
remember kids, never trust an ork who shows his teeth
(10-04-2016, 09:44 PM)jjakaalbinoboy Wrote:
(10-04-2016, 07:36 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: Sounds scary, no idea what most of it does!


That's kind of what I'm hoping, is that some advantage will be gained by relatively unknown units.

(10-04-2016, 11:24 PM)Cookie101 Wrote: *snip*

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, there's no shooting at all really. My plan is for invisibility/shrouding and terrain to protect me. The army moves very fast too, so most of my units should be engaged in turn 2 in CC. Almost everything can move 12". The Heldrake is to keep biker superfiend type lists in check, and thin some of them out. Flesh hounds are pretty good. They're two wounds each and have a fair number of attacks, so with invisibility they can last a while and hold their own in combat.

My real problem will be knights. I know that two maulers and Be'Lakor should do it but I've yet to successfully take down a Knight by combo charging with those three units.
Warhammer 40K (Astra Militarum & CSM/1KSons/Daemons) | AoS (Daemons of Chaos) | Dropfleet Commander (UCM) 
Models painted in 2017: 74
Models painted in 2018: 45
Models painted in 2019: 55
Love fast aggressive lists!

I do worry about what damage will be caused in combat, don't know enough about Chaos to really suggest changes, but maybe a lord on jugg to add some punch. Going down to 2 stars, 1 supported by Bel'Kor and the other by a Sorcerer going for Invis and the Maulerfiends?

So, an update to my original list now the knight renegade box is out, and I've got a few games in:

Chaos Space Marines CAD

Sorcerer, Mastery Level 3, bike, bolt pistol, force axe, spell familiar, Sigil of Corruption, Meltabombs (Warlord) (175 pts)

Chaos Cultists (50 pts)
Chaos Cultists (50 pts)

Fast Attack
5x Chaos Spawn with Mark of Nurgle (144 pts)
Heldrake with Baleflamer (170 pts)

Heavy Support
Maulerfiend with Magma cutters (125 pts)
Maulerfiend with Magma cutters (125 pts)

Imperial Bunker (55 pts)

Chaos Daemons Allied Detachment

Be'Lakor (350 pts)

11x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch

Fast Attack
9x Flesh Hounds of Khorne

Renegade Knight Forsworn Detatchment
Knight Gallant w/Chainsword and Thunderstrike Gauntlet (325 pts)

In the few games I've played with it, I like the board control the knight gives me, it takes some heat off the maulerfiends and bullies people into a corner letting the rest of my army run about largely unmolested. Any thoughts/comments/suggestions very welcome.
Warhammer 40K (Astra Militarum & CSM/1KSons/Daemons) | AoS (Daemons of Chaos) | Dropfleet Commander (UCM) 
Models painted in 2017: 74
Models painted in 2018: 45
Models painted in 2019: 55
Yeah I thought the knight was a good addition. When I played you I didn't really see why be'lakor is 350pts - basically is he worth it, could you get a cheaper flying thing and spend the extra points on something shooty? Maybe some of those tzeentch flamer things? I thought the sorcerer with the spawn was great for keeping him alive. Basically looking back at the game it was the heldrake and the knight that did the most damage for you.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Belakor is great, assuming you're casting Invis on the knight? and giving shrouding to the Maulerfiends?

The Knight is a great addition, it gives the list some real punch! I would vouch for the Gatling cannon over two combat weapons. The Chainsword gives you D in combat and you have Stomps as well.. Plus the Gatling cannon means you can gun down Warp Spiders/Bike squads etc that will be operating on the fringes of the game.

(03-06-2016, 11:09 AM)Embolden Wrote: Belakor is great, assuming you're casting Invis on the knight? and giving shrouding to the Maulerfiends?

The Knight is a great addition, it gives the list some real punch! I would vouch for the Gatling cannon over two combat weapons. The Chainsword gives you D in combat and you have Stomps as well.. Plus the Gatling cannon means you can gun down Warp Spiders/Bike squads etc that will be operating on the fringes of the game.

Good thinking, I'll see if I can squeeze the gatling canon in! Yeah I'm usually putting invis on my picket line of hounds and either the knight or a maulerfiend. Be'lakor flubbed a few psychic rolls I think in the game against Chris, so seemed to do very little. Had him gunned down by bolters in another game against Terry, so I think I might just keep him flying in the air doing his thing with invis and psychic shreik/shrouded.
Warhammer 40K (Astra Militarum & CSM/1KSons/Daemons) | AoS (Daemons of Chaos) | Dropfleet Commander (UCM) 
Models painted in 2017: 74
Models painted in 2018: 45
Models painted in 2019: 55

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