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Warhammer 40K Caledonian Revolutions 2015
Yep looks like this weekends gaming for me might be the last of the current codex.. depending on War of the Roses and how they will call the new/old codex..

(13-04-2015, 10:51 PM)jjakaalbinoboy Wrote:
(12-04-2015, 05:52 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: JJ I have a spare jet bike if you need one?

Cheers Chris, may need to take you up on that, just going to wait and see what happens at the weekend with new codex an jetbikes first.
Supposed to be a plastic one released 25th as part of the Eldar wave, save on the conversion. Will probably be £20 though! lol

keep an eye on the Eldar thread and will update with pictures when they break. Smile

Also keep in mind codex leaks won't happen till around 22nd when people get early copies of codex
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
(13-04-2015, 07:43 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: Aren't the doomsday arks a bit pants though? Really powerful gun but very static and you still get cover saves from them.

Yeah I got a little carried away with it's power without thinking about actually using it. Can't move and fire, can't hit flyers, can't jink and there's no restriction on invisibility which is a bit deal which means I couldn't even target the majority or Death Stars. Gonna have a re think n spend the points a bit more wisely Smile how's your list coming along mate?
Now I'm thinking

Necron cad

Nemesor Zahndrekh 150
Vargard Obyron 120

10 Warriors 130
• Ghost Ark 105
10 Warriors 130
• Ghost Ark 105

6 Canoptek Wraiths: 6× Whip Coils; 6× Transdimensional Beamer 318
6 Destroyers: Heavy Destroyer 250

1 Canoptek Spyder 50

Royal court formation

Overlord: Veil of Darkness; Resurrection Orb 130
Destroyer Lord: Solar Staff; Phase Shifter 150
Orikan the Diviner 120
Cryptek: Chronometron 90

1,848 points

Basically the overlord, orikan, cryptek and zahndrehk join the destroyers and jump forward into shooting range of a priority target. Oberon and the destroyer lord and wraiths jump next within 12 of zahndrek so the don't scatter and are within 12 for they're id shooting and use the solar staff so they can only be hit by snap shots. The rest just hangs back unless my opponent has all the objectives in their half.

Turn two the wraiths charge with preffered enemy from the destroyer lord as the rest moves up. I should gain control of the middle of the board by the end of my second turn or be wiped off the table! Should be fun though Smile
Having finally played a game of 1850pts (thanks chris),so I now know my list isn't complete rubbish. I think I'm going to go with a variation of the below. Idea is tyrant flies around trying to get first strike and keep warlord safe. Lots of infiltrating obj sec and generally try and play to objectives whilst tarpitting anything and everything with throwaway gaunts that come back on a 4+

Any thoughts any one? Going to be my first 40k tourney, so zero experience here.

+++ (1850pts) +++

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1120pts) ++

+ HQ (275pts) +

Hive Tyrant (275pts) [Electroshock Grubs, Powers of the Hive Mind, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms]
··Wings [Fighter Ace]

+ Elites (295pts) +

Lictor Brood (150pts)
··3x Lictor [3x Flesh Hooks, 3x Rending Claws, 3x Scything Talons]

Venomthrope Brood (45pts)
··Venomthrope [Lashwhips, Toxic Miasma]

Zoanthrope Brood (100pts) [2x Zoanthrope]

+ Troops (350pts) +

Genestealer Brood (70pts)
··5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood (70pts)
··5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood (70pts)
··5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood (70pts)
··5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood (70pts)
··5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

+ Fast Attack (60pts) +

Gargoyle Brood (60pts)
··10x Gargoyle [10x Blinding Venom, 10x Fleshborer]

+ Heavy Support (140pts) +

Mawloc (140pts)

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Formation Detachment) (730pts) ++

+ Formation (730pts) +

Endless Swarm (730pts)
··Hormagaunt Brood
····20x Hormagaunt [20x Adrenal Glands, 20x Scything Talons]
··Hormagaunt Brood
····10x Hormagaunt [10x Adrenal Glands, 10x Scything Talons]
··Hormagaunt Brood
····10x Hormagaunt [10x Adrenal Glands, 10x Scything Talons]
··Termagant Brood
····20x Fleshborer Termagant [20x Fleshborer, 20x Toxin Sacs]
··Termagant Brood
····10x Fleshborer Termagant [10x Fleshborer]
··Termagant Brood
····10x Fleshborer Termagant [10x Fleshborer]
··Tyranid Warrior Brood [Venom Cannon]
····Tyranid Warrior [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Rending Claws, Toxin Sacs]
····Tyranid Warrior [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Rending Claws, Toxin Sacs]
····Tyranid Warrior [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Rending Claws, Toxin Sacs]
····Tyranid Warrior [Adrenal Glands, Boneswords, Devourer, Toxin Sacs]
····Tyranid Warrior [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Lashwhip & Boneswords, Toxin Sacs]

Created with BattleScribe
Warhammer Fantasy Beastmen, Woodelves; Warhammer 40K Dark Eldar, Blood angels, Tyranids; Battlefleet Gothic Imperial, Dark Eldar; Saga Vikings; Guild ball Masons; Dropzone Commander & Dropfleet PHR, UCM(dropfleet only); Lord of the rings Mordor, Gundabad; Beyond the gates of Antares Ghar Outcast Rebels
Quote:"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like"

(14-04-2015, 07:05 PM)Nick1988 Wrote: how's your list coming along mate?

Well I had a game against Wills tyranids yesterday and Orikan and friends failed to arrive until turn 4! When they did they couldn't do anything that turn so literally got one turn out of them - ripped apart a wounded Mawloc and some tyranid warriors but was too little too late.

So now I am thinking I need to start with stuff on the board - was first time playing with the Maelstrom missions so realised end-game isn't as important anymore. Now thinking one of these two lists if I take Necrons:

List 1: (CAD)
Orikan (Warlord, joins shields and swords unit)
Lord - res orb, solar staff (joins warscythes)
10 warriors - Ghost Ark
10 Warriors - Ghost Ark
15 Warriors
10 Lychguard - warscythes
9 Lychguard - hypephase swords and dispersion shields
6 Wraiths - 5 whip coils, 2 particle casters
Triarch Stalker
Canoptek Spyder - fabricator claw array and gloom prism

List 2: (CAD)
Orikan (Warlord, joins shields and swords)
10 warriors - Ghost Ark
10 Warriors - Ghost Ark
10 Warriors
10 Lychguard - warscythes
10 Lychguard - hypephase swords and dispersion shields
6 Wraiths - 5 whip coils, 1 particle caster
Royal Court Formation:
Lord - orb of eternity, gaunlet of fire (joins warscythes)
Cryptek - chronometron and solar staff (joins warscythes)
Overlord - res orb, warscythe (joins shields and swords)

Leaning towards the second list but what do yuo think? 3 big combat threats move onto middle objectives and sit there taking the pain and killing stuff. Supported by Ghost arks.

During my game with Will I was amazed at how well a 15 strong warrior squad stood up to tyranids in combat, with the reanimation protocols boosting survivability. Just have to point out, the 10 man sword and shield unit is T5, 3+/3++, rerolling failed saves of 1 and with RP of 4+, and once a game I get to reroll the RPs. Also pump out 20 S5 AP3 attacks, plus the AP2 attacks from the overlrd and Orikan - pretty awesome. Solar staff and orb of eternity should keep most of the 'softer' warscythe squad alive for two separate shooting phases.

Problems with both lists - only shooting comes from the warriors and ghost arks, in the first list all the warriors get BS5 while the stalker is alive. Lychguard are slow, footslogging across the board in no transports.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Really like the sound of the 3++ guys! Been thinking about them myself although praetorians seem amazing as they're jump infantry which halves your movement problem straight away but only ap 3. Warriors in ghost arks are badass and wraiths are better than they've ever been! Maybe swap out the regular lord for a destroyer lord if you can make up the points as he gives the whole unit preffered enemy which is really nice!
(14-04-2015, 03:31 PM)manrogue Wrote:
(13-04-2015, 10:51 PM)jjakaalbinoboy Wrote:
(12-04-2015, 05:52 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: JJ I have a spare jet bike if you need one?

Cheers Chris, may need to take you up on that, just going to wait and see what happens at the weekend with new codex an jetbikes first.
Supposed to be a plastic one released 25th as part of the Eldar wave, save on the conversion. Will probably be £20 though! lol

keep an eye on the Eldar thread and will update with pictures when they break. Smile

Also keep in mind codex leaks won't happen till around 22nd when people get early copies of codex

Well not sure what to do with the Farseer now that the mantle of the laughing God is gone....
Dropfleet Commander: UCM
Dropzone Commander: UCM
Star Wars X-Wing: Rebel Alliance
Magic the Gathering
LotR SBG: High Elves
Warhammer 40,000 7th ed.: Astra Militarum & Eldar
Halo Fleet Battles: Covenant
BFG: Imperial Navy & Eldar Corsairs
Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed.: Warriors of Chaos

Element Games referral code JAS173.
(14-04-2015, 10:40 PM)will Wrote: Having finally played a game of 1850pts (thanks chris),so I now know my list isn't complete rubbish. I think I'm going to go with a variation of the below. Idea is tyrant flies around trying to get first strike and keep warlord safe. Lots of infiltrating obj sec and generally try and play to objectives whilst tarpitting anything and everything with throwaway gaunts that come back on a 4+

Any thoughts any one? Going to be my first 40k tourney, so zero experience here.

+++ (1850pts) +++

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1120pts) ++

+ HQ (275pts) +

Hive Tyrant (275pts) [Electroshock Grubs, Powers of the Hive Mind, Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Twin-linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms]
··Wings [Fighter Ace]

+ Elites (295pts) +

Lictor Brood (150pts)
··3x Lictor [3x Flesh Hooks, 3x Rending Claws, 3x Scything Talons]

Venomthrope Brood (45pts)
··Venomthrope [Lashwhips, Toxic Miasma]

Zoanthrope Brood (100pts) [2x Zoanthrope]

+ Troops (350pts) +

Genestealer Brood (70pts)
··5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood (70pts)
··5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood (70pts)
··5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood (70pts)
··5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

Genestealer Brood (70pts)
··5x Genestealer [5x Rending Claws]

+ Fast Attack (60pts) +

Gargoyle Brood (60pts)
··10x Gargoyle [10x Blinding Venom, 10x Fleshborer]

+ Heavy Support (140pts) +

Mawloc (140pts)

++ Tyranids: Codex (2014) (Formation Detachment) (730pts) ++

+ Formation (730pts) +

Endless Swarm (730pts)
··Hormagaunt Brood
····20x Hormagaunt [20x Adrenal Glands, 20x Scything Talons]
··Hormagaunt Brood
····10x Hormagaunt [10x Adrenal Glands, 10x Scything Talons]
··Hormagaunt Brood
····10x Hormagaunt [10x Adrenal Glands, 10x Scything Talons]
··Termagant Brood
····20x Fleshborer Termagant [20x Fleshborer, 20x Toxin Sacs]
··Termagant Brood
····10x Fleshborer Termagant [10x Fleshborer]
··Termagant Brood
····10x Fleshborer Termagant [10x Fleshborer]
··Tyranid Warrior Brood [Venom Cannon]
····Tyranid Warrior [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Rending Claws, Toxin Sacs]
····Tyranid Warrior [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Rending Claws, Toxin Sacs]
····Tyranid Warrior [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Rending Claws, Toxin Sacs]
····Tyranid Warrior [Adrenal Glands, Boneswords, Devourer, Toxin Sacs]
····Tyranid Warrior [Adrenal Glands, Devourer, Lashwhip & Boneswords, Toxin Sacs]

Created with BattleScribe

This looks cracking! A bit different too, incorporating lots of things that work together well without relying too heavily on a single unit.
My only thought would be Fighter Ace on the Flyrant - whilst almost always good, it's also pricy.
40K - Tyranids (4500 Points) & Chaos - The Purge and the Brazen Host (8500 Points)
30K - Death Guard (2000ish Points), Sons of Horus (175 Points because Loken) + World Eaters, soon.
Project Log
"Only a fool takes Khârn for a mindless brute or rabid dog. Under that blood-soaked helm lurks an intelligence and cunning that makes him a masterful killer - trust me when I say that there is a dark purpose in his madness."
OK have not had any games with the necron lists yet but I was worried about lack of dealing with big bad tanks early game as i foot slog across the board, so to remedy that I am thinking about some Come the Apocalypse Allies:

Necron CAD:
Orikan (Warlord, joins shields and swords)
Lord - res orb, solar staff (joins warscythes)
10 warriors - Ghost Ark
10 Warriors - Ghost Ark
10 Lychguard - warscythes, Night scythe
10 Lychguard - hypephase swords and dispersion shields
6 Wraiths - 5 whip coils

Dark Angels Alied Detachment:
Librarian - combi-melta, ml2
Tac squad - combi-melta, meltagun, drop pod
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari

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