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Tuesday 27th January 2015
I'm up for Warmachine or TOXG W40K again this week!
W40K: Blood Ravens / Orks / Inquisitor / Imperial Guard
Warhammer: Dwarfs
Warmachine: Protectorate of Menoth / Khador / Cygar / Circle
Malifaux: Started Neverborn and Outcasts
could i get involved in the bolt action senenigans? if not ill probably play the dark crusades RPG if you guys would have me again (p.s. hero name wireless wifi dongle)
X-wing: any side
Bolt action: 8ths armoured US division
work-in-progress, 7th british armoured division (desert rats) early war
Infinity: Work-in-progress, neoterran capitaline army
(18-01-2015, 06:42 PM)fpsninja Wrote: could i get involved in the bolt action senenigans? if not ill probably play the dark crusades RPG if you guys would have me again (p.s. hero name wireless wifi dongle)

I'll bring your character sheet and stuff down, just in case you end up joining us Tongue
Back after a long absence and will be looking for a game of 40k around 1500-1750pts if anyone's interested.
Salamanders 6000pts
Grey knights 1000pts
Into the fires of battle unto the anvil of war!
Just to confirm, Gaz and Karl are playing SAGA this week.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
I'm going to have to cancel now as I'm been sent away with work again (this is more notice than I normally get) I'll be in Halifax most of next week now so I can't make the game. Sorry! Plenty of notice so hopefully possible to find a replacement
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
(21-01-2015, 09:39 PM)Simian Wrote: I'm going to have to cancel now as I'm been sent away with work again (this is more notice than I normally get) I'll be in Halifax most of next week now so I can't make the game. Sorry! Plenty of notice so hopefully possible to find a replacement

No worries Ben, Arif might be up for taking on Steve in the Bolt Action campaign - I'll check with him.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
I could always play Arif and fpsninja? Can you do1000pts?
Flames of War- Irish Guards    Bloodbowl- Orcs, Humans
Cutlass- Teddy Bear Pirates     Warhammer- Bretonnia, Ogres
6mm WW2- XXX Corps            28mm WW2- Rules of Engagement, Bolt Action, Chain of Command
28mm Zulu War- Still painting !!  SAGA Normans, Saracens
Bolt Action - German and British Infantry
Malifaux - Gremlins
Guildball - Butchers,Hunters, Farmers
(22-01-2015, 12:20 PM)Noisysteve Wrote: I could always play Arif and fpsninja? Can you do1000pts?

They're one and the same Smile I'll pencil you chaps in.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
I think Simon is play Charli at Warmachine?

Anyone free for 40K with Kev?
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."

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