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40K: Iron Warrior Project June 2014
Recently I decided that to save repainting my army every time I want to try different Marks, I've decided to choose an Undivided Army to keep things relatively Fluffy!

Pictures will be uploaded as the Project develops, and regular updates will be posted. I overheard that a painted army increases dice rolls, so seemed a good enough reason to push this project to the forefront!

Signing out for now, but will update later!

After test painting several models to find what worked for me for a tabletop-standard, I've started making scenic bases to contrast the metallic paintwork. Decided to aim for some tundra-themed (snow-themed) bases!

If people like the effort I made and would be interested to know how I've gone about it I am sure I could spare the time to write up a tutorial of sorts.

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Currently the bases are lacking the 'snow' due to a lack of materials to be picked up soon, but weathering on the models has started along with a healthy drybrush to the bases. Experimented with water-type effects also!

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  • before weathering and complete assembly

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  • Weathered Bikes before 'snow-effect' on base

As a first proper attempt at painting an 'army' as opposed to warbands and 'rabbles', I am enjoying the process more than I thought. It's quite addictive!

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My Rhinos have been basecoated though still putting the tracks together! They will be painted then assembled afterwards. Along with this Monster who has just had his basecoats applied!

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I would love to see the Bikes up close. Nothing is as clean as I would normally expect, but I actually like the pictures. It all has a grainy feel, which is unique, but with something so strange I would be interested in getting up close and personal to see if it truly sold me, as a painting style. It gives me a feeling of John Blanche (in that his drawings and painted models have the same scratchy style,) in that it looks different.

However the stand out picture for me, is the bike base, with the water effects on. It looks absolutely awesome. To me it would be a shame to Snow it up, or even stick a bike on it, and cover it up. I really do like it, which seems weird, that a base should get me so excited. On the whole this is a very interesting set of photos, and some nice work.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
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Thanks for the response Gareth! It's my first project as far as painting goes which is probably why things aren't so 'clean' and polished as of yet.
Funny as I have a decent camera but i choose the ease of a smartphone.

I've been trying to make a conscious effort to keep paint thinned and things as neat I could! The weathering inspiration is from the Iron Warriors backstory. Siege experts: grueling long-term vicious engagements with bursts of close-quarter brutality! To me it instantly sprung thoughts of the bitter cold, icy advances and an unrelenting drive to break through whatever faces them!

Chaos might not be the most competitive, but I can certainly see some epic battles and perhaps even narrative campaigns on the way!

Currently building the Heldrake base, planning out with much amusement, desecrating as much space marine stuff as i can find! Also had a play around with some basic conversion as a first attempt.

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Productive evening of painting once again. Deciding I would try tackle the obliterators. Basecoats had been applied, and were awaiting a flesh-type wash to the skin and gold trim areas. Nuln Oil was then applied to the silvers and the weapons protruding from the hands and wrists of these monstrosities.

After the wash dried, I applied second layer highlights and finally a third highlight concentrating on the edges and highly raised areas. I'm quite pleased with how they turned out, especially after my initial apprehension. (Pictures will be uploaded tomorrow)

The Rhinos I had basecoated had also finally dried. I began again applying the basecoats, and as the paint was so thin, I decided to take advantage of the quick drying and blast through a heavy nuln oil wash. This of course left a lot of residue and pooling which is something I wanted to experiment with.

Once the wash had dried, I began drybrushing my secondary and tertiary highlights accoordingly and tried to leave some of the heavy wash characteristics partially visible through the new layers. (Pictures will be uploaded tomorrow)

Critique is of course welcome - this is a first for miniature painting for myself, and I've never attempted basing or conversion before.
It has certainly opened a can of worms for me, which I am looking to exploit in some Nurgle-themed Dioramas hidden inside the Rhino's
(Think Alien or Event Horizon)

Signing off for this section
Hope those of you who've stuck through my rambling are enjoying keeping up to date with what I am doing.
Looking good Dan, look forward to seeing these tuesday!
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven

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