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Caledonian 2014 40k Tournament
Could someone send me the army list doc thats up, my drop box keeps saying error 500?

Just managed to get it to work:

Heres the link for everyone:

Some good banter on the warhammer forum already! Between 120ish players there is......

91 khymerae
89 grav weapons
57 screamers
49 riptides including o'vesa.
46 broadsides
38 wave serpents
30 skyrays
21 wraithknights
15 heldrakes
14 farsights
13 coteazs
10 stormravens
7 fateweavers
5 eldrads
5 dooms

Dirty Tau Scumbags!!! Haha
I blame ALL of those who are taking Riptides as allies to this tournament… dirty cheating scumbags! Wink

I don't like the fact they every army is packing a large blast... or is a screamer council LMAO

Some extremely clever lists using units and combos that are going to be nasty...

I think my Bomb might get blown away in some games, I wasn't expecting Ovesa Bombs to be so popular! I think thats my worst match up and there are 8 lists IIRC... most of them packing 3+ Riptides, most of which are Ion Accels... I think my goal of 3rd or better might have to be amended some what :p

Only down to a top10 finish, 4 wins, 1 loss as I'm going to hit a Ovesa list at some stage...

Yeah, just from reading all the lists I have some great ideas for BB. I've also decided to lower my expectations and just wanna try and better my last two tournament results (11th and 10th) considering there's double the players would be great Big Grin
Yeah there are some tasty lists!
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
This on could be nasty
Quote:17 )- Christopher Choy
PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Farsight Enclave Supplement
HQ1 : Farsight 165
HQ: Farsight Commander Team
O'Vesa (305) Ob'lotai 9-0 (128) Torchstar (154)
752 pts
HQ2 : Tau Commander (85) 2x Fusion Blaster (30) Talisman of Arthas Moloch (25) Target Lock (5)
Vectored Retro Thrusters (5) Mirrorcodex (50) 200 pts
Troop 1 : Crisis Team, Bonding Knife Ritual, 3 Crisis Suits (69)
Troop 2 : 1 Crisis Suit, Bonding Knife Ritual, Flamer (28)
Troop 3 : 1 Crisis Suit, Bonding Knife Ritual, Flamer (28)
Troop 4 : 1 Crisis Suit, Bonding Knife Ritual (23)
Total: 1100 pts
ALLIED DETACHMENT: Codex Space Marines, Red Scorpions Chapter Tactics
HQ1 :Sevrin Loth, 175pts
Troop 1: Scout Squad, 55pts
Heavy Suppport: Centurion Devastator Squad, 3 Centurions and 1 Sergeant with Grav Amps,
Omniscope 340 pts
Total: 570 pts
ALLIED DETACHMENT: Codex: Inquisition
Inquisitor Coteaz 100 pts
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Liber Heresius (15) Psychotroke Grenades (15) Rad Grenades (15) 3 Servo
Skulls (9) 79 pts
179 pts
Total: 1849 pts
Crappy troops spoils it though
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
On the note of O'vesa bombs, alot of the lists aren't rocking earth caste arrays. So no re-rolls on Nova which either means they aren't planning to Nova them or they are and just hoping to pass without a re-roll. If they fail, you get no saving throw of any kind, so it is a dropped wound there.

If i was you Rob, just Gate as close as possible to the bomb and drop everything into it, you should wipe out at least a tide as a lot aren't rocking FNP either so relying on O'vesa tanking the wounds. Mine was effective against you as i could spread the wounds around and passed a lot of FNP saves.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Lol played him at winter warm up, was a learning curve, but at cale inquisitors cannot join into a unit that does contain a none battle bro model. so that's no tau, dev centurions and coteaz in one unit...

I don't think he's aware of that... As the tau ic's will join loth at centurions, Leaving the inquisitors on there own or to join the scouts lmao!

Cheers for the shout out Vince!

Need learn what liber heresius does?


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