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Caledonian 2014 40k Tournament
(08-01-2014, 11:52 AM)Nick1988 Wrote: Next weeks game is completely going to depend on what powers i roll! If i miss 4+ invun and FNP i might aswell not put any models on the table lol still bot sure how to deploy against the bomb to bw honest.

Ignore cover will be important as well IMO, the bomb is quite small really, not much larger than a large blast template... lol

I think Rob had the right idea reserving the Riptide, depending on the deployment, deploying the Riptide on one flank and Centurions on the other could be a tactic... but if it goes wrong, could allow me to do what I did with the Beastpack, engaged what I want and ignore the Centurions when required.

Not easy for my list either... lots of Grav Guns and high str/low ap shots.

Should be an interesting game, I'm not sure which way it will go, if you get perfect powers it will be tough. but even if not, you're still gonna be tough match up for my list! I think Deathstar v Deathstar will always be like this! and who goes first will be important... going second or first completely changes the game for either player!

Looking forward to it! And Vinces game tonight, gonna be brutal! 3 Riptides 2 Ions (1 FW beasty with double hits on battlesuits) and Nova Charged double shot Ion, Broadsides and mini farsight bomb... gonna be nasty!

The deathstar geta ignores cover anyway from the Tau commander but blessing the riptide would be good too! I always feel like i need to roll on Biomancy 1st to get the Fnp and can end up with really crappy powers but pretty much all of divination is useful! Should i abbandon biomancy?

As for white scars, +1 jink alone is worth it, especially when moving flat out! Although making the bikes white scars would mean dropping tiggy (as hes ultramarines) or the Tau commander who makes the death star SO good! Might have a look at it for BB5 but for now im stuck with what i have so i need to make the best of it! Wish id spent some point of a fist and combi grav for the bike squad too. They just got ruined in combat!

Anyone got any tips on using broadsides well? They seem great on paper but noone seems to use them? Why? Lol
I think holding your bikes back near your centurions and using them as a bit of a screen or to protect one of their flanks is a better idea than charging them forward across the centre of the board.

I think you need the 4++ and FnP too much not to roll on biomancy, otherwise stuff coming from behind or once the chapter master has gone down, you are toast to ap2.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
I would love to have both every time but FNP is on biomancy and 4++ is on divination so its less than 25% i get both! Confused was lucky against you 1st game but ended up with haemorage and misfortune the 2nd time!
(08-01-2014, 01:25 PM)Nick1988 Wrote: The deathstar geta ignores cover anyway from the Tau commander but blessing the riptide would be good too! I always feel like i need to roll on Biomancy 1st to get the Fnp and can end up with really crappy powers but pretty much all of divination is useful! Should i abbandon biomancy?

As for white scars, +1 jink alone is worth it, especially when moving flat out! Although making the bikes white scars would mean dropping tiggy (as hes ultramarines) or the Tau commander who makes the death star SO good! Might have a look at it for BB5 but for now im stuck with what i have so i need to make the best of it! Wish id spent some point of a fist and combi grav for the bike squad too. They just got ruined in combat!

Anyone got any tips on using broadsides well? They seem great on paper but noone seems to use them? Why? Lol

Broadsides are awesome as Missile sides, only reason i haven't used them is lack of models. Sad

One of the lists i would like to try is O'vesa, 2 shield missile drones, buffmander, 3 missilesides with target locks and 6 missile drones. Thats 16 BS5 S7 Ap4, Ion accelarator and fusion of Ovesa, 12 BS3 S7 Ap4 and 12 BS3 S5 AP4 homing firing at seperate targets. All ignoring cover and rerolls, with tank hunters or monster hunters off buffmander.

Great against Crons and 4+ Armour save stuff, but would struggle against armour 2+ maybe, relying on weight of fire.

Would be tasty i think!

What was you thinking of doing with Broadsides?
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Missfortune would be a pain, but I have a lvl3 psyker, so deny the witch is on a 4+? 6+ basic, 5+ for being a psyker and 4+ for being equal/better Smile

I think you have to roll on what you deem to be most important, then if you get that power roll 1 or 2 then switch to a second tree or continue, then re-roll as applicable.

(08-01-2014, 01:25 PM)Nick1988 Wrote: The deathstar geta ignores cover anyway from the Tau commander but blessing the riptide would be good too! I always feel like i need to roll on Biomancy 1st to get the Fnp and can end up with really crappy powers but pretty much all of divination is useful! Should i abbandon biomancy?

As for white scars, +1 jink alone is worth it, especially when moving flat out! Although making the bikes white scars would mean dropping tiggy (as hes ultramarines) or the Tau commander who makes the death star SO good! Might have a look at it for BB5 but for now im stuck with what i have so i need to make the best of it! Wish id spent some point of a fist and combi grav for the bike squad too. They just got ruined in combat!

Anyone got any tips on using broadsides well? They seem great on paper but noone seems to use them? Why? Lol

A couple of questions, I've been wanting to check these myself, I don't think perfect timing is a blessing that is cast on to units, I think it's cast on the psyker and he then gives it to the unit... I seem to recall that being the case with the Blob… could be wrong… FNP is the psyker as well…?? I think… again could be wrong, as Rune Priests had biomancy options and I never rolled on that table because of it… I don’t have the rulebook to hand so could be wrong… will check later mind :p

Broadsides are awesome, only faced 2 units in competitive play, the first time they were deployed near a LOS blocking terrain so I was able to avoid them and it was turn3 before my opponent realised he should move them… so he moved them, but I’d already taken out the rest of his army to shot them to pieces, second game, deployed on a hill with amazing fire lanes, dominated my movement and game play, with a buff commander ignoring cover, twin linked BS5 missile drones… was a nightmare, if you can get good LOS and be protected they are great, but so vulnerable to assault and once the drones are dead, the effective fire power drops massively. Still a threat, but the drones and maker lights make the unit

Yeah me being stupid, I guess it depends on the opponent then. roll on divination first if facing lots of ap2, cos the 4++ is more important or biomancy facing ones that will torrent you, where the FNP will be better.

Rob looking at the rule book you're right, perfect timing targets the psykers then affects the unit he is with. Endurance targets the unit directly.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
You completely right with ignores cover! So that would be a bit pointless unless tiggy joined the riptide! (as the tau commander gives it to the blob) Fnp is ok though!
Arrrggghh so many holes in my game plan lol 4+ invun and FNP it is lol

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