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Caledonian 2014 40k Tournament
Im just glad i bought some big guns :p my 'deatg star' is the strongest ive ever used!! Im just hoping the stuff backing it up lasts long enough!!
Right guys......... Any advice on strategy against the common lists? Cant go back on my army now (stupid advanced list submission!) trying to work out a bit of a game plan against certain armys!

1st turn i can fire

5 x str 8 ap 3 48'' + move
3 x str 9 ap 2 48'' + move
10 grav shots 24'' + move
6 grav shots 18'' + bike move
1 str 10 ap 1 barrage large blast
1 str 9 ap 2 barrage large blast
4 str 5 ap 5 ignore line of sight and cover

Im thinking use the str 10 ap 1 blast 1st turn to try and take out priority characters in death stars e.g. Loth, farsight, coteaz etc as it will instant kill them all if they fail a look out sir or two. Same with the riptides nova charged ion cannon (str 9 ap 2 barrage) both having re rolls to hit! If my opponent has any vehicles (especially anti air) i was thinking to give the blob 'tank hunters' from the Tau commander and blowing all thr las and missiles to makr sure theyre destroyed.

My main debate is whether or not to start my bikes in reserve as i will lose a turn or two of shooting the grav guns but if theyre not on the table they cant be killed! As i only have 4 scoring units (unless i get lucky on my warlord traits) i need to protect them? The tactical marines should be safe enough in the stormraven and assume the Kroot will just die as soon as someone throws a stick at them.

What u reckon?
Just remember farsight in Tau codex bomb (the bodyguard 7-8 man unit like Rob is using) auto passes look out sir but if he is running a Enclave bomb will have to roll look-outs as usually. Just as a heads up for trying to snipe him.

Just remember that although the Nova charged Riptide is awesome, if you fail it you take a wound. It why i switched to an enclave list. sometimes it is better to go for the Overcharged S8 Large blast instead. Either of them can gets hot, so it can be a pain if you don't have buff commander with him for re-rolls as it won't go off on a 1.

Are you go run the Deathstar and Tide next to each other so Buff commander can switch to Whoever needs him?
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Ahhh ok, ill bear that in mind! Using nova charge can cause wounds but i figured if it dosent go off i can still use overcharge aswell. But yeah the riptide will stay close to the blob so the commander can swap when he needs to and tiggy can buff the riptide with prescience and ignores cover (if i roll it).
Sounds like a plan, though if you come across a Farsight bomb, taking out the Buff commander is your best bet as reduces the effectiveness massively.

Interested to see how you guys get on!
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Haha me too mate! Havent had a game with the list yet so it could be utter crap! Got a game against Chris next week and Rob the week after so at least ill have a bit of practise!
You can still use the ion if you fail nova but not overcharge, I'm running the tau body guard so auto los for all ic's (maybe even loth?).

As for advice, I'm also looking for pointers :p

I really like your list nick and rob, I think we'll all do well.

Advice nick, Just pick your targets well, I like the multiple buffs your army has, nova charged SMS missiles are dirty!! Don't forget the other nova charge options like Inv save as well.

Tiggy can join the riptide... But the tide, cannot jump if he does.

Scriers gaze is a good power

I would use grab guns to strip wounds not just take things out in one go :p

And a Happy new year!!

Yeah, ive used the 3+ invun a lot in combat to tank wounds! Never really thought of nova charging the SMS but 8 shots does sound prettt tasty! Especially against the weaker troops! I think im gonna take each game as it comes with the bikes, putting them in reserve against armys with ignores cover but charge them forward against armys similar to mine.

Are you gonna start the farsight bomb on the board or deep strike it in? Both have their downsides with interceptor and perils...... I guess perils is much less likely that rolling a 1 or 2 so itl depend when you actually want it to arrive! Id be super agressive with the skyrays though! Well until theu run out of missiles anyway lol
Nick I've got a quick question, how are you going to play the Chapter Master? Will he be running the bikes or acting as a tank in the Dev Centurions freeing up the Commander to join the Riptide. Or will that be a game by game basis as well.

Yeah Farsight starts then Gates all over the table, Perils is a problem... Loth only has 2 wounds...

I played my first playtest game this morning against my Beastpack list:

Played the Relic mission (with emperors will objectives lolol)

Eldrad got Death Mission, Eldrich Storm, Fortune, Prescience
Farseer had Fortune, Guide, Prescience (also rolled FNP Warlord Trait)

The Farsight Bomb had first turn so deployed aggressively with the Skyrays and Bomb on the Deployment line, Beastpack does my usual deploy in a corner surrounding the Wraithknights giving them a chance to survive, the Hawks also hide out of sight.

The Beastpack then steals....... lol so that moves up to take midfield dominance turn1 then the Wraithknights take out a Skyray in the open.

Bomb gates towards the right flank to tackle the side with the Farseer on and it does extremely well, throwing everything into the Beastpack, killing 14 Khymera/Beastmasters to get to the Farseer which fails 2 out of 4 Fusion Blaster hits... fails 1 inv save, then the re-roll...


From reserve come the Kabalite Warriors and 2 Jetbike squads.

The Beastpack moves into range of the Bomb and hits it hard taking the Commander and Farsight down to 1 wound each and a couple of Drones go down (the bomb are fearless thanks to Loth) another Skyray goes down to Wraithknight fire, which are now into the midfield.

Hits and runs out of combat and then gates into the backfield to tackle the Wraithknights, the Bomb takes out 1 and knocks the other down to 1 wound... I totally forget to fire the Skyray at the back... from reserve come 2 of the Kroot squads which move on the left flank and kill a Jetbike unit between them.


Beast Pack moves to swamp my Emperors Will objective on the right flank and to tackle the last Skyray in combat, which they do, make a 11" charge through cover. The Hawks take out most of a Kroot squad, the Warp Spiders land near the Inquisitor to take him out and contest the Emperors will on my table side. The remaining Wraithknight kills a Drone and a Battlesuit. Also from reserves come on the rest of the Jetbikes, 2 squads gang up on another Kroot squad removing them to 3.

The Bomb Gates towards the centre of the table, leaving both Fusion Blaster suits in range of the Wraithknight, the rest of the squad split fires the Missile Pods into 1 Jetbike unit, 2 Plasma Suits into another, the Drones and Farisght into the DE Warriors. Everything dies...

From reserve comes another Kroot squad on the left flank.. which help the Hawk squad, along with the remaining Kroot charging in to finish the job.

Turn4, I think all that is left is 2 Jetbike squad, Warp Spiders and Beastpack, the Beastpack head towards the left flank, running, in the mean time the Jetbikes have all split up and moved into corners of the table, the Warp Spiders head towards the centre of the table.

The Bomb fails gate!! but still remains in range of the Beastpack the remaining Kroot head towards the Relic on the left flank, which means they're moving into Beastpack range... The bomb opens up and de-pleats the pack down to 3 Khymera, 1 Beastmaster, Eldrad and the Baron. The Kroot also fire into the Pack, but do nothing as the Baron bounces everything... the Scouts move on and go for the Jetbikes on my objective, flaming 1 and killing another with bolt pistol fire.


The Jetbike squads jump onto my home objective the Warp Spiders in support... the Storm goes down but the Scouts survive. The Beast Pack multi charges the remaining Kroot... killing 6 or 7, the Baron/Eldrad/Khymera bounce everything then sweep 3 Kroot squads... leaving just the Scouts and Bomb... the Bomb Gates towards my board edge, luckily it can see and the Plasma is in range of a Jetbike squad... So the Bomb take out the 3 man Jetbike unit the Baron and the rest of the Beastpack leaving Eldrad, so down to the Scouts can they kill a single Jetbike??? Well they fail by shooting so charge and take it out... leaving me with 1 objective...

I then roll a 2 preventing the tabling.

I thought the Bomb being seized on, failing Gate and losing all the Kroot in one combat was game over... but luckily it wasn't.... I've just realised I didn't fire a single Skyray missile or SMS?? I played them reallllly badly!

I think I'm gonna playtest it against Wave Serpent Spam next... how many shots can the Bomb take??


Just working out the Caledonian Result from this game:

Objectives 3-0 = 7-3
KPs - 12-8 = 5-1
Secondaries - 2-1 = 3-1

So 15-5 win.

Hmmmm - not sure I have enough troops...

The chapter master will take over from Lysander/Calgar to lead the bomb! To be honest the commander is staying in the unit too (most of the time) to take look out sirs from the CM (hence i took FNP) unless i roll a 5 on divination with tiggy (re roll failed saves) in which case hel be behind the CM with a 3+ re rollable.

Thats the idea anyway unless my test games take me in another direction........

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