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Caledonian 2014 40k Tournament
Is anyone staying overnight on the friday/saturday? Wannna book my room soon if ppl are staying! The shennanigans on friday night sound kinda fun so i fancy being around if anyone else is?
Think I've decided....... It's either my winter warm up list with 2 stormravens or..........

Marneus Calgar
= 275
Chief Librarian Tigurius
= 165

10 Tactical Marines [140]
+ grav-gun [15]
= 155
10 Tactical Marines [140]
+ meltagun [10]
= 150

4 Devastator Centurions [240]
+ Centurion Sergeant [10]
+ omniscope [10]
+ 2× twin-linked lascannon [40]
+ 2× grav-cannon and grav-amp [40]
+ 4× missile launcher [40]
= 380

Commander [85]
+ Command and Control Node [15]
+ Puretide Engram Neurochip [15]
+ Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite [20]
+ vectored retro-thrusters [5]
+ XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit [25]
= 165

XV104 Riptide [180]
+ early warning override [5]
+ ion accelerator [5]
= 190

10 Kroot
= 60

3 XV88 Broadside Team [210]
+ Broadside Shas'ui [65]
+ Broadside Shas'ui [65]
+ Broadside Shas'ui [65]
3x rail rifle, 3x SMS, 3x early warning overide
= 210

Inquisitor Coteaz
= 100

1,850 points
Rob. Is just having Coteaz by himself as an inquisition attachment cool or does he need troops? Can't get hold of the codex.
Coteaz on his own is fine Smile (can only join the marines)

I kinda like the list, I think it's scoring is quite weak and the Broadsides will struggle with no maker light support and single (TL) shot weapons, SMS is amazing though. Hmmm

+++ Caledonian 2014 (1865pts) +++
+++ 1850pt [GW] Codex Inquisition 6ed 2013, Space Marines 6th Ed (2013) (FW), Tau Empire 6th Ed (2013) Roster (Allied Detachment, Allied Detachment, Standard)) +++


[GW] Codex Inquisition 6ed 2013 (Allied Detachment) Selections:

+ HQ + (94pts)

* Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (94pts)
(Independent Character, Stubborn)
Bolt Pistol, Carapace Armour, Chainsword, Frag and Krak Grenades, Psychotroke Grenades (15pts) (*), Psyk-out Grenades (*), Rad Grenades (15pts) (*), 3x Servo Skulls (9pts) (*)
* Psyker (Mastery Level 1) (30pts)
(Psychic Power)
* Hammerhand
Hammerhand - Warp Charge 1 (*)

Space Marines 6th Ed (2013) (FW) (Allied Detachment) Selections:

+ (No Category) +

* Chapter Tactics

+ HQ + (165pts)

* Chief Librarian Tigurius (165pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics (Ultramarines), Gift of Prescience, Independent Character, Master Psyker, Psyker (Mastery Level 3) (Bio,Div,Pyro,Telek,Telep), Warlord Trait: Storm of Fire)
Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Hood of Hellfire, Power Armour, Rod of Tigurius

+ Troops + (100pts)

* Scout Squad (100pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Chapter Tactics, Combat Squads, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Scout)
Scout Sergeant (11pts), 4x Scouts (44pts)
* Land Speeder Storm (45pts)
(Deep Strike, Scouts)
Cerberus Launcher, Heavy Bolter, Jamming Beacon

Tau Empire 6th Ed (2013) (Standard) Selections:

+ (No Category) + (702pts)

* XV8 Crisis Farsight Bodyguard Team (702pts)
* Crisis Bodyguard (132pts)
(Supporting Fire, Sworn Protector, Very Bulky)
Command and Control Node (15pts), Crisis battlesuit, Drone controller (8pts), Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite (20pts), Neuroweb System Jammer (2pts), Onager Gauntlet (5pts), Puretide Engram Neurochip (15pts), Target lock (5pts), Vectored retro-thrusters (5pts), XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit (25pts)
* Crisis Bodyguard (67pts)
(Supporting Fire, Sworn Protector, Very Bulky)
Crisis battlesuit, Cyclic ion blaster (15pts), Plasma rifle (15pts), Target lock (5pts)
* Crisis Bodyguard (67pts)
(Supporting Fire, Sworn Protector, Very Bulky)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Missile pod (30pts), Target lock (5pts)
* Crisis Bodyguard (67pts)
(Supporting Fire, Sworn Protector, Very Bulky)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Fusion blaster (30pts), Target lock (5pts)
* Crisis Bodyguard (67pts)
(Supporting Fire, Sworn Protector, Very Bulky)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Fusion blaster (30pts), Target lock (5pts)
* Crisis Bodyguard (67pts)
(Supporting Fire, Sworn Protector, Very Bulky)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Missile pod (30pts), Target lock (5pts)
* Crisis Bodyguard (67pts)
(Supporting Fire, Sworn Protector, Very Bulky)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Plasma rifle (30pts), Target lock (5pts)
* 14x Gun Drone (168pts)
14x Twin-linked pulse carbine

+ HQ + (300pts)

* Commander Farsight (165pts)
(Independent Character, Preferred Enemy (Orks), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky)
Crisis battlesuit, Plasma rifle, Shield generator, The Dawn Blade

* Commander Shadowsun (135pts)
(Defender of the Greater Good, Independent Character, Infiltrate, Supporting Fire)
Advanced targeting system, 2x Fusion blaster, XV22 Stealth Battlesuit

+ Troops + (195pts)

* Kroot Carnivore Squad (65pts)
(Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Stealth (Forests) ())
Kroot Hound (5pts) (Acute Senses)
* 10x Kroot (60pts)
10x Kroot rifle

* Kroot Carnivore Squad (65pts)
(Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Stealth (Forests) ())
Kroot Hound (5pts) (Acute Senses)
* 10x Kroot (60pts)
10x Kroot rifle

* Kroot Carnivore Squad (65pts)
(Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Stealth (Forests) ())
Kroot Hound (5pts) (Acute Senses)
* 10x Kroot (60pts)
10x Kroot rifle

+ Fast Attack + (77pts)

* Pathfinder Team (77pts)
(Scouts, Supporting Fire)
Photon grenades
* 7x Pathfinder Shas'la (77pts)
7x Pulse carbine with Markerlight

+ Heavy Support + (232pts)

* Sky Ray Missile Defense Gunship (116pts)
Blacksun filter (1pts), 2x Networked markerlight, 6x Seeker missile, Two Gun Drones, Velocity tracker

* Sky Ray Missile Defense Gunship (116pts)
Blacksun filter (1pts), 2x Networked markerlight, 6x Seeker missile, Two Gun Drones, Velocity tracker

Created with BattleScribe

So I'm 15pts over... but what do you think? Dirty enough?

Looks horrible! Im not gonna lie and say i understand it all but im guessing the general idea is to gate the bomb around the board?
Basically... Farsight, Shadowsun, Tigurius, 7 Battlsuits, 14 Gun Drones all join into a super death unit and gate around without scattering.

I could drop Tigurius for Sevrin Loth who picks his powers (so gate, 5+ inv save and the haywire shot) and is fearless, can also exchange a warp charge for a 2+ inv save lol

Can drop the tl off the awesome suit Rob to save 5 pt, has no weapons to fire. :p
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I thought loth was forge world? Might be wrong! Mate gate with no scatter would give you epic board control!! Is there enough scoring stuff?
Right I've just been speaking to Tim the tournament organiser and Loth is allowed, I cannot do the battlesuit jump because a character that cannot do that is attached to the unit?? anyway... Inquisitors cannot join to a unit that they are not battle bros with or a unit that contains something that it's not BB with, so that also means Coteaz could not join a the Dev Centurions if it contains the Tau Commander or the Tau commander couldn't join because of the Inquisitor, which makes sense.


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