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O'vesa Bomb list 1 or 2?
Finally got to play this list against Rob last night and am very happy with the core.

What i can't decide on is the troops part of it.

So list 1 gives me 4 scoring units and a lot of shooting ability at range while needing the markerlight support, where as list 2 is a ultra aggressive list with 7 scoring units, with deep striking double flamer suits.

Feedback and discussion appreciated.Big Grin

Quote:List 1
Tau Empire: Farsight Enclaves (2013) (Primary Detachment) Selections:
(No Category) (305pts)
Farsight's Commander Team (305pts) (Farsight Enclaves)
HQ choice (not counting towards FoC)
Honour-Shas'vre O'Vesa (305pts) (Farsight Enclaves p88)
Independent Character, Nova Reactor, Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire
Early warning override, Earth Caste Pilot Array (*), Ion accelerator, Riptide battlesuit, Riptide Shield Generator, Stimulant injector, Twin-linked fusion blaster
2x Shielded Missile Drone
2x Missile pod, 2x Shield generator

HQ (165pts)
Commander Farsight (165pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p96)
Independent Character, Preferred Enemy (Orks), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Crisis battlesuit, Plasma rifle, Shield generator, The Dawn Blade
Elites (310pts)

XV104 Riptide (310pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p100)
Nova Reactor, Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire
Earth Caste Pilot Array (30pts) (*), Heavy burst cannon, Riptide battlesuit, Riptide Shield Generator, Talisman of Arthas Moloch (25pts) (*), Target lock (5pts), Twin-linked fusion blaster, Velocity tracker (20pts)
2x Shielded Missile Drone (50pts)
2x Missile pod, 2x Shield generator

Troops (388pts)
Kroot Carnivore Squad (75pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p99)
Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Stealth (Forests) ()
Kroot Hound (5pts) (Acute Senses), Sniper rounds (10pts)
10x Kroot (60pts)
10x Kroot rifle

XV8 Crisis Team (149pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p100)
Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Bonding Knife Ritual (3pts) (*)
Crisis Shas'ui (52pts)
Airbursting fragmentation projector (15pts), Burst cannon (10pts), Crisis battlesuit, Vectored retro-thrusters (5pts)
Crisis Shas'ui (47pts)
Burst cannon (10pts), Crisis battlesuit, Twin-linked burst cannon (15pts)
Crisis Shas'ui (47pts)
Burst cannon (10pts), Crisis battlesuit, Twin-linked burst cannon (15pts)

XV8 Crisis Team (compulsory) (164pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p100)
Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Bonding Knife Ritual (3pts) (*)
Crisis Shas'ui (57pts)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Plasma rifle (30pts), Vectored retro-thrusters (5pts)
Crisis Shas'ui (52pts)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Plasma rifle (30pts)
Crisis Shas'ui (52pts)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Plasma rifle (30pts)

Tau Empire 6th Ed (2013) (Allied Detachment) Selections:
HQ (180pts)
Commander (180pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p98)
Independent Character, Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Command and Control Node (15pts), Crisis battlesuit, Drone controller (8pts), Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite (20pts), Neuroweb System Jammer (2pts), Onager Gauntlet (5pts), Puretide Engram Neurochip (15pts), Vectored retro-thrusters (5pts), XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit (25pts)
Troops (75pts)

Kroot Carnivore Squad (75pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p99)
Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Stealth (Forests) ()
Kroot Hound (5pts) (Acute Senses), Sniper rounds (10pts)
10x Kroot (60pts)
10x Kroot rifle

Fast Attack (77pts)
Pathfinder Team (77pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p101)
Scouts, Supporting Fire
Photon grenades
7x Pathfinder Shas'la (77pts)
7x Pulse carbine with Markerlight

Quote:List 2
(No Category) (305pts)
Farsight's Commander Team (305pts) (Farsight Enclaves)
HQ choice (not counting towards FoC)
Honour-Shas'vre O'Vesa (305pts) (Farsight Enclaves p88)
Independent Character, Nova Reactor, Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire
Early warning override, Earth Caste Pilot Array (*), Ion accelerator, Riptide battlesuit, Riptide Shield Generator, Stimulant injector, Twin-linked fusion blaster
2x Shielded Missile Drone
2x Missile pod, 2x Shield generator

HQ (165pts)
Commander Farsight (165pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p96)
Independent Character, Preferred Enemy (Orks), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Crisis battlesuit, Plasma rifle, Shield generator, The Dawn Blade
Elites (310pts)

XV104 Riptide (310pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p100)
Nova Reactor, Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire
Earth Caste Pilot Array (30pts) (*), Heavy burst cannon, Riptide battlesuit, Riptide Shield Generator, Talisman of Arthas Moloch (25pts) (*), Target lock (5pts), Twin-linked fusion blaster, Velocity tracker (20pts)
2x Shielded Missile Drone (50pts)
2x Missile pod, 2x Shield generator

Troops (386pts)
Kroot Carnivore Squad (75pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p99)
Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Stealth (Forests) ()
Kroot Hound (5pts) (Acute Senses), Sniper rounds (10pts)
10x Kroot (60pts)
10x Kroot rifle

XV8 Crisis Team (33pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p100)
Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Bonding Knife Ritual (1pts) (*)
Crisis Shas'ui (32pts)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Flamer (10pts)

XV8 Crisis Team (33pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p100)
Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Bonding Knife Ritual (1pts) (*)
Crisis Shas'ui (32pts)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Flamer (10pts)

XV8 Crisis Team (33pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p100)
Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Bonding Knife Ritual (1pts) (*)
Crisis Shas'ui (32pts)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Flamer (10pts)

XV8 Crisis Team (48pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p100)
Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Bonding Knife Ritual (1pts) (*)
Crisis Shas'ui (47pts)
Airbursting fragmentation projector (15pts), Crisis battlesuit, Twin-linked flamer (10pts)

XV8 Crisis Team (compulsory) (164pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p100)
Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Bonding Knife Ritual (3pts) (*)
Crisis Shas'ui (57pts)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Plasma rifle (30pts), Vectored retro-thrusters (5pts)
Crisis Shas'ui (52pts)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Plasma rifle (30pts)
Crisis Shas'ui (52pts)
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Plasma rifle (30pts)

Tau Empire 6th Ed (2013) (Allied Detachment) Selections:
HQ (180pts)
Commander (180pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p98)
Independent Character, Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Command and Control Node (15pts), Crisis battlesuit, Drone controller (8pts), Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite (20pts), Neuroweb System Jammer (2pts), Onager Gauntlet (5pts), Puretide Engram Neurochip (15pts), Vectored retro-thrusters (5pts), XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit (25pts)

Troops (75pts)
Kroot Carnivore Squad (75pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p99)
Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Stealth (Forests) ()
Kroot Hound (5pts) (Acute Senses), Sniper rounds (10pts)
10x Kroot (60pts)
10x Kroot rifle

Fast Attack (77pts)
Pathfinder Team (77pts) (Codex: Tau Empire p101)
Scouts, Supporting Fire
Photon grenades
7x Pathfinder Shas'la (77pts)
7x Pulse carbine with Markerlight
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I liked the list you used against me, but with more scoring.. seemed really light.. (3 units?)

The Bomb of Commander Awesome, Farsight, Riptide and Ovesa works well, super mobile and does a decent amount of damage, it's just about supporting it.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm too lazy to read through the army builder lists and say, I'd go double flamer single suits a few of them (2 or 3 @ 1500pts) and a bulkier unit with plasma/missile/flamers whichever you fancy.. then kroot allies and the Pathfinders.. I would just tweak the list you used last night, dropping the burstcannon unit for single suits.

There was 4 scoring, all the crisis are scoring and the 2 kroot units.

Lol, thats exactly what list 2 is, 4 single suits, 3 with flamers and one with frag projector. Tongue

The core will stay the same (Bomb, pathfinders, kroot and compulsory 3-man crisis) it is just whether to go 3-man tooled up, or MSU with other troops.

Only probably i have with list 2 is it is a lot of kill points up for grabs, though in the league with pre-planned games it is not as much of problem. But i would like to try and keep it as a list i can use regularly without tweaking. Smile
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I dunno what it is with me, but I cannot seem to follow what each unit has... just taken me 10mins to read through list 2 to work out what each unit has, so many basic things like Bulky that I really don't need to be reading :p I totally missed the fact that some of the units had flamers, I think 1 didn't have any weapon upgrades??

If it doesn't drop the Airburst it's nice but not essential.

I wouldn't bother to worry about KPs, they're easy enough to hide/protect... using reserves and the Ovesa star to deny areas of the board.

Lol, it is cause i copied and pasted from Battle scribe. Tongue

On my list they all have flamers, must not have copied and pasted across properly.....
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Right then, need to finalise my list for Tuesdays league game, thinking this-
Quote:Fasight Enclaves league list 1 (1500pts)
1500pt Tau Empire: Farsight Enclaves (2013), Tau Empire 6th Ed (2013) Roster (Primary Detachment, Allied Detachment)
Tau Empire: Farsight Enclaves (2013) (Primary Detachment) Selections:
(No Category) (305pts)
Farsight's Commander Team (305pts)
HQ choice (not counting towards FoC)
Honour-Shas'vre O'Vesa
Independent Character
Early warning override, Earth Caste Pilot Array (*), Ion accelerator, Stimulant injector, Twin-linked fusion blaster
2x Shielded Missile Drone

HQ (165pts)
Commander Farsight (165pts)
Independent Character,
Plasma rifle, Shield generator, The Dawn Blade

Elites (310pts)
XV104 Riptide (310pts)
Earth Caste Pilot Array (*), Heavy burst cannon, Talisman of Arthas Moloch (*), Target lock, Twin-linked smart missile system, Velocity tracker
2x Shielded Missile Drone

Troops (399pts)
Kroot Carnivore Squad (75pts)
Kroot Hound (Acute Senses), Sniper rounds
10x Kroot
10x Kroot rifle

XV8 Crisis Team (99pts)
Bonding Knife Ritual (*)
Crisis Shas'ui
Airbursting fragmentation projector, Burst cannon, Vectored retro-thrusters
Crisis Shas'ui
Advanced targeting system, 2x Burst cannon

XV8 Crisis Team (33pts)
Bonding Knife Ritual (*)
Crisis Shas'ui
2x Flamer

XV8 Crisis Team (28pts)
Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Bonding Knife Ritual (*)
Crisis Shas'ui

XV8 Crisis Team (compulsory) (164pts)
Preferred Enemy (Orks) (CC only), Supporting Fire, Very Bulky
Bonding Knife Ritual (*)
Crisis Shas'ui
2x Plasma rifle, Vectored retro-thrusters
Crisis Shas'ui
2x Plasma rifle
Crisis Shas'ui
2x Plasma rifle

Tau Empire 6th Ed (2013) (Allied Detachment) Selections:
HQ (180pts)
Commander (180pts)
Independent Character
Command and Control Node, Drone controller, Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite, Neuroweb System Jammer, Onager Gauntlet, Puretide Engram Neurochip, Vectored retro-thrusters, XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit

Troops (75pts)
Kroot Carnivore Squad (75pts)
Kroot Hound (Acute Senses), Sniper rounds
10x Kroot
10x Kroot rifle

Fast Attack (66pts)
Pathfinder Team (66pts)
Photon grenades
6x Pathfinder Shas'la
6x Pulse carbine with Markerlight
Bang on 1500, 6 scoring, lots of damage output possible. Thoughts?
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven

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