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2014 season.
Ok guys and ermmmmm, guys.

Seeing as we are entering the second half of the season, and more importantly September, it's time for us to consider where we go with the 2014 season.

As such I feel it's time to discuss, what people's wishes and views are, before we settle on a format for next year.

A few points I think should be discussed;

1) Existing teams - Do we reset the teams, or do we continue with existing progress.
2) Format - What are people's view of the two conference and play-off format. Do you like it, or prefer a straight league.
3) Number of games - Do you find the game commitment to great, or to small, or even spot on?
4) New teams - Justin at least has expressed interest in joining a second season. How do we best open up the league to any new entrants?
5) Further points - Anything anyone else sees as important.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
well i can't wait for the next season and a would like to carry on my existing team but then again i would like to try out a different team. I think that the way that the league has been laid out is perfect and if new people want to join we could let them play a certain amount of friendlies which would let them get to about the same point as our team or just have everyone start a fresh with new teams.
my games:
Warhammer 40k orcs, spacemarines,catachan jungle fighters,
Warhammer fantasy orcs
Lord of the Rings sbg everything you could think of!!!
Haleceasar germans
Cutlass orc pirates
Magic red and green
Personally I would like to be able to pick a different team, the dwarf hate is getting to me Wink seriously is there any way we can accommodate both having a new team and carrying on with the existing ones? I'm not sure there is, in which case my vote would be to reset teams, that way it's a breath of fresh air and new people can join easily. I have my eye on some wood elf miniatures...
Regarding format, I think it's fine as it is and it works, then again if the numbers playing change next season this might need to change.
The commitment I think is spot on, everyone seems to be playing at roughly the same pace and there is plenty of time for other games.
Really enjoying the league so far.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Resetting sounds good to me, as I'm already finding it difficult to remember who has what skills, especially on my opponent's team. Although that does mean going back to a team that struggles to pick up the ball (or do anything)!
I'm easy with whatever, also think it would be good to get more people/teams involved if possible.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Well I think Graham (GreyKnight) is also very interested. He has Dark Elves and an Ogre team.
I enjoy the league and the pace of the matches it ok. If we go quicker I think I could cope too. I think we should be able to keep our teams for the next season. The inducements will keep everyone in check. Tracking team progression can be difficult. It is easy to get into a mess. I use the spread sheet Vince shared a while back. If I did not have this I would have been lost too.

Teams can be tracked online. This would require a little work from a commissioner (Gareth) to set up and load the existing teams. Once this is done it runs it's self. I did make a donation to the guys who created and host the site so no payment is required too. For the good of the league and all that. I don't think having an online presents would hurt us either. I like to have a look at how my league buddies are progressing.. Once set up the the winner of match updates the TD, Cas, , Skill rolls, gold etc. from each match. It does alot of the work for you and gives stats on the teams too.

Here is my team on the website. We can call our league what ever we want. Have a click around and see how you like it..

An example of some of the stats
I am very proud of the match here under memroble matches
Largest TV difference in which underdog won
As Keith says I would like to join the next league - I have Dark Elves and I am just building an Ogre team using the Warhammer Ogre Kingdoms models and some old metal Warhammer Snotlings. I think I'd like to use the Ogres really as they're good fun and will add a bit of a "scary wildcard" to the league.
40K - Chaos Space Marines BloodBowl - Dark Elves & Ogres
Battlefleet Gothic - Chaos Necromunda - Redemptionists

Iron within, Iron without!
(30-08-2013, 04:38 PM)GreyKnight Wrote: As Keith says I would like to join the next league - I have Dark Elves and I am just building an Ogre team using the Warhammer Ogre Kingdoms models and some old metal Warhammer Snotlings. I think I'd like to use the Ogres really as they're good fun and will add a bit of a "scary wildcard" to the league.

i totally agree that we should have new people join the league and the easiest way to do this is to restart which also means that people who are already in the league can try out different teams as i think there are a couple who would like to (including me). Also means that for the few of us who have never participated in a league before we have gained some experience for the next one and will know what the best tactics are and which skills to pick for each player.
my games:
Warhammer 40k orcs, spacemarines,catachan jungle fighters,
Warhammer fantasy orcs
Lord of the Rings sbg everything you could think of!!!
Haleceasar germans
Cutlass orc pirates
Magic red and green
(29-08-2013, 10:52 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: Personally I would like to be able to pick a different team, the dwarf hate is getting to me Wink

makes atleast two of us who would like to try a different teamBig Grin
my games:
Warhammer 40k orcs, spacemarines,catachan jungle fighters,
Warhammer fantasy orcs
Lord of the Rings sbg everything you could think of!!!
Haleceasar germans
Cutlass orc pirates
Magic red and green

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