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So does anyone at the gaming club use Daemons?? I cannot say I've seen anyone use them... but I would love to face a Daemon army with the new dex! Big Grin

at some point this year you'll see my death guard with Daemon allies, thats as far as i'm planning at the moment. (though im sure a few more daemons will gradually appear!) the dex looks great fun, utterly nuts in places but great fun.

3 flying daemon princes in your heavy support slots? why not....
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Reliable rumour control has it that eternal warrior has been removed as a demon trait... hurrah!
40k: Bloodimps (Custom Blood Angels chapter )

"Cake for the cake god!"

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