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Stuart's Log of Hobby
I've got a load of LotR models that are built and undercoated but nothing else Stu if you want to have a rummage?
Dropfleet Commander: UCM
Dropzone Commander: UCM
Star Wars X-Wing: Rebel Alliance
Magic the Gathering
LotR SBG: High Elves
Warhammer 40,000 7th ed.: Astra Militarum & Eldar
Halo Fleet Battles: Covenant
BFG: Imperial Navy & Eldar Corsairs
Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed.: Warriors of Chaos

Element Games referral code JAS173.
(15-02-2016, 11:50 AM)jjakaalbinoboy Wrote: I've got a load of LotR models that are built and undercoated but nothing else Stu if you want to have a rummage?

That would be smashing JJ!

I'm hoping to fund my foray in the Tolkien systems by offloading some of the stuff I've acquired over the past few years, primarily the contents of the Kings of War and Deadzone kickstarters that are lying unused. Pretty sure I can find plenty of other stuff that can find some love elsewhere too.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Nice - It would be good to do some scenarios.
If we got something to work toward I could even paint some of our figures. We have got a lot of stuff...
History is written by the victors - Sir Winston Churchill
(15-02-2016, 02:18 PM)Agincourt Wrote: Nice - It would be good to do some scenarios.
If we got something to work toward I could even paint some of our figures. We have got a lot of stuff...

Definitely. Really enjoyed the game with Matt the other night, and I like the game system a lot. I think Chris has a lot of figures too so hopefully we can get something going.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Yes I have LOADS of Lotr stuff, some of it even painted like a full Uruk hai force led by Saruman and a dwarf warband. Up for some games sometime as I am a massive Tolkien fan and think the minis are really nice. I'm sure I remember seeing a simple Lotr campaign in a white dwarf years ago....if there are four of us interested in this it might be good?
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
(15-02-2016, 08:08 PM)jaqenhgar Wrote: ....if there are four of us interested in this it might be good?

That would be great!
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Cool. I have some white dwarves with scenarios...
History is written by the victors - Sir Winston Churchill
Just bought a Nazgul on Fell Beast.

I hope it's house-trained.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Right, time to step away from Ebay for the day.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
First batch of Ebay stuf arrived today...


Full Hobbit rulebook, some Uruk Hai, and a few issues of BGiME. I'd heard good things about the magazines and I'm really impressed with them - some great hobby articles in there.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."

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