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Half completed projects never to be finished.....
Started painting Mr Riptide, still loads to do on him though-

Attached Files Image(s)
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Going to try and get the above finished off ASAP as i have a couple of Resin surprises on the way for my Tau......
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
After having a little play with my Airbrush, i did a little more on mr Riptide-

Attached Files Image(s)
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
While having a look at some infinity terrain, spotted this on microarts website which i am tempted by-
[Image: T00065_RTerrain_TauCeti-Fortifications_S...40x180.jpg]
Costs around £22

Made me remember this-
[Image: image-280856-full.jpg?1372197536]
[Image: image-280857-full.jpg?1372197550]

I think i remember the chapter house studio one being more around £30 including postage, but it comes with the guns.....

Tempted to get one of them but can't decide which (won't be till after payday anyhow)...

Prefer the look of the first, think it looks more Tau like. Tempted to get a couple of the bases and re-base all my models as well-
[Image: B04221_TauCeti_Round25mm.jpg.thumb_240x180.jpg]
[Image: B04222_TauCeti_Round40mm.jpg.thumb_240x180.jpg]
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Just had confirmation that my tau stuff is on the way, heres a preview in images of what i am expecting-
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQNgA_MeDfZgX4foc15f5t...udZ0kF7ezk] Proxy Tau comms relay
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpgCoGBrttpG0LcVJH8BL...0Llmg4UgQV]
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS7bW2EHZhG42ZjAqVU8dg...-kClZV-CcW] x 2
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwkuPFGxrwBqhu2SJijb9...LkEIFadWnQ]
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I love the forge world battlesuits!
Should see the price i got them for! Wink

Want some XV9's next         And this guy    
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
That drone is massive. Nice pictures of painting too :O)
(13-09-2013, 02:10 PM)GoNecrons Wrote: That drone is massive. Nice pictures of painting too :O)
Cheers Rob!

Hoping i can drop a pic of an airbrushed tank tomorrow if my Vallejo air has finally arrived, as plan to do some airbrushing tonight! Big Grin

Want to try and do some OSL effects off the vents.

That is a remora Stealth drone, comes with TL long barreled burst cannon, markerlight and two seeker missiles. Counts as a flyer with stealth if i recall correctly. Want it as a nice little harassment unit, only downside is they are only BS2.

The Barracuda is the badass, ion cannon, TL missile pod and burst cannons that ignore cover all for less than a Ionhead. Also has evade (+1 to its Jink). Tasty.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I have the xv9 on the right! Got it just to paint cus it's badass! Lol the remoras play really well to for their cost. Matt had a few in his army n they were well annoying lol

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