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40k Club Elimination tournament - Semi Final Draw Page15
Cant see the draw? Anyway my fluffy Nids are most offended by this suggestion that they are hard! They are all in touch with their feminine side!

Anyway, I am not here next week but available Tuesday 13th. OK now does anyone know a good supplier of brain leech worms? Running a bit low!
(30-10-2012, 04:03 PM)The Count Wrote: Cant see the draw? Anyway my fluffy Nids are most offended by this suggestion that they are hard! They are all in touch with their feminine side!

Anyway, I am not here next week but available Tuesday 13th. OK now does anyone know a good supplier of brain leech worms? Running a bit low!

hey mate,

just waiting for 1 last game to be played before the draw for round2 goes up, so thats either tonight or tomorrow morning sometime mate.

I hear tesco can sort you out in regards to your 'problem'... Big Grin

Round2 Draw is up on page9

A rematch of tonight? Iiiiiiiiinteresting Smile
my list then
farseer - singing spear, runes of witnessing,spirit stone, doom, guide =133
2 warlocks 1 with embolden =55
the avatar of kaine=155
8 howling banshees-exach with mirrior swords and acrobatics=155
10guaridans-brightlance warlock ,embolden=140
10guaridans-brightlance warlock,embolden=140
10guaridans-brightlance warlock, embolden, spirtseer=146
5swooping hawks=105
1wraithlord-brightlance wraithsword=140
aegis defence line-icarus lascannon=85
total 1749 of ulthwe fun
thats a total of 43 points of change (runes of warding15+warlock25+singingspear+3) for 46 points in (4emboldens spritseer spirtstone)
(31-10-2012, 12:29 AM)Nick1988 Wrote: A rematch of tonight? Iiiiiiiiinteresting Smile

Yeah mate!

When shall we play?

(30-10-2012, 04:03 PM)The Count Wrote: Cant see the draw? Anyway my fluffy Nids are most offended by this suggestion that they are hard! They are all in touch with their feminine side!

Anyway, I am not here next week but available Tuesday 13th. OK now does anyone know a good supplier of brain leech worms? Running a bit low!

Looks like its you and I then, Tuesday 13th good for you then?
Dropfleet Commander: UCM
Dropzone Commander: UCM
Star Wars X-Wing: Rebel Alliance
Magic the Gathering
LotR SBG: High Elves
Warhammer 40,000 7th ed.: Astra Militarum & Eldar
Halo Fleet Battles: Covenant
BFG: Imperial Navy & Eldar Corsairs
Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed.: Warriors of Chaos

Element Games referral code JAS173.
my list then
farseer - singing spear, runes of witnessing,doom, guide =113
3 warlocks 1 with embolden =80
the avatar of kaine=155
8 howling banshees-exach with mirrior swords and acrobatics=155
10guaridans-brightlance warlock ,embolden=140
10guaridans-brightlance warlock,embolden=140
10guaridans-brightlance warlock, embolden, =140
5swooping hawks=105
1wraithlord-brightlance wraithsword=140
aegis defence line-icarus lascannon=85
total 1748 of ulthwe fun
thats a total of 18 points of change (runes of warding15+singingspear+3) for 20 points in (4emboldens)
redone since the frist edit was illegal opps cheers rob (must renember why there is 3 warlocks in the frist place
Here's my revised list:

Belial, Master of the Deathwing - thunder hammer & storm shield = 130
Deathwing Squad 1 - apothecary, banner, cyclone missile launcher, 5 thunder hammer & storm shield = 290
Deathwing Squad 2 - cyclone missile launcher, 5 thunder hammer & storm shield = 235
Deathwing Squad 3 - cyclone missile launcher, 5 thunder hammer & storm shield = 235
Deathwing Squad 4 - cyclone missile launcher, 2 thunder hammer & storm shield, 2 storm bolter & power fist, 1 stormbolter & chainfist = 240
Deathwing Squad 5 - cyclone missile launcher, 2 thunder hammer & storm shield, 2 storm bolter & power fist, 1 stormbolter & chainfist = 240
Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 3 bikes, 2 meltaguns, serge with meltabombs, attack bike with multi-melta = 195
Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 3 bikes, 2 flamers, serge with meltabombs, attack bike with multi-melta = 185

total = 1750pts

Just a 30pt swap. I've dropped the assault cannon and powerfist (-30pts) for a cyclone missile launcher,thunder hammer and storm shield in squad 1 (+20pts) and didn't have anything better to buy so just went for a couple of chainfists in squads 4 and 5 (+10pts)
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Round2 List of lists:

Robs (Embolden)

Rune Priest - Jaws, Storm Caller, Psyker Level2, Wolf Tail Talisman, Force Axe – 155
Rune Priest - Jaws, Tempest’s Wrath, Psyker Level2. Force Axe – 150
Primaris Psyker – Force Axe – 70
Lone Wolf - Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Shield – 85
Lone Wolf - Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Shield – 85
2 Wolf Guard - 2 Terminator Armour,2 Power Fists - 86
Infantry Platoon:
Platoon Command – 30
Platoon Squad - Autocannon, Power Axe – 70
Platoon Squad - Autocannon, Power Axe – 70
Platoon Squad - Autocannon, Power Axe – 70
Platoon Squad - Autocannon, Power Axe – 70
Platoon Squad - Autocannon, Commissar – 95
10 Grey Hunters - 2 Plasmaguns, Standard – 180
10 Grey Hunters - 2 Plasmaguns, Standard – 180
10 Grey Hunters - 2 Meltaguns – 160
5 Grey Hunters - Flamer – 75
5 Long Fangs - 4 Missiles – 115
Total: 1746pts

Alan (sprogmcjob)

farseer - singing spear, runes of witnessing,doom, guide =113
3 warlocks 1 with embolden =80
the avatar of kaine=155
8 howling banshees-exach with mirrior swords and acrobatics=155
10guaridans-brightlance warlock ,embolden=140
10guaridans-brightlance warlock,embolden=140
10guaridans-brightlance warlock, embolden, =140
5swooping hawks=105
1wraithlord-brightlance wraithsword=140
aegis defence line-icarus lascannon=85
total 1748 of ulthwe fun

Chris's ( jaqenhgar )

Belial, Master of the Deathwing - thunder hammer & storm shield = 130
Deathwing Squad 1 - apothecary, banner, cyclone missile launcher, 5 thunder hammer & storm shield = 290
Deathwing Squad 2 - cyclone missile launcher, 5 thunder hammer & storm shield = 235
Deathwing Squad 3 - cyclone missile launcher, 5 thunder hammer & storm shield = 235
Deathwing Squad 4 - cyclone missile launcher, 2 thunder hammer & storm shield, 2 storm bolter & power fist, 1 stormbolter & chainfist = 240
Deathwing Squad 5 - cyclone missile launcher, 2 thunder hammer & storm shield, 2 storm bolter & power fist, 1 stormbolter & chainfist = 240
Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 3 bikes, 2 meltaguns, serge with meltabombs, attack bike with multi-melta = 195
Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 3 bikes, 2 flamers, serge with meltabombs, attack bike with multi-melta = 185

total = 1750pts

Rob (GoNecrons)

2 Harbringers of Storm
Harbringer of Eternity with Cronometron
8 Immortals
7 Warriors
7 Warriors
5 Warriors Dedicated Night Scythe
5 Warriors Dedicated Night Scythe
6 Wraiths 1 Pistol
6 Wraiths 1 Pistol
2 An.Barges
Doom Scythe
Pts 1748

Matt (The Count)

2 x Flying Hive Tyrants with 2 x t/l b/l worm devourers, old adversary. One Hive Commander
2 x Tervigons with 2 x powers and adrenal glands. Not quite sure if anything else paid for.
2 x 20 Termies with devourers in mycetic spores
Death Leaper
Doom in Spore

JJ (jjakaalbinoboy)

Company Command Squad, Colour Sergeant Kell Lord Castellan Creed (Warlord)
Company Command Squad (Meltagun x4)
1 Chimera (Heavy Flamer)
7 Veteran Squad (Vox Caster; Plasma gun x3, Autocannon)
7 Veteran Squad (Vox Caster; Plasma gun x3, Autocannon)
7 Veteran Squad (Vox Caster; Plasma gun x3, Autocannon)
7 Veteran Squad (Vox Caster; Plasma gun x3, Autocannon)
7 Veteran Squad (Vox Caster; Plasma gun x3, Autocannon)
9 Veteran Squad(Vox Caster; Meltagun x3)
1 Vendetta Gunship
1 Manticore Rocket Launcher (Camo Netting)
1 Hydra Flak Tank (Camo Netting)
1 Hydra Flak Tank (Camo Netting)
1 Aegis Defence Lines (Icarus Lascannon)

Tom (big necron)
Nemesor zahdrekh………………………………….. 185 pts
Vargard obyron………………………………………… 160 pts
Necron lord……………………………………………… 90pts
With resurrection orb, mind shackle scrabs, warscythe,
15x Necron warriors ……………………………... 195 pts
10x Immortals………………………………………… 170 pts
catacomb command bardge……………………. 80 pts
Doom scythe……………………………………………. 175 pts
Necron monolith……………………………………. 200 pts
6x Canoptek wraiths…………………………………. 270 pts
all with whip coils
3x Tomb blades…………………………………………….. 105 pts
all with nebuloscopes, shield vent, gauss blaster
7x Scarbs……………………………………………………. 105 pts
TOTAL………………………………………………………..1750 pts

Nick (Nick1988)
Gm mordrak
6 paladins 2 incinerators, 2 halberds, 2 swords, 1 falchions, 1 hammer, psybolt ammunition
5 terminators, psycannon
5 terminators, psycannon
Interceptor squad (5), incinerator
Purgation squad (5), 4 psycannons,
Dreadnought, 2 TL autocannons, psybolt ammunition
Nemesis dreadknight, heavy psycannon, heavy interceptor, nemesis daemon hammer


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