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Fantasy Release rumours
Was speaking to Justin last night and said i would post latest Warriors of Chaos rumours here for him. Decided to go better and put all the latest rumours here-
It is worth noting Harry has a uncanny knack for getting the releases spot on, though please bear in mind they are just rumours.


Harry wrote:
In an effort to pull together what few rumours we have …
I have started threads for each of the armies rumoured to be somewhere in the pipeline.
I will do my best to keep the first posts updated as more rumours appear in these threads.
I have tried to remember as much as I can of what has been posted so far but I will have missed or forgotten some of it ... so, any rumours that have been posted please just remind me ‘who’ said ‘what’ and I will update this first post.


Harry wrote:
Release date: Unknown
Rumours of release following Wood Elves Early to mid 2013 release. (Scoopdeta)
(Making Bret’s mid to late 2013)
Rumours that one of three Warhammer books being done (and nearly finished) is Bret’s / been in development "active playtesting" since 2010.
"I have heard nothing about Bretonninas". (Harry and Hastings)

Author: Unknown.

Rules: Unknown.
Trebuchet flaming ammunition would create an area of dangerous terrain. (Antipathy)
Battle Pilgrims are being removed, in favour of the reliquae acting as a potential battle standard bearer and allowing men at arms to take swords and shields, as opposed to spears/halberd limitations. (Antipathy)
They are toying with removal of lance formation and replacing that with monstrous cavalry rules for breton warhorses. (Antipathy)

Models: Unknown.
6 man knight kit that can make either Questing or Grail knights.(GCSmith over at BoLS)
Plastic trebuchet kit that makes either standard trebuchet or a fireball throwing catapult.(GCSmith over at BoLS)
The fireball throwing trebuchet, being a dual plastic kit, one being a trebuchet and another being developed as launching some form of wine barrel as an explosive, as per a mangonel similar to as seen in medieval 2 total war games. (Antipathy)
I also remember hearing something about the barrel idea. (Harry)
The reliquae is a dual kit, becoming more like a screaming bell. The dual part nature of the kit is hazy, but possibilities I have heard from range from a large standard (similar to carroccio standard from medieval 2 total war, to a more 'crazy' design relating to a damsel in distress, where a damsel is held in tribute to some passing monster, causing the bretons to rage when said damsel in distress gets eaten alive by a hungry wyvern.(Antipathy)
There is also slated a plastic lord kit suitable for king leon. (GCSmith over at BoLS)
Hippogryph with parts to represent louen as well as an unarmoured, uncaparisoned, unmounted version to represent a storm of magic version. (Antipathy)
Dual plastic kit for royal pegasus/unicorn prophetess/paladin/faye enchantress.(Antipathy)
A foot knight hero is to be available to represent a duke of montfort, along with his dismounted knights.(Antipathy)
New Repanse de Lyonesse mini. (Eldargal) (She is 100% certain on this and says she will do a lap of the carpark naked if she is wrong)


Daemons of Chaos:

Harry wrote:
Release Date: Unknown.
However there are rumours that a release of models is coming very soon. (Harry)

There are no rumours of a book at all. Just a wave of models.

Rules: NA
Army book update sheet/leaflet in next months White Dwarf with new rules and updates.

Plastic Plague Bearers. (Erazmus_M_Wattle, manickZe, Harry)
Finecast screamers ... not the old models. New sculpts. (Erazmus_M_Wattle)
Some BIG , gribbly monster type thing. (Not a mammoth. Not a Greater Daemon). Nurgle specific? (Harry)
Flying chariot. (Harry, Erazmus_M_Wattle)
Herald of Slaanesh on chariot been spotted in warehouses.(Silvertounge)
Soulgrinders in fantasy. Massive rectangle base. (Erazmuz_M_Wattle) This must be the big thing on a monster base I heard about. I wasn't expecting a soul grinder ... Nurgle speciific thing was (clearly)my incorrect assumption. (Harry)

This just in from Rixitotal who has read next months White Dwarf:

"So in next months white dwarf there is going to be a leaflet with updates for Codex daemons and daemons in fantasy.
Some changes to old units, flamers are now only S4 in fantasy and some units have had point changes. ect.
Also new units slannesh massive chariot (2D6 +1 impact hits) and other weird chariot thing in 1 kit. the other thing looks and acts kind of like a mobile meat lawnmower. This is in both games and acts like a chariot in 40K.
Soul grinders are coming to fantasy! has T7 6 wounds and a load of upgrades for its shooting. looks pretty mental.
The model (40K kit) in the white dwarf and leaflet was on the same base as the giant goblin spider.
New models for plague bearers (really really nice, some have fly heads)
Screamers (look similar but with lots of eyes),
Flamers (similar)
Nurgalings (looks like a pile of funny little germ monsters you might get in a dish washer advert).

More confirmation of this and some more details from my inbox:

Chariot kit has two builds. One has four daemonettes and a herald called an exalted with a big whip. The other build has the exalted on her own but the chariot is dragging spiked / bladed rollers behind it.

Soul grinders comes on the same base as the Arachnarok spider. Shooting attacks. One attack works like grape shot but can be upgraded. Another works like a stone thrower.

Blue Scribes gets a mini. More Dais than disc.

More confirmation posted by thebitzbarn:

Well it looks Like August new releases are all Daemons.

Plaguebearers (Plastic) 29.00 USD (10 Man box)
Screamers (Plastic) 29.75 USD (3 figures)
Flamers (Plastic) 20.00 USD (3 Figures)
Seekers Chariot of Slaanesh (Plastic) 29.75 USD (1 Model)
Nurglings (Plastic) 25.00 USD (3 figures) They are indeed 3 nurgling piles, not 3 single nurglings
The Blue Scribes (resin) 40.00 USD

Also a relaunch of Old Metal Deamons into Finecast and then on 18th of August a relaunch of Fantasy Beastmen in Finecast

Further Down The road:
All 4 greater Deamons will get plastic kits (with head/weapon options plus wfb/40k specific bits on sprues) and that there will be "resin conversion packs" to make "named greater Deamons". (Hastings) No idea of timescales on this. I am not expecting them to arrive together Or with this wave. (Harry)
Jes Goodwin is rumoured to be doing the Bloodthirster. No timescale for this. (NatTreehouse)

Official Teaer video:

Here a confirmation of the August releases:

This also confirms a single new release for Beastmen: A Great Bray-Shaman (Plastic clampack) plus 4 Finecast recasts for them including the Razorgor

Dark Elves:

Harry wrote:
Release date: Unknown.
Expected in 2013 (Eldargal) (Late 2013)
Expected before WE (Birdy via Darnock)

Author: Unknown.

Rules: Unknown.
There are no rumours about the content of the book.

There is a bunch of stuff in the pipeline for Dark elves. (Harry)
Rumours of Witch Elves, (Eldargal, Hastings)
Executioners (Eldargal)
Black guard (Eldargal)
‘Large plastic critter’ (Eldargal)
and plastic characters. (Eldargal)
Plastic monster, possibly a hydra, not certain its for DE specifically. (Eldargal)
Plastic mounted character, possibly female. (Eldargal)
Dual kit chariot (Eldargal)
Plastic bolt thrower (Eldargal)
But not this much stuff. (Harry)



Harry wrote:
Release date: Unknown.
But there are rumours of a big overhaul. (Harry) I guess when they come depends on how big an overhaul they get. "I anticipate a bigger redo and a longer project"
Not in 2012 (Lord Dan)
2013 has been suggested. (Mirbeau)
Expected before WE (Birdy via Darnock)
Models were being worked on the same time as Empire models,and had boxes being printed at the same time ... back before the Empire release. (Alebelly_Cragfist)

Author: Unknown.
However there is a rumour that the Dwarf book is one of three nearing completion. (meltedwing)

Rules: Unknown.
Squadrons of Gyros are being considered. (Alebelly_Cragfist)
Rumours of new additions to the list:
Latest 'Blackfire Pass' WHFRP supplement specifically mentions 2 new machines available to Engineers - The War Zeppelin and a 'warmachine in the likeness of an ancestor.' Such fluff has to be OK'd by GW HQ, so they're happy for both to be canon, which would suggest that whatever the Dwarfs get, it'll be one if not both of these.... The artwork in numerous recent GW releases picturing both would lend further weight to this rumour.(Alebelly_Cragfist)
Dwarf Lord on throne will not be special character only. (Nocculum)
New special unit ... dwarf contraptions (See below) (Indrazor)

Rumours of a a big plastic, steam driven, wheeled, orc mashing, monsterous contraption in the image of the ancestors.
In the image of the ancestors as per Dwarf illustration.(Don't remember who first pointed this out)
Roumour of a Dwarf statue. (Not sure if it is a Golem or a terrain piece) (Scopey)
On the big Orc mashing kit, it's actually a large plastic re-imagining of the old "dwarf juggernaut" model... with a smashy fist option (as one of three (iirc) options) (Hastings)
Huge Catapault. Plastic stone thrower. (Mirabeau)
People have heard about those robotic contraptions in WoW. Those nice machines the dwarves there build to help them defend and mine. Picture that and place that on a large base in plastic for Warhammer as the new special unit. (Indrazor)
Plastic slayers (Hastings, Eldargal, Lord Dan)
Hammerers and Ironbreakers. (Mirabeau, NatTreehouse,) Not a Dual kit. (Mirabeau)
Rumours of a Gyrocopter.
Rumour about a HUGE Dwarf cannon. (?)

Blackfirepass supplement.
Forgeworld have also confirmed they will be releasing a Zep kit, just not when.
They are also releasing their own Dwarfs in much the same way as their CDs.
Concentrating on named character models.(Alebelly_Cragfist)


High Elves:

Harry wrote:
Release Date: Unknown
The next army to be done after the Warriors of Chaos release.(Harry)
This would make them sometime early next year.(Harry)
High Elves early next year. (Meltedwing).

Author: Unknown.
The book is rumoured to have been started. (Harry)
There is a rumour from Ghorros over at the Herdstone that Adam Troke was asking about what folks wanted from the next High Elves book. Could be nothing. Could be he taking another swing at High Elves. This is a possibility as I heard Adam moved from his job on the web team back to games development about a year ago. I assumed this was Lord of the Rings related but it could just as easily been because High Elves were back on the menu.
There is solid information on who the lead writer might be.

There are no rumours about the content of the book.
Imrik making a return, his inclusion possibly acting like Skrag but for True Dragon Princes. (This ties in with the popularity of the Caledor novels depicting mass dragon combat, the Storm of Magic novella, AND the Graham McNeil 2 part novel.)(Actuality)

New unit in plastic (Harry)
There has been a suggestion that there will be a flying Chariot. (Hastings)
Monsterous Cavalry (Skeith over on BoLS)
The monstrous cavalry are a form of lesser wingless dragon, akin to the demigryph.(Actuality)
Dragon Princes riding some form of true dragon, (possibly limited to a sun dragon) Possibly in sets of three. (Actuality)
This reminds me of a rumour from last time the book was done. There was a rumour of 'Drake riders' being sculpted by Alex Hedstrom. Maybe they missed the boat last time or there was enough great stuff already with the Dragon and Lion chariot that they got shelved.(Harry)
Both High Elves and Wood Elves may get the rumoured Treeman in their updated books. (buzz0783)
A new everqueen sculpt coming possibly riding some kind of 'critter'. No mention of Maiden Guard. (Eldargal)
Plastic kit for archers, spearmen and seaguard all in one box. (Bramgaunt)


Warriors of Chaos:

Harry wrote:
Release Date:
There are rumours that they will come in Q4 This year (Hastings) October (Avian, Eldargal) End October/start November (Harry) December (Darnock/Birdy, MsDarkness) Just in time for Haloween (Scoopdeta)
Some talk around the interwebz that WoC may be delayed.

Author: Unknown.

The Storm of Chaos. They think its all over .... (Harry)
Archaon has been redone and his story will be the backbone of the storyline for the new book. It will look at his re-emergence from the chaos waste and the gathering of another Army to march upon the Empire.
The book will also focus more on several of the larger tribes. Not a huge focus, just some background stories.
We will see a real Germanic feel with the book, in regards to the savage marauding tribes.
There will also be renewed focus on the Chaos Gods and independent heroes for each one of them. People will be able to tailor their Army to run on a single God easier than before. (Birdy via Harry)
Krom is in the book. (MsDarkness)
Van Horstmann in as a special character can use Light and Tzeentch magic. (MsDarkness)
Van Horstmann gets a lot of attention in the new book. (Birdy via Harry)

Plastic chariot/warshrine. (Hastings, Harry, NatTreehouse, Scoopdeta, Darnocks Birdy)
Chaos Warshrine- This will be the big kit for the WoC and will be similar to what was released for the Empire in regards to their altar. It will be a large kit that has options for each of the Chaos Gods. The sculpt will be on the same base size at the war altar. (Birdy via Harry)
New Monsterous cavalry unit. (Harry, Birdy via Harry) Not sure if this is the Dragon Ogres or something else on top of or instead of the dragon ogres.
Don’t be surprised if there is a few monsterous cavalry options. (TheDarkGeneral)
Monsterous options for chariot steeds and warshrine.(Valdaraukar)
Plastic Dragon Ogres. (Hastings, NatTreeHouse, Harry)
New poseable Dragon Ogres similar to the Minotaur sprues!!! YES!!!! Finally options for Xtra Weapons or Great Weapons and larger models that represent what a Dragon Ogre size wise should look like! And lil' bitz for "marked" units!!! (TheDarkGeneral).
A Large plastic kit (that I'll leave as a surprise). (Hastings) (Presumably the Dragon)
Plastic forsaken. (Hastings, NatTreehouse, Harry)
Forsaken and chosen in one combined kit (Kyte)
New plastic Marauders. Completely redone with several weapons choices. (Birdy via Harry)
There are also youngbloods which will be smaller and nearly naked models with throwing knives/axes and such that burst out of the units of marauders. (Birdy via Harry)
Chaos Dragon Kit. (Msdarkness)
Finecast Characters (Hastings)
Throgg Troll king. (Hastings, Darnocks Birdy) Huge and close to artwork in current book (Darnocks Birdy)
Each God will have a modeled character to lead mono army builds. (Birdy via Harry)
Archaon has been remodeled and apparently is amazing, with option of being on foot or mounted.(Birdy via Harry)
Plastic chaos sorcerer (Hastings)
Female witch (Eldargal)
Valkia the bloody (Eldargal)
Egrimm Van Horstmann has been resculpted. He comes mounted on an awesome new dragon sculpt. (Birdy via Harry)


Wood Elves:

Harry wrote:
Release date: Unknown.
There are rumours there was a draft book that got scrapped for not being up to par. They had to do a re-write and they had shifted it over to someone else.(Scoopdeta)
There are rumours of Wood Elves in 2013 Early to mid 2013 (Scoopdeta)
The is a rumour of Wood Elves in March 2013 (Why) UPDATE :Wood elves have been put back in favour of another army. Apparantly the book is finished and ready to go but they decided to rejig the release schedule. (Why)
Wood Elves have been in development "active playtesting" since 2010 (Meltedwing)

Author: Unknown.
Whilst there are rumours the book has been started there are no rumours of who the lead writer might be.

There are rumours of darker and more dangerous Wood Elves based on the content of the currently unreleased Black Library Orion novel. Set for release in September? “I'm assuming that the author (Darius Hinks) spoke with the design studio prior to writing the book about the direction they wanted to take them. The guy on the Black Library stand says Darius has spent ages studying Paganism and other similar religions to get ideas, and he has really played up the darker, more capricious nature of the wood elves. One example he gave was elves cutting out the hearts of other elves to replace them with briar hearts" (Jedi)
Coeddil is in the new book as a special character. (Dudely)

A lot of miniature designs for new woodies already created and approved (scoopdeta)
TreeKin, Treemen and wardancers/warhawks. (Scoopdeta)
A Cavalry unit tha packed some punch but no specifics. (scoopdeta)
There are rumours of a BIG treeman. (Harry and Hastings)
The treeman, however was said to be on the new monster base and about as tall as the Ogre Thundertusk's banner, and that it stylewise is more living brushwood-forest thingy than an actual anthromorphic tree. (Birdy via Darnock)
Both High Elves and Wood Elves may get the Treeman in their updated books. (buzz0783)
Forest Dragon (Strategos)

40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven

Messages In This Thread
Fantasy Release rumours - by manrogue - 25-07-2012, 10:22 AM
RE: Fantasy Release rumours - by Stuart - 25-07-2012, 10:52 AM
RE: Fantasy Release rumours - by jaqenhgar - 25-07-2012, 11:53 AM
RE: Fantasy Release rumours - by manrogue - 25-07-2012, 01:35 PM
RE: Fantasy Release rumours - by Gareth - 25-07-2012, 06:03 PM

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