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Possible Sisters Vs Rubrics late year campaign book/box
This would make me (and I imagine loooaaads of others) super happy. Especially if both get some updated rules.
40K - Tyranids (4500 Points) & Chaos - The Purge and the Brazen Host (8500 Points)
30K - Death Guard (2000ish Points), Sons of Horus (175 Points because Loken) + World Eaters, soon.
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"Only a fool takes Khârn for a mindless brute or rabid dog. Under that blood-soaked helm lurks an intelligence and cunning that makes him a masterful killer - trust me when I say that there is a dark purpose in his madness."

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RE: Possible Sisters Vs Rubrics late year campaign book/box - by Dedwoods42 - 12-02-2015, 06:55 PM

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