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Will's Imperial Navy Fleet [Campaign]
Game 4 Vs JJ

was a 1500pt battle in the system of Mezoa.

We rolled exterminatus for the game type which was bad for JJ as he didn't really want to kill the forge world he was trying to take, but we played it anyway.


Gabirals hammer - apocalypse battleship
Auroras ghost - Mars class battlecruiser
Aries - dominator cruiser
The Poison Orchid - Dominator cruiser
Admiral Hood - Dictator cruiser
Firestarters - 4 Firestorm frigates
Widowmakers - 2 cobra destroyers

1 space station (that's no Moon!)


Eiroanth Khaba - Void Stalker Class Battlership
Bright Claw - Shadow Class Cruiser
Black Star - Shadow Class Cruiser
Child of Khaine - Shadow Class Cruiser
Dark Star - Solaris Class Light Cruiser
Void Serpent - Solaris Class Light Cruiser
Foxtrot Squadron - 4 Nightshade Class Destroyers
Alpha Squadron - 1 Hellebore Class Frigate

my battle plan was simple, stay stationary in the gravity well of the planet and use Nova cannons until he got into weapon battery range then try and keep him away from the planet without getting lured away from the planet myself, the sunward edge ended up being behind the planet so JJ's ships would be moving at only(!) 20cm a turn while he closed the distance.

The plan worked, aided quite a lot by me rolling 5 hits out of eight in the first two turns and two of the misses ending up on JJ's ships anyway. The rest of the game my rolls to hit where more average. unfortunately JJ only failed holofield saves for two 1 hit partials and one full hit for which I rolled a one for the number of hits, but two of those went critical one of which caused a hull breach. which crippled a cruiser.

I was stupid with my Dictator and brought in on behind his fleet forgetting that elder can just about turn. So it died fighting his entire fleet. Not before taking out a cruiser and crippling the battleship. Once he had killed the dictator JJ flew his exterminatus ship off the board and ended the game with a victory for me.

renown results

+3 subplot
+5 Victory points (416)
+2 Won battle
+1 Captured a hulk
-1 lost a capital ship
total +10

0 Subplot
+3 Victory points (220)
-1 Lost battle
-1 Lost capital ship
+1 fought a fleet with higher points and lost
+1 fought a commander with higher remown and lost
Total + 3

I got crew experience on the poison orchid, Gabriel's hammer, the fire starters, and the widowmakers. Garials hammer took the +1 Ld as did the firestarters, The poison orchid got disciplined crew, and the widowmakers got expert gunners.

I decided to try and roll on the space marine table twice but only managed to get one roll, so my admiral now has a company of space marines guarding him.

Messages In This Thread
Will's Imperial Navy Fleet [Campaign] - by will - 12-09-2013, 06:41 PM
RE: Will's Imperial Navy Fleet [Campaign] - by will - 17-11-2013, 01:18 PM

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