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Warhammer fantasy
The hot sun beat down on Gilberts face, as his body seemed to cook in his armour.What he had done to offend his Grace so much to deserve command in such a barren land , only the Lady knew. He looked once again across the desert plain at the clouds of dust thrown up by the manouvering enemy. This was supposed to be a mission to convert the heathens in this land, but no one had told the locals.
Gilbert glanced down at his younger brother Pierre, " why don't you ride a bloody horse?"
Pierre , in full armour didn't move , " You know i don't trust them, your transportation shouldn't think"
" Yes but you're a knight brother , a horse is normality"
" I'm a Knight of the people, they expect it" and with that he spun round raising both arms , to be met with lound cheers form the ranks of peasant bowmen assembled behind them.

a rider approached them, " Time my Lord"
" Very well, good luck Pierre, see you after"
" stuff your luck, I have the Lady, my hammer and the people!" This was met with another rousing cheer
The regiments of Knights moved out and the Bowmen strung their bows. Gilbert joined the front rank of the famed Grail Knights, nodding to Claude, holding the Battle standard.
" Ready Madame" he called not turning round.
" oh do get on with it you insufferable little man2, came the female reply. The Sorceress was forced on him before they sailed, and she had been as aghast as he had.
Figures started to appear out of the sandy haze ahead. Gilbert could make out figures twice the size of a man, a stone thrower on a hill, war chariots, a small unit of cavalry , and then a large figure loomed forward, easily thrice his height, even when mounted.
The air tasted burnt on his tongue, and he turned to his right to see the large unit of Knights seem to crackle with energy, magic was being used.
The sorceress was busy waving her arms and muttering dispels, when a large stone landed amongst them crushing young francis and his mount.
The knights moved forward when suddenly the sorceress gave out a shriek, falling from her horse, her head charred, semingly from inside.
The charge sounded, the call ringing from all four units of knights, the silence retreating before the sound of metal, flesh and bone impacting at speed.
On the left flank a small unit of knights charged into a unit of mounted skeleton archers, shattering them before their lances.
Three enemy units converged on the grail knights, and ordering them forward to charge the big monsters infront, Gilbert charged right and slammed into the bone giant that towered above him.
The large unit of knights slammed into the tomb Kings unit before being flanked by a large unit of skeletons. The small unit on the right flank slammed straight into the skeleton archers.
the archers now switched targets, so as not to hit the knights. the war machines on the left proved evasive, but the giant scorpion in the middle looked like a pin cushion.
This is the moment, thought Gilbert as he dodged a giant weapon, when things could get very messy. the Giant sliced across his legs, the pain, bringing his mind back to the fight. gilber spurred his horse and closed, slicing upwards, smaching through rotting flesh and bone, until the Giant dropped down, motionless.
Gilbert raised his visor and took stock of the Battle.
The left flank Knights had been charged by the chariots and were coming off worse, The grail knight were wearing the tomb guards down, but many holes appeared in the mounted ranks. Gilbert glanced to the right, where the Knights were surrounded , the tomb king swinging his large weapon to great effect. Behind him, he could just make out his brother, seemingly dancing with another giant scorpion, surrounded by the bodies of a unit of archers.
making a decision, Gilbert spurred on his mount and charged the tomb kings flank. the tomb king, enraged, screamed out a challenge. Gilbert raised his hammer in acceptance.
already hot and tired, Gilbert swung his hammer, chipped bone, as the tomb king screamed, his cut through the horses ear , bridle and gilbers already painful leg.
The horse panicked and bolted.
Using all his remaining strength Gilberr reined in , and calmed her down.
He turned back to the tomb king, expecting the finishing blow. But the enemy General met his gaze and gave just the slightest of nods.
Horns blared out from their ranks, as the combatants pulled apart.
Gilbert searched out his own bugler, " Sound the withdrawal"
" My Lord?"
" You heard me Renee, seems we live to fight another day"
As he rode to the rear of the battle field, he came upon his brother, coverd in blood and gore
" Yours Pierre?" he inquired.
" Scorpion, came up underneath the archers"
" Unfortunate"
"Yeah for the Scorpion, so whats the damage?"
" oh the archers, half our knights and mystic meg"
" Not all bad news then, never did trust that woman, hate magic more than horses"
" Yes but next time we might just need her"
" There will be a next time?"
" Oh yes Brother, you can count on it. now back to camp, i have a dispatch to write"

Flames of War- Irish Guards    Bloodbowl- Orcs, Humans
Cutlass- Teddy Bear Pirates     Warhammer- Bretonnia, Ogres
6mm WW2- XXX Corps            28mm WW2- Rules of Engagement, Bolt Action, Chain of Command
28mm Zulu War- Still painting !!  SAGA Normans, Saracens
Bolt Action - German and British Infantry
Malifaux - Gremlins
Guildball - Butchers,Hunters, Farmers

Messages In This Thread
Warhammer fantasy - by Noisysteve - 30-09-2011, 11:02 PM
RE: Warhammer fantasy - by Agincourt - 04-10-2011, 07:04 PM
RE: Warhammer fantasy - by Noisysteve - 29-02-2012, 05:15 PM
RE: Warhammer fantasy - by Noisysteve - 10-04-2013, 03:18 PM
RE: Warhammer fantasy - by Noisysteve - 26-07-2013, 09:10 PM
RE: Warhammer fantasy - by Gareth - 26-07-2013, 09:39 PM
RE: Warhammer fantasy - by Noisysteve - 27-07-2013, 10:19 AM
RE: Warhammer fantasy - by Gareth - 27-07-2013, 08:56 PM
RE: Warhammer fantasy - by Noisysteve - 28-07-2013, 08:05 AM
RE: Warhammer fantasy - by Gareth - 28-07-2013, 08:48 AM
RE: Warhammer fantasy - by Gareth - 28-07-2013, 09:44 PM
RE: Warhammer fantasy - by Noisysteve - 23-01-2014, 10:24 PM

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