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Ice Breaker - Malifaux Tournament 12/2/12
So with the tournament being held approximately 3 hours drive away, in Harrogate, and the event being planned to run from 9am until 4.30pm, I have booked myself into a small B&B for the Saturday night. Coupled with a 5am until 12pm Saturday shift at work, the Friday before the event is being used, for most of my preparation.

As a Wargaming event, the first thing I need to make sure I have ready, will be my Wargaming needs. So on the Thursday evening I compiled a list of what I will need to take.
This list will be like this
  • Check all my stat cards, are laminated and clean, for any models I will use.
  • Check all models are in my bag
  • Check I have both my Mini-rules manuals, and Twisting Fates in my bag.
  • Make sure I have TWO tape measures (I may loose one at the event and having a spare will deal with that issue
  • Make sure I have TWO tubs of gems for use as Soulstones.
  • Check I have TWO Fatedecks, and all cards are there, and free from excessive wear, that could count as marking.
  • Make sure I have any Markers that I will need to use throughout the tournament. This will include Corpse and Scrap counters, anything that I will use as a spell marker, and finally anything that I will use in Strategy and Schemes, over the weekend.
  • Finally check I have my Dry-erase markers, and that they are still functional.

This is quite an extensive list, and most of it will not be an issue, but by checking everything over, I can load my Malifaux bag, and anything else safely into the car, knowing that at the event I am ready.

However before I can do this, there are a few other things I need to finalise. The tournament will include a random 4 of the following 5 shared strategies. Claim Jump, Destroy the Evidence, Reconnoiter, Slaughter and Treasure Hunt. 3 of these will use markers as part of their rules, so I need to make these. I Currently have 5 T.N.T. barrel markers, which I made for Line in the Sand, which will be used should Destroy the Evidence show up. Luke made me some banners, and Friday I will need to paint one up for use in Claim Jump. I am also creating a Treasure marker, for treasure hunt.
Also the event does not have a fully painted requirement, but everything needs to be fully assembled, and glued to its base. As I paint my models and then base, anything else I want to use this weekend, that is not already complete, needs painting. This is ultimately my Rasputina Avatar, that tonight will get based. Once these things are done, I can then pack everything away and place it in the car.

The final task that I need to do, is to make sure all my kitbag, and entertainment for Saturday evening is loaded up too, such as a book to read, and my paints, so I can sit in the room, working on some other models.
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RE: Ice Breaker - Malifaux Tournament 12/2/12 - by Gareth - 10-02-2012, 05:01 PM

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