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my two cents on improveing at 40k
well this thread getting bigger lol
yeah really good points the games great that in most instances the game isnt really decied on lists but it does help and is the frist step hence why i began there

im gonna start by talking about the battle last tuesday between me and an ork player (sorry ive forgotten ur name really bad i know) the objective was kill points he had 2 massive mobs of orks a battle wagon with nobs in it a defkopta unit a nob squard walking and garzskull thrakka i had 3 guardian squards (cheap) 2 small units of rangers a unit of darkreapers a avartar and warithlord a falcon with farseer and swooping hawks i deployed frist and went for a rather standard deployment of cheap units on the sides my bigger nasty stuff in centre (behind cover) he deploy his entire side on his right
to sum the battle up he move across the bord and wipe out 2 squards of gaudians oposeing them and he took out an avatar that was holding 30ardboys (i think) in the centre. i wiped out anything bar gazskull why cause he chosen to do a refuse flank with his close combate army while my longrange shooty army was happy to spread out shoot him and sacrifice my cheap units

why did i write this well to underline that even in killpoint games where u usally just want to kill many things its important to target key things (usally big things in point cost) as they are the things that will amass the most kill points on your side in this instance my falcon and farseer moveing around and giveing rerolls for the army and costing 393 pionts would have even the tables

Messages In This Thread
my two cents on improveing at 40k - by sprogmcjob - 15-10-2011, 11:19 PM
RE: my two cents on improveing at 40k - by Nick - 15-10-2011, 11:35 PM
RE: my two cents on improveing at 40k - by Nick - 15-10-2011, 11:57 PM
RE: my two cents on improveing at 40k - by Nick - 01-02-2012, 07:21 PM
RE: my two cents on improveing at 40k - by Nick - 01-02-2012, 11:48 PM
RE: my two cents on improveing at 40k - by sprogmcjob - 02-02-2012, 01:50 PM
RE: my two cents on improveing at 40k - by Nick - 02-02-2012, 06:40 PM

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