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JJ's Caledonian Revolution 2016 List Ideas
So I've had a bunch of really rather unsuccessful games with my Eldar of a late so I'm pretty confident none of my lists work at this point. Thinking of taking it back to basics and go for volume of fire instead.

Option A:

PLAYER: Jason James



HQ1 : Farseer (100) Skyrunner (15) Singing Spear (5) The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan (15) Warlord [135pts]

Troop 1 : Windriders (51) 1 Skyrunner Warlock (50) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [131pts]
Troop 2 : Windriders (51) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [81pts]

FA1: Crimson Hunter (140) Exarch (20) [160pts]
FA2: Vyper Squadron (40) 2 Additional Vypers (80) 3 Shuriken Cannons (30) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [180pts]
FA3: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) TL Death Spinner (5) [110pts]

HS1: Dark Reapers (75) Exarch (40) 1 Additional Dark Reaper (25) [140pts]
HS2: Falcon Squadron (125) 2 Additional Falcons (250) 3 Shuriken Cannons (30) 3 Scatter Lasers (0) [405pts]
HS3: War Walker Squadron (60) 2 Additional War Walkers (120) 6 Scatter Lasers (0) [180pts]

LoW1: Wraithknight (295) 2 Heavy Wraithcannons (0) 2 Scatter Laser (30) [325pts]

TOTAL [1847pts]

Farseer joins Windriders, Warlock is there to provide some added protection to the jetbikes/farseer.

Option B:

PLAYER: Jason James



HQ1 : Farseer (100) The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan (15) Warlord [115pts]

Troop 1 : Dire Avengers (65) Transport 1 [65pts]
Troop 1 : Dire Avengers (65) Transport 2 [65pts]
Troop 3 : Windriders (51) 2 Additional Windriders (54) 5 Scatter Lasers (30) [135pts]

FA1: Crimson Hunter (140) Exarch (20) [160pts]
FA2: Vyper Squadron (40) 2 Additional Vypers (80) 3 Shuriken Cannons (30) 3 Scatter Lasers (30) [180pts]
FA3: Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) TL Death Spinner (5) [110pts]

HS1: Dark Reapers (75) Exarch (40) 1 Additional Dark Reaper (25) Transport 3 [140pts]
HS2: War Walker Squadron (60) 2 Additional War Walkers (120) 6 Scatter Lasers (0) [180pts]

LoW1: Wraithknight (295) 2 Heavy Wraithcannons (0) 2 Scatter Laser (30) [325pts]

Transport1: Wave Serpent (110) TL Scatter Lasers (5) Shuriken Cannon (10) [125pts]
Transport2: Wave Serpent (110) TL Scatter Lasers (5) Shuriken Cannon (10) [125pts]
Transport3: Wave Serpent (110) TL Scatter Lasers (5) Shuriken Cannon (10) [125pts]

TOTAL [1850pts]

Farseer joins Dark Reapers for some potential Ignores Cover fun (come at my DA!) Plenty of Wave Serpents for volume of shots plus serpent shield that ignores cover too.

Any thoughts? I appreciate these are quite different lists from my previous ones and in truth probably less competitive but I'd rather play with something I feel more comfortable with and enjoy myself.
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Element Games referral code JAS173.

Messages In This Thread
RE: JJ's Caledonian Revolution 2016 List Ideas - by jjakaalbinoboy - 25-06-2016, 04:18 PM

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