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JJ's Caledonian Revolution 2016 List Ideas
After using the Wraithknight at War of the Roses this weekend just gone.

The Wraithknight hugely benefits from Psychic support, Invis/Fortune and Forewarning are all very good powers. I lost it in 2/5 games, game1 vs Warp Spiders and I had no way to help support the Wraithknight, but it did do some damage before going down and game 2 vs Grav, where I had Invis and opponents got super lucky hitting it 9 times out of 12 without prescience... Causing 4 wounds before finishing it off in combat. Again lucky.. I had under 1 stomp, 3 Characters, Apothecary, Warlord and his hit and run... but alas I rolled a 1!

The other 3 games, he was super useful, I was aggressive when I has Psychic Buffs, in the meta, Grav and Shrieks are popular so you have to support the Knight where you can, but you have to be aggressive otherwise it can be ignored.


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RE: JJ's Caledonian Revolution 2016 List Ideas - by Embolden - 23-05-2016, 01:33 PM

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