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JJ's Caledonian Revolution 2016 List Ideas
Personally I think youve got too much in reserve. Over 1000pts! you'll be in trouble if you have a bad reserve roll or your oppenent has a reserve manipulation warlord trait. Have you considered using wave serpents with star engines (the 24' flat out upgrade) instead of the falcons and their deepstriking. It would give you crazy speed, get you to where you need to be turn one and with the pentration hit protection of the serpents gives some good survivabilty. Just an extra idea that you might not have thought of.
I seem to remember dark reapers being really good at AA due to the twin linked vs zooming flyers and swooping FMCs however I'm not sure but is that not a thing for them being in an aspect host? If so then you may need to swap them with something in the aspect host.
Warhammer Fantasy Beastmen, Woodelves; Warhammer 40K Dark Eldar, Blood angels, Tyranids; Battlefleet Gothic Imperial, Dark Eldar; Saga Vikings; Guild ball Masons; Dropzone Commander & Dropfleet PHR, UCM(dropfleet only); Lord of the rings Mordor, Gundabad; Beyond the gates of Antares Ghar Outcast Rebels
Quote:"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like"


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RE: JJ's Caledonian Revolution 2016 List Ideas - by will - 17-05-2016, 12:41 PM

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