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Hi All,

Just thought I'd mention what was happening with the some of the more boring aspects of running the club.

Before going into this in a bit more detail, my main aim is not to worry people too much about the weekly aspects of running the club. Bank accounts, collecting subs, maintaining a membership list etc. I want people to enjoy coming to the club and not be too bothered about the running of it.

Please be assured that all ideas are listened to (and some even acted upon 8¬) ) so whether there is a more formal structure to the club or not, you do have a voice.

Ok, now that's out of the way.

One of the aims of the club was to join the GCN at some point. To do that we need to have in place a committee made up of at least 3 people.

So, we've formed one.

Chairman and Treasurer (me)
-Decides on a date for the AGM.
-Prepares agendas for any meeting.
-Steers the meeting thru the agenda.
-Moves to a vote as required.
-Ensures any actions decided by the committee are carried out.
-Arbitrates on any disputes.
-Represent the club as required.
-Takes the weekly subs.
-Banks the money.
-Reports finances to the committee on a regular basis.
-Arrange for an annual audit (if the committee decide it's necessary).

Vice Chairman and Secretary (Stu)
-As above if chairman isn't present
-First point of contact for new/existing members regarding the club.
-Takes minutes at any meetings (sorry Stu) and distributes them as required.
-Deal with any correspondence sent to the club via post or email.
-To handle publicity and marketing of the club.

General Committee Member (Gareth)
-Assist with implementing any actions decided by the committee.
-Provide input to the committee regarding the running of the club.
-Act as a point of contact for club members.
-Supporting other committee members as required.

Until we get the club finances sorted out and bedded in, I decided to merge the treasurer role with the chairman role. This is just for purposes of convenience. Hopefully in the future this role can be allocated to another committee member.

There is a good chance we'll increase the membership of the committee as the club grows, but this gives us the minimum requirement for GCN.

I'm trying to keep all this as informal as possible, as I'm not a great fan of administration for administrations sake.


Messages In This Thread
Committee - by Simon - 16-09-2011, 12:25 AM

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