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WFB 8th rule queries
A Battle Standard Bearer can be equipped with a Great Weapon or a Weapon that requires two hands. Just imagine he plants it before fighting. However if given a Magical Standard, they lose the ability to take magic weapons.

If equipped with a Great Weapon they gain Always Strikes last, so will then attack at initiative order, as ASF and ASL cancel. Not that if they gain either a second case of either ASF or ASL it does not benefit/hinder them, as the game checks do they have a case of ASF (yes or yes twice,) and do they have a case of ASL (yes or yes twice,) both are yes, they cancel. Also note that if equipped with a Magical Two Handed Weapon, that you do not automatically gain ASL, unless the weapon specifically states that you do. In that case its possible to attack at ASF speed.

Of further note Magical Weapons DO NOT gain benefits from magic banners such as Razor Standard or Flaming Banner. Also having a two handed weapon does not prohibit equipping a shield, but any benefits granted from the shield (+1 Armour, Ward or whatever,) cannot be utilised whilst in combat. Whilst on shields a Magical One Handed weapon cannot be used to parry.

Finally the order of combat (Initiative) is as follows.
  • Always Strikes First - regardless of a models initiative they all strike in this step. Note that having a higher initiative does not grant rerolls against others at this step.
  • Initiative 10 - Either base 10, or ASF and ASL with an I 10
  • Initiative 9 - Either base 9, or ASF and ASL with an I 10
  • Initiative 8 - Either base 8, or ASF and ASL with an I 10
  • Initiative 7 - Either base 7, or ASF and ASL with an I 10
  • Initiative 6 - Either base 6, or ASF and ASL with an I 10
  • Initiative 5 - Either base 5, or ASF and ASL with an I 10
  • Initiative 4 - Either base 4, or ASF and ASL with an I 10
  • Initiative 3 - Either base 3, or ASF and ASL with an I 10
  • Initiative 2 - Either base 2, or ASF and ASL with an I 10
  • Initiative 1 - Either base 1, or ASF and ASL with an I 10
  • Always Strikes Last - Regardless of a models initiative, they all get to strike at this step even if killed first.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
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Blood Bowl - Lizardmen

Messages In This Thread
WFB 8th rule queries - by jaqenhgar - 05-10-2015, 12:34 PM
RE: WFB 8th rule queries - by will - 05-10-2015, 07:24 PM
RE: WFB 8th rule queries - by Gareth - 05-10-2015, 07:54 PM
RE: WFB 8th rule queries - by jaqenhgar - 05-10-2015, 09:12 PM
Night games. One night, no worries - by blinkctbd - 24-05-2024, 07:18 PM

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