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Escalation Narrative campaign ideas
Had a look at crusade of fire and seems ok but we may want to pick and choose what we use.

Basic premise is that a solar system has been cut of for 1000 years by a warp storm which has just receeded, revealing a few of the outer planets. As campaign goes on more of the planets are revealed so new spoils to figt over. (Could be that fleets are scattered by the storm and come in dribs and drabs hence the escalation thing). Three factions - 'Chaos' (Chaos/orks/necrons), Imperium's side (incl. Eldar?) and a 3rd neutral faction who are out to get anyone (tyranids, dark eldar, tau?).

So at the start of the campaign you place 5 flags on the campaign map on a single planet. Can challenge anyone on the same plant as you to a game or anyone on another planet but would have to play a planet strike scenario (I don't own planet strike so don't know what this involves). Can play any no. of games in a campaign turn (1 month?) and each time you win you replace an opponents flag with your own. At the end of a turn everyone places an additional flag in an empty space.

Scoring: count no. of flags you hold on each planet and add that score either to your faction score, or to your personal score. Winner is the highest score from the winning faction.

Also some hexes are space ports/factories/shield gens/power plants which give bonuses if you hold them.

Would need a diff campain map as the one they have is only suitable for about 6-8 players, and we have about 14 but wouldn't be too much work to draw up a bigger one.

What do people think. Quite simple concept which is prob a good thing but if someone has better system then happy to go with whatever.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari

Messages In This Thread
Escalation Narrative campaign ideas - by manrogue - 30-01-2015, 08:17 AM
RE: Escalation Narrative campaign ideas - by jaqenhgar - 30-01-2015, 10:14 AM

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