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Wood elves in May
Now guard are done, wood elves are next-

Here are rumours from faeit212:

Quote: anonymous source on Faeit 212 wrote:Wood Elves are out in May. They get only a two week release - armybook, magic cards and three plastic kits. It is not a total overhaul and their finecast kits - even the cavalry plastic-finecast-kits - stay valid. The only exception is the eternal guard. They are dropped completely. The models can be used as war dancers.

One of the new kits is special because it can be used for several different units. You can build either three hawk riders, which are one hawk and two surfers now, or three giant owl-like monsters called stonefeathers and six waywatchers. On top of that you can build a hero on hawk or on foot.

The second kit is a war dancer combokit. The second unit wears varying animal masks and shields made of pelt on wooden frames. They have animal claws as weapons.

The last kit is tree ancient and meadow hag. The former is a giant-sized tree man with a huge beard made of bark. The latter has a crown of leaves and she has a skirt of roots instead of legs. Her hands grow into a web of thorns.

The rest of the range stays as it is, the finecast kits probably mail order only.

The wood elves have very dynamic poses because almost all their units are skirmishers again and the sculptors didn't have to worry about spacing. Skirmishers work seamlessly with other regiments in 9th edition, so there will be no problem with this play style.

Some Warseer rumours from March:

Quote:antaonix over at Warseer wrote:my korean Local shop manager posted that next fantasy release will be wood elves and they will take 3 boxes that maybe replace some current models, and also there will be one monster kit too. he didn't say anything about plastic characters or exact release date. he just confirmed about GW's second quarter release schedule and i never saw he post a wrong information

Quote: Plebian wrote:I heard that the three elven books were developed at the same time. If this is true, then it is very likely that there will be similarities between them. It makes sense thematically as well, since they are all based on the Elven Military shortly before the Sundering.
Quote: O.G-Palmer wrote:I don't come in here often as to many seem to argue rather than discuss. Anyway a little birdy (well ok not that short in-case she reads this) mentioned Orion and Ariel, and is adamant about a forest dragon and treeman kit.

Most of the current plastic wood elf range will remain the same, no mention of anything being in finecast.

Quote: BTJ wrote:Again, I just wanna say I got an eyeful of a Dragon being worked on at GDUK 2011. This was after the DE dragon's release and CAD, so I'm guessing it could be a WE Dragon that was being worked on.

Quote: SteveW wrote:All I've heard is they're getting a set of lore cards and eternal guard are going to be op.

Quote: TheKingInYellow wrote:Has anyone else heard the rumour about the alternate Treeman build being more like a building than a monster, with platforms in the branches manned by Waywatchers?

edit: Trying to remember where I read it, but it would be immobile, but moveable by Tree Singing, possibly as a bound spell on the 'tower' itself.
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Messages In This Thread
Wood elves in May - by manrogue - 15-04-2014, 10:29 AM
RE: Wood elves in May - by Gareth - 21-04-2014, 11:43 AM
RE: Wood elves in May - by will - 26-04-2014, 01:49 PM
RE: Wood elves in May - by Gareth - 26-04-2014, 05:07 PM
RE: Wood elves in May - by will - 11-05-2014, 04:29 PM
RE: Wood elves in May - by jjakaalbinoboy - 12-05-2014, 10:51 AM

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