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Kill team Campaign sign up and rules
Farseer Alinar stood in his observatory on the 'Isha's Vision', their warhost's void Stalker vessel, in quiet contemplation, runes were spinning all around him and the Eldar in question had a certain, peaceful look as the lights from the runes reflected off the dome and into the stars and inky black of space. The Eldars own light blue eyes stared at a single star, the runes had guided them here, so far from their home territory of Uthwe all for what? Fortunately for him, nobody tended to visit his observatory, which allowed him a certain amount of contemplation.

His engagement with the Tau of this sector was fresh, he'd drawn their attention to this area of space, that much was for certain and despite their hails of 'greater good' and 'alliance' he didn't fully trust them. When he had first faced them on the battlefield, the runes had been... undecided upon them. From Fortune to Horror, the two runes ran around in circles and from the goading of the Farseer's small detachment against them, he saw why. Which is more then can be said for another force sent out by one of his comrades in conjunction with another raider, wiped out by Orks with not a single spirit stone to be found.

As his eyes caught one rune, hovering where a single star was shining through his observatory... the Eldar walked over, his robes flowing as he stared at it before calmly and with some thought as his hand placed against the star and gently communicating with a ranger on the ship, the name appearing with but a single thought 'Thesaca' as he moved away again the runes were cast again three symbols forming in a simple manner about the planet's fate.

Drain, Quick, Doom.

The Farseer stood there for a good while before he finally moved towards a small link to the ship's circuit, his mind reaching out to the psychic imprint of the Autarch and quietly making conversation as Alinar spotted a small little spider, moving across the link... a calm, almost interested smile forming as he did so which only got an emotional wave of... exasperation. The Vessel sleekly changing course as the Farseer returned to stare at the runes to work out their meaning.

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RE: Kill team Campaign sign up and rules - by spacenakora - 26-03-2014, 04:23 PM

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